Top 10 Encounters That Can Happen In A City in DnD 5E

Top 10 Encounters That Can Happen In A City in DnD 5E


2 года назад

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Xela - 06.09.2023 14:05

You can always do what FF1 did and have a gang of pirates show up

Dimitrij Liubcenco
Dimitrij Liubcenco - 20.01.2023 17:58

Defiantly gonna include some of them in my campaign, thanks a lot!

Elnis888 - 06.10.2022 00:36

Great ideas to spice up play! Thanks 🙂

Morrigan KASA
Morrigan KASA - 30.09.2022 00:41

The only encounters on this list I approve of are: the Fire one, the Thieves one, the Beggar one, the Potion Shop, and maybe the Noble one IF the party/group has someone with Noble background.

shadow jezzter
shadow jezzter - 02.06.2022 00:33

I did something similar to the guard encounter but used a strong npc just following them, not hiding or anything just following. If they reacted first, the guards around the keep would think of them as the aggressors. But if they waited there was the threat of him doing something more dangerous.

VeteranVandal - 03.01.2022 16:21

I, for one, hate guard encounters. The social skills never work because of people in the party not trying to play face. And then, independent of the encounter's result we go to jail. And delay story progress.

SailorIda3 - 24.12.2021 11:58

no reason to flee the city if noone is left alive XD
Or there is no city left ....

BahamutEx - 05.12.2021 15:46

Gust is a bad idea to put out fires.

Leonhearth - 13.11.2021 12:02

Our DM put a dead dude in the street, we just take the money and leave...I see now there was other options hahaha.

Drill to the Heavens !
Drill to the Heavens ! - 10.11.2021 01:29

Everyone remember that this is the same guy who also plays YuGiOh! With Hardleg and Jimbles.

HELLcopter TS
HELLcopter TS - 03.11.2021 17:58

The poor girl who stole from the party would die every time in my sessions :/

______ - 02.11.2021 19:27

Get's to number 5

Overcooked music plays

Get PTSD flashback to Overcooked

Samuel Pierce
Samuel Pierce - 23.10.2021 03:36

Good video! If you gotta do Top Ten lists to get the views, do more like this.

Maurício Gonçalves
Maurício Gonçalves - 15.10.2021 12:32

Mr. Logs, could you ever do a "Homebrew Content" review on this channel, in the same vein you did Custom Card reviews on the Yu-Gi-Oh channel? I think those would be really fun and even more fitting, considering that in DnD you could use those items in any campaign depending on the DM while Custom Cards are mostly stuck to casual play or hipothetical scenarios

Romeo of Romelution
Romeo of Romelution - 15.10.2021 05:17

(English isn't my first language sorry)
So gueard harassment
Any help to not get things worst?

my party and I was entering a new town in our last session and one of us got pickpocketed. After catching the thief some guards mistaken our actions as harassment since we're travelers pinning down a local

I used minor ilusion to reanimate what happened and try to explain but the guards took it as me trying to do a harmful spell.

The session ends there atm and l would like some help

John W
John W - 15.10.2021 05:11

Great stuff. Could you please make videos on one shot ideas?

Andrew Lockwood
Andrew Lockwood - 15.10.2021 03:30

Personally, if the party has a Druid, or a Beastmaster Ranger, that are looking for more exotic beasts, I see setting up a zoo as a very simple way to allow this access. Although, I'd probably reskin Guards and Scouts to act as Zookeepers and the like, modifying their weapons to do Non-Lethal damage - as in the Scout's arrows act like a tranquillizer, with the target being knocked out within 1d4+1 rounds, and the Guard's spear can either add more tranquilizer, or act something like a mancatcher for animals, and thus restrain them. Also, thanks to Sidekick Rules, these simple Zookeepers might be more effective than they seem - although I'd make sure that they all got Animal Handling as a skill.

Andrew Holka
Andrew Holka - 14.10.2021 06:12

Alternative idea for the potion shop. Have it be a normal potion shop, but later when the party ask about it, the villagers note that there's never been a potion shop there.

wowinim - 13.10.2021 19:15

Love the stock footage used throughout!

DandD_Kenir - 13.10.2021 15:06

My favorite Urban Encounter that works well, have the city guard come into a tavern, give the party a bit of the ole suspicious glare, and then take one party member into custody for committing a crime. That party member is placed in jail and the party informed that there is a bounty on that member, and include a bounty poster showing that party member's picture and description for a crime that does NOT match anything the party has done. Next morning, a body is found, and a necromancer casts Speak with Dead and the party member is implicated... AGAIN.

Run an investigation that eventually reveals that a spell caster is using magic, a doppelganger, or some form of shifter is impersonating the party member. It always makes the party suspicious when they actually SEE the party member commit a crime while that party member is right there with them.

AlimarGaming - 13.10.2021 14:12

This is super helpful! I'm about to start a campaign where the players are pirates exploring an archipelago and there's a large city that they can go to. I was needing random things to happen in that city, although I definitely already planned the dead body one to spin it off into a Jack the Ripper style murder mystery

Aero - 13.10.2021 04:47

uhh, does it count as "a fire breaking out" if it was maybe kinda possibly caused by a giant metal dragon

Cactiguy - 13.10.2021 03:29

Bro, My DM used the disappearing potion shop thing and made the shopkeeper the bbeg, I find that funny especially because he first planned this out almost 2 years ago

AvangionQ - 13.10.2021 02:02

I remember a particularly memorable campaign where I ran that guards harassment scenario. Let's just say the players didn't take it well at all.
The players killed the guards, killed the guard reinforcements, then proceeded to systematically murder every single guard in the town, as the people fled in terror.
Next, I openly rolled a random encounter for a change of pace. Double-zeros, monster stampede. The players watched from afar, the town was defenseless, overrun.
Funny thing being, the group weren't murderhobos until that scenario took place. I was expecting a social situation or a combat using subdual damage rules. Nope.

RykenPrime - 13.10.2021 01:05

murder hobos LOL

CeasarCXXII - 13.10.2021 00:58

Top 10 best subclasses in the PHB.

Heitor Souza de Moura
Heitor Souza de Moura - 13.10.2021 00:57

DRUID : well i use wilshape and run

Charizardtrainer6 - 13.10.2021 00:55

Thank you for the potion seller edit

DarthWells - 13.10.2021 00:35

This was great. More encounter ideas would be 10 forest? beach?

Minnion - 13.10.2021 00:19

Wandering Merchants..... Little girls selling overpriced cookies from a small wagon....

Alex Barquero
Alex Barquero - 12.10.2021 23:35

Thx for the videos bro, you really help me.

Hope for Escape
Hope for Escape - 12.10.2021 23:08

Sleet Storm is an ELITE 3rd level combat spell and it can put out fires it reads "The area is heavily obscured, and EXPOSED FLAMES IN THE AREA ARE DOUSED"

Alistor Exe Prime XIII
Alistor Exe Prime XIII - 12.10.2021 22:47

Would it be possible to do a list ranking the classes from easiest to toughest to play

Lag Incarnate
Lag Incarnate - 12.10.2021 21:33

These are definitely the easiest encounters to make work. I've tried the Urban Encounters table and well, you can't exactly have the party be assaulted by nine (1d10) Shadows or a Vampire Spawn in broad daylight.

Robodragonlord - 12.10.2021 20:25

Oh I really love this video! This will help me out in my campaign.
If you could do other ones like this, but in different environments, that would be awesome.

Shaked Amar
Shaked Amar - 12.10.2021 20:08

Its bane people dont subscribe but at least you can brag you get views equal to half your subscribers everytime.

(I subscribed)

Major Dakka
Major Dakka - 12.10.2021 19:58

Killing half the city because there were too many witnesses

Not Ronneth
Not Ronneth - 12.10.2021 19:57

First! Love your content Hiru!!
