Mastering Cold Emails with AI: A 3 Step Structure for More Replies

Mastering Cold Emails with AI: A 3 Step Structure for More Replies


1 год назад

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@andreK560 - 08.01.2024 13:07

How is this free? There's so much value in this. Thanks

@thesmallcheval - 15.12.2023 22:58

@apollo do you have a video for how to respond to a no response?

@leon2385 - 13.12.2023 22:02

Great stuff! More of these.

@gashumba888 - 15.09.2023 18:47

Hard to use most of these strategies for home-service businesses or local businesses. This I guess is geared to the enterprise clients.

@RIDDLERIVER185 - 22.08.2023 08:08


@Affiliates-Corners - 13.08.2023 21:09

Wow, excellent video! I will follow you on LinkedIn for sure...I am about to start a sales role for a start-up an I need a platform to get me leads and a sales process going forward and this Apollo seems like just the thing...

@adlan25 - 02.08.2023 22:27

This is called B2B LEAD GEN. WE USE TOFU, MOFU, MQL based on grading and scoring. You take them to each step. Grading and scoring are very important. Once they reach your assigned treshold, then push them to your CRM as good lead while in the CRM sales person has all the lead psychological data. The content obviously is very important, and that is why you use AI.

@OGDeuceDropper - 20.06.2023 22:12

If they say no at step 2? Can I just abandon them? You mentioned it is reasonable to ask about 6 months down the road, but it seems like you were not really pushing that idea?

@jayperalta7104 - 19.06.2023 22:06

Great tutorial. I'm not sure if it was mentioned but if the receiver replied by "no" or "not interested." Is there a way to automate a reply to that with a ready template? Or would that require a manual response?

@ShivamSharma-vv9lw - 16.06.2023 08:15

Thank you so much, your method is extremely awesome. I did notice that even in my past companies, i barely read any emails that are very large in text like paragraphs.. but this particular small email always attract attention. Thanks.

@ethandowie3907 - 10.06.2023 03:52

We need a webinar just on plays and using it effectively
