I Played Nonstop Omen For 1 Month, Here's What I Learned

I Played Nonstop Omen For 1 Month, Here's What I Learned


1 год назад

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@COXVAS - 06.01.2024 21:21

So jij bent 'Nederlands

@kimdemegillo9631 - 29.12.2023 22:17

i like breeze. but someone's gonna hate me :(

@ImHomiesexual - 29.10.2023 23:35

I think this is a pretty common tactic but somehow people don't expect it and I just wanna share so other Omen mains can use it. In split when attacking A site there is this small little place you can hide in the right corner between ramps and heaven before A main and if enemy smokes the entrance to site you can go into the smoke and teleport to this high position where you can hopefully get a few frag. I personally am ass at aiming down and tracking heads from above so if I've noticed a pattern of where they'll smoke, I'll take stinger or spectre or phantom and teleport up there and just spray them down.
It will work maybe 2 times but if you do this on eco rounds and pistol rounds you'll be setting your team with a headstart.

Though, I'm just a bronze 2 who's been playing for maybe a month so what do I know

@user-zz8zz6hi8v - 01.10.2023 19:55

"Stealing Site"
Gets a frag

@everdienderksen2491 - 03.09.2023 03:03

Leuke vid weer ouwe

@moothechicken8904 - 20.08.2023 15:10

The free assist thing is actually big brain. I need to test to make sure it still works.

@dollymix5 - 20.07.2023 01:50

The not using tp aggressively without another skill was a bad advice imo but the smoke for assists was the worst. my god

@killerdroid99 - 28.06.2023 17:59

One thing to notice is that when you tp to a place where enemy kayo is ulting it will sadly cancel your ult

@struiskip3386 - 26.06.2023 01:17


@Morris.1 - 19.06.2023 21:57

Deze man is Nederlands ik ruik het

@ElNydmi - 11.06.2023 15:58

My first ever game as him I just went 25-12 in a heartbreak almost comeback lose

@sanetrayy - 09.06.2023 12:01

this was such a informational and fun video, thanks bruda

@Happyrippl - 04.06.2023 23:13

What you learned- omen is the best agent

@deadline7980 - 02.06.2023 09:07

You can block an omen trying to use alt on spike by standing on the spike

@hokhanh7266 - 02.06.2023 08:55

How r u ascendant? Your smokes placements are terrible tbh your smokes are too far in the enemies can keep off of them.

@Tempest13240 - 18.05.2023 12:11

I'm not the best support with omen but he's a good agent

@jiseishin - 18.05.2023 05:14

This ain’t in the playlist 😢

@jkn111111 - 16.05.2023 23:14

“Don’t teleport into their spawn” proceeds to teleport into their spawn… 🤦🏻‍♂️

@manthansinghrawat6385 - 13.05.2023 06:34

old mr. low lander: i use spectrum classic because it looks good
current mr. low lander: SMITE

@epinator88 - 05.05.2023 22:41

his nearsight makes it harder to hear his tp

@TacoOverlord - 03.05.2023 12:49

As somebody who recently started played some omen, I have been rocking the hell out of split every single time

@KrabbedeiKlimbor - 01.05.2023 03:37

Goed verhaal

@jets5937 - 26.04.2023 13:04

i smell dutch

@distortedfyre7920 - 14.04.2023 10:13

Being able to flex the brain muscles to outplay someone and absolutely break their ankles is the best feeling

@jdubs2163 - 09.04.2023 23:39

Anyone know his crosshair code?

@adi_on_everything - 01.04.2023 13:36

As a Omen Main I have to say, that the fifth way to Ult works many times, bait your spot and tp away when they push, then cancel it at the very last moment and you get free kills. If you plan on dodging a KJ Ult, remember to tp out of the Zone as it will still detain you even in the Ult-form (I learned this the hard way in comp :/ )

@mandziofujfuj1249 - 18.03.2023 19:30

the fact taht i knew all the tips without watching any omen tips means that when u play some champion ur learning it with time

@whiteypants7074 - 14.03.2023 06:30

i love playing omen on pearl. its my best acs over all maps, but never played breeze or bind somehow

@whiteypants7074 - 14.03.2023 06:29

i try to find obscure spots to ult. on ascent, a window: that corner nobody normally goes so its better when you want to rotate or flank. many places get flagged instantly, like spawns and corners of spike sites. i like icebox b garage, on top of the boxes when defending, and on top of the raised crate, as an attack, on the little room at back of b

@user-ss8hy9rc7l - 10.03.2023 00:41

I see all the different tips and tricks of omen, but... i cant aim i-i

@nashaigra8973 - 12.02.2023 13:59

1 more tip guys. On icebox u can tp on tube and immediately towards site. It sounds dumb but sometimes it rlly works for a good flank since neither mid ramp nor kitchen players cant rlly see U and they will only hear 1 TP. Also if u wanna do it dont smoke so enemies will be sure no1 passed through.

@istutteralotlol - 06.02.2023 02:16

This video helped me introduce bob to a lot of people...bob is my knife

@iitzacid5736 - 14.01.2023 01:53

ben je nederlands

@davidstokes9607 - 04.01.2023 04:08

omen is great on bind and ascent but icebox and pearl he's op!

you mentioned some good points but didn't mention the importance of smoking on boxes and fixed wall points to create 1 way smokes or the brilliance of the shrouded steps for sneaky lurk peaks ( for example attacking B side on pearl you can shrouded step from behind the wall to behind B ramp and peak over to 1 tap someone in B hall defenders side etc, or running jump shrouded steps to get deeper into heaven on haven A site, or even the runnning jump shrouded step to fake tp on bind.

Talking of bind I find a great strat for his ult is to tell your teammates not to use the teleporter from A - B and then teleport inside the teleporter that opens into B short and get some nice easy kills.

I've found that Omen is insane atm when you know how to aggresively push, be it on attack or defence on pretty much every map (breeze and fracture still included but harder)

@edindudic9134 - 02.01.2023 01:20

theres another way to use the shroud steps
is being a complete rat and tping behind the enemys (sometimes even knifing them) (i once did that on fracture xD)

@cucumber8089 - 01.01.2023 17:57

I love playing omen, if my aim is off then I can use my gamesense to try and find timings and still help my team with smokes

@milosstevanovic9397 - 29.12.2022 22:18

how to go back whwn am on spike

@galantdxb6554 - 28.12.2022 13:32

BUT THE THING IS I GET REALY BAD TEAMATES :( but thanks for the tips

@BetuBhaiyaAbhi9174 - 19.12.2022 08:25

Use smoke for shotgun strategies

@DogbertiousTheWise - 18.12.2022 12:08

Doomguy approves.

@RuinationG69 - 18.12.2022 05:22

Thank you thank you thank you very very much ☺️

@mabergamer5422 - 15.12.2022 00:02

Hey.... i like Breeze

@abhyudayaadityagaur8915 - 11.12.2022 16:59

ur lobby is easy bro its like they justs wait for a sec and then shoot , here in mumbai servers even in silver rank they shoot the movement u peek and ofcc never miss oprator shots

@hoangduy9802 - 11.12.2022 12:26

Somehow Bind Omen pick rate at vct is 0%, anyone explain?

@kerpjosales1615 - 09.12.2022 19:49

"Try to find that perfect balance"... huh... i wonder why its familiar..

@riddikulus1432 - 09.12.2022 13:44

[Embrace Islam]
Before its too late.
This shows that, life is not party, music, cartoon watching and then Die,
And this shows you see other people or your fav celeb doing this and that but in reality they are lost, they are in so deep darkness,

Because these people and you people Prioritize this Life instead of your Afterlife , you prioritized your desires over your Almighty Creator,
Your prioritize this Duniya / earthy Life 50/60/70 years life over your Eternal Life which is never ending and based on what you do, how you worshiped and whom you worshiped ,

The Peace / the Light itself comes from The Almighty Creator so if you deny the Almighty Creator, if you dont worship, repent, seek forgiveness, show greatfulness
How would you expect that you would lead a Healthy Life?

So, before you do this kind of Crime and went too dark, before your death arrives,

Find your Original Religion that The Almighty Creator sent you with, Islam

Why he sent five times prayers
How he sent the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon you) as a Mercy
How he sent The Final Revelation,. Thr Quraan

In order to secure your Afterlife, to get the Paradise in the eternity
And also be in peace in this Short life, you need Islam on your daily basic and life.

May Allah the Almighty Creator guide you, who are sincere enough to find the truth, seek knowledge about the Afterlife.

@riddikulus1432 - 09.12.2022 13:43

{Choose Islam, Choose Afterlife not this Short life }
Do you know when will you die?
The answer is no,

So dont waste YOUR time, be serious with your life your afterlife i mean.

If you die in Kafir state, As a Disbeliever you are screwed you are entering in the Hell for Eternity,

And you dont wanna have fun, sex, game, drinking alchold, fornicating, and rest bad things and end up in Hell for the eternity,
You dont wanna compare a 60/70 years temporary life with Infinite Eternal Life, right?

So why you dont Worship the Almighty One Creator, how he said to worship him, why dont you follow the Almighty's commandment of Life?
Why dont you Submit you will to the Almighty Creator, and be in Heaven in the Eternal Life.

Dont it make sense to you?

Dont you think why is there death?

Because this life is a Test, nobody gets away with it, no wrong doers gets away with anything, and every little good deeds will give you a chance to earn Almighty's mercy,

But in order to be in haven, you must have The Testimony of Faith,
Which is Believe in God, who is not a man or human or animal or any kind of thing that Human / we can think of.

He is Beyond everything and human imagination.

And you must also believe the Messengers he sent throughout time to guide Humans, ( or else how would you know what to do or what not to do)

Only the Testimony of Faith people will be the people in Heaven.

And no Disbeliever, Kafirs., Non Muslims will be on Heaven, thats forbidden for them, because of The Shirk they do on Earth.

God, The Almighty Creator is One and Only, He is not a Human, not an animal, not a statue, , Dont do Shrik ( Partnering something or someone with the Almighty One Creator, this is called Shirk) , if you do Shrik you be in Hellfire for Eternity,

Dont be a Kafi/ Disbeliever,

The Almighty One Creator / The One God, sent us guidance through Prophets and messengers, These Prophets told you only to Worship One Creator, and this is the Purpose in life,

Prophets like Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Last and Final Prophet Muhammad , Peace be upon all of them,

I Hope and Pray May the Almighty One Creator guide you to the truth and you come to the Original faith and after death secure your place in Haven as a Mumin / Believer.

