What Light Actually Wanted - Death Note

What Light Actually Wanted - Death Note


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SethTheProgrammer - 15.04.2022 08:10


No - 05.10.2023 23:27

I found this because I saw the thumbnail on google images. Don’t ask questions

gray - 21.09.2023 21:20

I guess Epicurus won again

Halo Jumper
Halo Jumper - 11.09.2023 00:57

Light and L are two highly manipulative psychopaths with different loose principles and goals to justify their actions who get depressed when they're bored and would die for a sense of purpose. That's why I didn't feel sad when they both died, they died doing what they enjoy the most, facing death for a sweet addictive adrenaline rush. Light was a vigilante and as the first OP song lyrics imply, has a revolutionary sense of justice which is often chaotic, swift and brutal while L represents the authorities fighting to be the exclusive enforcers of violence. They both strive to be leaders of both opposite sides of the battle and take the challenge very personally. Neither of them care about the material conditions and injustices that cause crime to rise in the first place as Light only once wacked a group of degenerate shareholders of a major corporation as a distraction and wasn't that much focused on combating wage theft or imperialism, only surgically amputating the resulting symptoms of the broader issues which in turn ended wars and lowered crime rates. This was all done with a sense of simple reward and punishment without any nuance and as a bonus so he can justify playing god.

Axitheos - 27.08.2023 06:05

Easy He was a psychopath who wanted to kill with a leader complex if your talking for the beginning he wanted a new fair and balanced world and him to be the god no point for a 20min video sorry

G Kjaerby
G Kjaerby - 16.08.2023 07:41

How does light even know L is a man?

CatCraddle - 25.07.2023 14:32

In the manga the motorcycle guys were harassing a woman, not assaulting her. It still does show Light's inaction, Light does not try to intervene to stop them. Instead Light kills the man.
Also, Light could have just stopped using the Death Note when L announced he was going to hunt for Kira. If Kira just stopped killing, then Light would have never been caught.

jooncohol - 23.07.2023 06:30

This is so random, but in True Crime, for some reason, a lot of the time, the culprit would be someone who had a perfect life till then, (if not, then the victim would be the one with a perfect life).

Justin Snyder
Justin Snyder - 22.07.2023 06:15

Isnt that what episode 2 is about tho? The fact that its lights first ego move. The reasons may all be different, but in the end its just light stroking his ego. It may be silly to say episode 2 is why the show is bad, but i dont see why it cant be the episode of his inevitable loss at the end.
Considering boredom and massive egos seem to be every characters traits lol

lil shi 🖤
lil shi 🖤 - 19.07.2023 04:43

the thing that this anime misrepresents is this concept that some people are good some people are bad, but thats not true at all. everybody has and is evil, its just that its really apparent when someobody lets it rule them and control them wotgout any regard for it. we all commit evil deeds. i think that its the most evil thing to think you are a "good person", thats pride and blinds people into not taking a honest look at themselves. its best to know what you are and try to control it as best you can. only when you admit and see your evilness can you become better.

T.Sizzle - 16.07.2023 00:56

You spitting on this one

TheLoneReni - 07.07.2023 01:47

Wait.... people... didnt know this? They didnt... Im so baffled. Do people seriously just take what characters say at face value????

Titty - 05.07.2023 23:52

He wanted to be a god

Fanart - 04.07.2023 22:10

No wonder God dont give people power bc they going to do stupid sh.t like Light

NotCwaf - 25.06.2023 17:47

Light is Walter white

Vash Desperado
Vash Desperado - 25.06.2023 12:54

I mean the rule that any human who uses the Death Note can neither go to heaven or hell is pretty damn scary.

LLPTG10 - 23.06.2023 15:51

Thanks for this video. I rewatched this show recently and it is brimming with details. As much as people praise this show, I feel like the show is still better than people remember.

mars - 22.06.2023 18:53

his real goal was having sex with L lawliet

J Rose
J Rose - 21.06.2023 09:52

Hey bro, weird question but do you think that "Good Light" could've figured out the Kira case, and if so would he have done a better job or a worse job than L

themurdock619 - 17.06.2023 01:22

Didn't they tell light earlier before that part about light being followed by an investor. I'm pretty sure they told him early on about that. Not the cameras but about the fbi agent following him.

themurdock619 - 17.06.2023 01:12

It wasn't the death note was interesting. It was became it was unbelievable and curious. He felt bad because he honestly didn't think it would work. It was a spur of the moment to test it although not thinking it would work.

Look at it this way many would do something similar. I can see many upright getting mad at someone. There boss, co worker, friend etc. Become so enraged they write there name in the note book (without knowing it's powers are real) then they die. How would you feel terrible because you really wouldn't have wanted them killed.

themurdock619 - 17.06.2023 01:09

I'd think and it shows when he gives up the deathnote. He is a very good and decent person. Wondering if he could even kill others. Once he realizes he has the power it goes to his head and uses this power to kill only criminals. As time goes it goes to his head fast and escalates when the people give him a name and cheer him on. He becomes to feel like a God and then becomes one. When L says he is going to catch him. It's gone to his head far too much and with him feeling like a God. How dare you defy me. If L were to appear before the people cheered and supported him. I think he wouldn't have killed him or atleast tried at the very beginning. What caused it is he felt like a God and how dare you defy me. He would have killed anyone that defied him over time. Not because he was a terrible person but because his mind became so warped with power.

LKMizore112 - 15.06.2023 09:18

Ah Sudo, the school bully from cram school. I wonder if he actually went to the arcade.

Eddie Greenhill
Eddie Greenhill - 11.06.2023 07:09

Was he ever corrupted by the Deathnote? He displays he’d get rid of criminals before having it and just is given the mean?

Adam Dominguez
Adam Dominguez - 11.06.2023 05:43

Great catches

bee - 07.06.2023 19:16

no matter what u say light fucked up in episode 2 BIG TIME 😭 he fucked up in a lot of places bc its a show and it’d be boring otherwise if he didnt mess up ever. but episode 2 was such a huge misstep it makes me giggle whenever anyone goes against that notion. like yes he lost in episode 2. too bad so sad

Smokey Edits
Smokey Edits - 03.06.2023 02:29

maybe i'm just a cringe ass leftist wokie buzzword buzzword, but uh, it seems pretty clear that takuo was about to sexually assault that woman. maybe it's just me but that's about 19 steps past "aggressive picking up"

Csl - 24.05.2023 04:01

I dont think any body was questioning Lights logic. He was clearly depicted and written as a psychopath.

Ruben Red
Ruben Red - 20.05.2023 11:11

is he stupid lol

Black Death
Black Death - 19.05.2023 17:15

Light is a Narcissistic sociopath..

JellyFace2 - 16.05.2023 05:23

Why does Japanese mangakas really like this villains that whant to make the world perfect just like them?

JellyFace2 - 16.05.2023 05:22

Why does Japanese mangakas really like this villains that whant to make the world perfect just like them?

Dakota Carpenter
Dakota Carpenter - 29.04.2023 06:11

light could have just poisoned L or even have one of the task force members do it and then take the fall for being Kira.

Gemini Guy
Gemini Guy - 21.04.2023 20:20

Bro is just practicing his penmanship.

Space Axolotl
Space Axolotl - 18.04.2023 04:12

I think it's notable that When light has no memory he says he'll never use the notebook but we as the audience know that when he actually does get the notebook he would use it. I think that's interesting

Joey - 16.04.2023 20:20

If you can someday make a video of light yagami vs lelouch from code geass

L - 05.04.2023 01:37

Why didn't light just write for all the prisoners to die at a certain time like a year from then when he found out you can manipulate the time they die

Karu Desu
Karu Desu - 26.03.2023 19:01

If lights real motive was to kill bad people he didn’t choose to let those people die on a heart collapse. Its way too obvious

Caldera - 24.03.2023 19:02

Seth describing himself at the ending monologue about light 💀💀

Justin Cooper
Justin Cooper - 23.03.2023 23:05

I understand why people say that Light lost in the second episode, as it's when he killed L's imposter that started the downfall throughout the rest of the series. It's when he chooses his pride over his supposed "mission" that set him up for failure.
Though, you can really only say that AFTER seeing the series come to an end.

jlee479 - 23.03.2023 07:24

Lol you probably should have brought up Raye Penbar too. People say that was another big dumb mistake after killing Lind Tailor but ppl for some reason dont know that light willingly killed him to bring L out into the open. Killing Raye and the fbi agents destroyed the entire police involvement and forced L to meet up with souichiro and his team. Do you honestly think a smart kid in that day and age doesnt know about security cams. He knew he would be a target. But he did it because thats his way of winning the game (killing L). He is just that arrogant.

Sebastien Sadana
Sebastien Sadana - 13.03.2023 04:12

No hand cramps

blueicer101 - 12.03.2023 11:11

The raye penber slip up thing also can be explained by Light being good at deduction, Raye Penber was mentioned beforehand and L says he suspects light and he knows about how all the FBI agents died. It's not a large leap to assume Raye Penber was tailing Light, even if not 100% confident. I also find it funny because the pseudo-intellectual arguments against death note, as this video demonstrates, are theories of a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals, a form of projection. I wholeheartedly agree that they're missing the point that this is a show about characters/people as opposed to just a death notebook vs detectives. The death notebook is simply a novelty, catalyst and plot device for the story of two people having a competitive battle of wits and as human beings making mistakes even though they are intelligent. Like, thinking about it, it's a little silly to think that they'd make a show where a person picks up the notebook and just sits in their room all day writing names. But we know why they like to talk about it, cause they're human after all.

Inc’sOldAccount - 12.03.2023 04:48

This may be a controversial opinion, but I prefer mind wiped light over actually light, Just because you actually get to see light do good and you actually get to see the life he could’ve had if he just never used the death note and I don’t know why, but this fascinates me and in my personal opinion, I feel like death note is a cautionary tale of what happens when you give one too much power.

Also, another reason why I believe I love mind wiped light it’s just because by the time we get mind wiped light, the rivalry that light and L it’s just a boring, and I believe adding mind wiped light really brought out some light(pun not attended) to the show, which was slowly dimming away due to the fact that the narrative was being dragged on to a point that you can realize that the story ending wasn’t really planned that well.

ImaGamerBoi - 04.03.2023 18:50

Can you do a video on what if light did everything as optimal and best as he could and do it without pride and boredom

Zetoria - 02.03.2023 12:05

Just hoped that the seriers would have been longer.

ARS 2K - 01.03.2023 06:18

You tell us Seth why people do them evil things 😭

L P - 26.02.2023 22:24

Let’s be real: to believe that you have the moral authority to decide who is good enough to live or die is already prideful. The moment Light decided to pick up the Death Note was the moment he thought he was a god. No humble person would believe they had the right to judge a human to that extent.
