12 Best Places(Regions) to Live or Retire in Italy

12 Best Places(Regions) to Live or Retire in Italy

Skerry Harry

2 года назад

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Corrado Leoni
Corrado Leoni - 22.09.2023 11:49

In my opinion the best regions to live in or retire are Umbria and Le Marche in Central Italy, off the beaten track. They can offer beautiful countryside, plenty of vineyards and olive groves, quaint villages and beautiful beaches. Urbino, Assisi, Perugia, Ascoli Piceno, Gubbio are peaceful and gorgeous towns. Trentino and Basilicata are also lovely regions in Italy.

Mickey Gezae
Mickey Gezae - 06.09.2023 11:59

Italy is beautiful in General....

Joyce - 22.08.2023 05:25

Thank you 🎉

joe derocco
joe derocco - 18.08.2023 06:41

italy for italians

Ian McGarrigle
Ian McGarrigle - 21.07.2023 17:27

At last. a video provider who points out the difficulties of obtaining the essential permits at the start of the video. Well done sir.

Andrew Branicki
Andrew Branicki - 16.05.2023 19:58

If you want to visit Sicily, especially Catania, we recommend to hold a nife or a gan in your hand in order to defend yourself from aggressive natives. You may lose your health or life as one tourist from Poland, who is now in critical condition in hospital after being attacked in Piazza Stesicoro. If you want to live, stay away from Sicily.

A Clem
A Clem - 10.05.2023 16:52

There have been rumblings of late about making the Italian language the only language spoken and used in Italy period. This makes me think they are getting tired of foreigners and would make me think twice about moving there.

Ian - 07.05.2023 07:30

One thing you learn about a lot of these towns in Italy is that you need to be capable of daily walking up and down hills and mountains. Especially those by the sea or lake. 😊😉

Patti Zielinski
Patti Zielinski - 09.03.2023 21:13

Thanks for the valuable information. I love reading the comments too.

Gautam V
Gautam V - 21.02.2023 10:52

Not for me. I wouldn't be welcome anywhere in Italy.

Fa Sche
Fa Sche - 05.02.2023 12:27

my favorite area in Italy is the South Tirol in the Alps, in particular the Dolomites mountains.

ccamire - 26.01.2023 17:03

Nice to visit, not to live full time. Spain is much better for Canadians. I know we tried both and settled in Spain

Itsme Alex
Itsme Alex - 21.01.2023 01:50

I wouldn't retire in Veneto. The whole region is so sad in winter it's always so humid and foggy. I love Veneto but as a retiree I would like to spend more time in the sun but to each their own I guess

Powder Skier
Powder Skier - 16.01.2023 07:11

And make sure you bring secure safe because the Italians will rip you off dry

Margot Margot
Margot Margot - 06.01.2023 12:33

I'm astonished that Umbria didn't come up in the list.. really abbruzzo beats Umbria? Don't think so ... Also what are the parameters used to compile this list, as Emilia Romagna si certainly very civilized but the weather is terrible, snow, humidity, fog.. Besides, Emilia is one thing and Romagna is something else..

mvp019 - 02.01.2023 20:49

Good overview video - I just wish you hadn't butchered the names of these places as you did.

G - 02.01.2023 00:45

Piemont, really I american newer had to do video about Europa the now not where it is, the don’t write the right name like Piemont and it’s not so expensive. For American all is expensive, because there normal salary are nothing, the rent to high and the education is down. Most Americans don’t now where is Bulgaria, Swiss, French ect, it’s a shame. The most can’t travailling, so please don’t write here so a bullshit if you newer was there and now it…..

Paolo Cassina
Paolo Cassina - 29.12.2022 12:28

I m Italian and everyone knows the best in terms of beauty and services is Trentino Alto Adige the best by far just a bit expensive

gens1sumus - 22.12.2022 21:01

Glad you did not mention Le Marche , cause we have it all , beautiful country side as Umbria and Tuscany , we are also part of the medieval belt as the latter , with beautiful villages dotting the hills , genuine simple food and within ore hour drive you can go from sandy Adriatic beaches to mountain chains of 2.000 meters , affordable cost of living compared to Tuscany and the northern regions and no hordes of tourists . Last but not least we are THE BEST PLACE TO VISIT according to LONELY PLANET .
enough ?
Also not to mention Trentino Alto Adige / South Tyrol in your list is your personal opinion but for me one of the very best .

Tanja Novicic
Tanja Novicic - 21.12.2022 01:30


Roy Heffner
Roy Heffner - 08.12.2022 20:29

The best place to live and(or retire) is in northern Lazio and the rest of the Tuscia area. The best.

D. Klötzchen
D. Klötzchen - 30.11.2022 13:32

I love Sicily ♥️♥️🌞🌞visit in Summer 2022 🌊🏖️ I

Dolly Madeson
Dolly Madeson - 10.11.2022 10:27

Why is Bergamo so very expensive, please??

Dolly Madeson
Dolly Madeson - 10.11.2022 10:22

I am obsessed with Verona!!!

Nadine Falbo
Nadine Falbo - 27.10.2022 05:19

6th l0

Gibs Gab
Gibs Gab - 26.10.2022 20:21

Nice and concise video for those who want to retire in Italy but nothing new than what is already known about these regions. Two years ago I decide to discover Southern Italy and with a campervan I drove far and wide in Puglia and Calabria, the latter region amazed me with many surprises from its history to its landscapes and its sea, plenty of beautiful small towns and villages where to retire and having a good living standard on a small budget and never too far from a train station or airport if for whatever reason you need to travel to Rome, Milan or other Italian destinations.

John Thomas
John Thomas - 10.10.2022 15:06

Italy is such a fantastic place, the weather, the people, the food and relaxed athmosphere. Of the many places I have been in Italy, I was suprised how much I liked the laidback athmosphere of Pisa, although it is usually not praised that much. The whole of Italy and many other European countries like Portugal or France are wonderful places to retire and work from.

L. Montel
L. Montel - 09.10.2022 19:44

You cannot even pronounce the names right.

Phil Travel
Phil Travel - 06.10.2022 18:08

Good to know!

T B - 06.10.2022 07:14

I am 3/4 Ligurian and would love to go back to live where my family came from.

Nico Mueller
Nico Mueller - 14.09.2022 10:24

You have completely overlooked Alto Adige. ☹☹ Merano is such a beautiful place with very pleasant climate.

FabulouslyK10 - 05.09.2022 01:47

I have been to Italy and Sicily many times I just love it! My dream is to have a property there and eventually retire my problem is where in Italy because I love everywhere 😘

Sandra Picton
Sandra Picton - 03.09.2022 17:53

It would have helped if you had shown on a map exacty where the region you are talking about is.

Davide Casassa
Davide Casassa - 30.08.2022 20:36

How hard would it be to perform the minimal research needed to pronounce names of places (regions and cities) correctly? It really grates to listen to "Italglish", especially as it renders nonsense words that don't exist in either language. Otherwise, kudos for the content, which is refreshingly free of the romanticized and cliched stereotypes often promoted about Italy and things Italian..

ikmarchini - 29.08.2022 04:15

For retirees healthcare may be the most important thing. In the north, especially the cities, it is good but varies from region to region. The south is a gamble. My friends from Salerno travel to Milano to see a specialist. I lived in Spoleto, Umbria for two years and healthcare was spotty to begin with and Covid paralyzed it. Florence friends are quite content. After living in Paris it was a big come down.

Frank Fiorentino
Frank Fiorentino - 24.08.2022 11:26

I moved to Torino in the Piemonte region almost 2 years ago. Great city for those that love outdoor activities. The proximity to the Alps and the sea cannot be beat. Best of all, Piemonte is not on the tourist map and has some incredibly beautiful and historic towns and cities.

Trees Matter
Trees Matter - 22.08.2022 20:16


Knowledge Seeker
Knowledge Seeker - 21.08.2022 06:59

Looks incredible! 😍

gabriel ricci
gabriel ricci - 16.08.2022 16:36

You glossed over Abruzzo. Abruzzo is considered Europe's greenest and cleanest area. It also offers the option of being 30 minutes from the sea and skiing. The magnificent grandeur of its multiple national parks are compelling to anyone that enjoys natures beauty. The normal boiler plate of the rest of Italy somewhat also applies here. Housing is available at all price ranges. Lower prices apply to many fine homes. Food and history are a compelling part of the culture here. Oh, one of the best features is it is not overrun by mindless tourists.

sharon howells
sharon howells - 13.08.2022 12:57

Great video, thank you. I've just bought a house in Calabria - sea views to the front and mountains behind. It's a beautiful ( and cheap) region which I heartily recommend.

LeCutter - 10.08.2022 08:50

God almighty, for all its flaws, and there are many, Italy is just such a magical place. I love Venice and Florence beyond all things!

29outlaw - 09.08.2022 02:32

Sure. I'll retire in Venice and pay 20 EUR for a cup of coffee. I'll stick with Naples.

Layla Bono
Layla Bono - 07.08.2022 04:19

When Italy gets under your skin there is not escape. CIAO.

Anonymous007 - 26.07.2022 10:32

I been to corsica as well. Very different and interesting

Zaku Dosu
Zaku Dosu - 24.07.2022 11:49

Italy is very terrible to live. (I'm Italian).

Carlo Sacchelli
Carlo Sacchelli - 19.07.2022 19:21

In Tuscany, the best to live Is LIVORNO ♥️, because Is a beatiful and very important Town, there Is specially a good climate, also a good food( " cacciucco livornese "👍). W LIVORNO e w ITALY, forever.

Rosa Ucci
Rosa Ucci - 12.07.2022 01:14

I love Italy!!!❤️

Stephen Price
Stephen Price - 10.07.2022 20:41

If you want to live on a peninsular land mass that was formed by volcanic tectonic plate venting, creating several super-volcanos as well as the world's mega-super-volcano, that is in the centre of the most active volcanic area on the face of the earth, then go for it.
But when the entire area blows, ( will not be a small localised eruption like before ) then say hello to hell on earth.
(Books of the Prophets describe the entire peninsular sinking below the sea like the other old cities did. )

2Cartalkers - 08.07.2022 18:27

Is Puglia and Molise well connected by train to Rome and other cities?
