The Myth of the Solopreneur - Business Advice for Entrepreneurs

The Myth of the Solopreneur - Business Advice for Entrepreneurs

Philip VanDusen

4 года назад

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Lola Loops & Stitches
Lola Loops & Stitches - 12.01.2023 21:46

Hmm a myth? Maybe from your perspective and experience because in my case I’m doing everything myself lol 😂 I don’t have money to pay people to do things for me right now. I do script, Edit, film, blog, design, handmade,online shop, fulfill orders, Im a wife, mother and granny😅, content creator, financial, EVERYTHING LOL ect ect ect 😅 🤷🏻‍♀️

It's Relativ
It's Relativ - 02.01.2023 06:13

This myth comes from social media and it's not healthy.

Dennis Demori
Dennis Demori - 13.12.2022 20:35

Solopreneurship isn't a myth at all

It depends on the business model

You're talking about running an agency

So OF COURSE you need a team because an agency service requires multiple people in different roles to handle everything from marketing to fulfillment

That's the business model

On the other hand, I'm able to enjoy a number of income streams as a solopreneur because the business models don't require more people

I freelance, consult, sell info products, affiliate, send a 2-3x a week newsletter and run my paid community for solopreneurs all by myself

And I can scale through audience growth, stronger systems and automation

I don't need a team or employees to do any of those things

Brandon Stankevitz
Brandon Stankevitz - 27.09.2022 01:27

Thank you for making this video it was very informative and answered a lot of questions that I had and even offered some thought-provoking ideas to me as well. once again I appreciate you making the video.

Great job sir

franmati9 - 10.07.2022 23:12

Of course Solopreneur Doesn't mean doing it alone. You will always need people to build nearly anything. But in this case you focus on outsourcing as much as possible, to the point where you don't have employees, or the less the better. For me Solopreneur ship is about automatizing and outsourcing your business to the point where you just reduce personal costs and risk.

Pranu Pranav
Pranu Pranav - 18.05.2022 11:57

I bet you. If everything is as I planned I will be a soloprenuer

John Caleb
John Caleb - 09.02.2022 11:34

Hey Philip , that I agree. And this philosophy also keeps you grounded. Great Video.

Rued Riis
Rued Riis - 20.11.2021 12:39

I actually tend to disagree. You can't do it alone if the goal is scale.. But one of the core tenets of solopreneurship is the wish to stay free, independent, flexible. And if that's the main goal (NOT scale), then one could remain solo forever. I'm at $10-15K/month, and I do EVERYTHING myself. No freelancers, no nothing. Super fulfilling, super fun, and with no desire right now to scale my business beyond what I can do as a solopreneur 🤗

J S - 18.11.2021 09:51

My question is if everyone becomes a gig worker in software what is left for future employment, most of us need years of steady work in order to pay the bills today and tomorrow

Marduk Demigod
Marduk Demigod - 02.07.2021 06:02

Being a solopreneur doesn't mean you don't need the help of others. It just simply means you don't need an employee.

Uku Kudu
Uku Kudu - 23.06.2021 21:51

I am a solopreneur. Maybe myth 😇 I also use developers and freelancers. But I am still the 100% owner of my solo business. I don’t have staff.

Joseph Postma
Joseph Postma - 18.05.2021 17:28

I suppose you could call most sidegigers a solopreneur.

Igor Novik
Igor Novik - 18.05.2021 04:56

Well, I think you are kind of missing the point here. Entrepreneurship is about taking a risk, commit and deliver.
Solo means you make all key decisions yourself. Yes you need to hire other people to help you do the job, but they are not involved into decision making too much.
You can fire them whenever you want.

mangoesnfrangipanis png
mangoesnfrangipanis png - 27.03.2021 03:17

Very insightful video. Lessons learned:

1. There is no real solopreneur
2. Master my craft
3. Networking with a strategy
4. Benefits of joining masterminds

Dee Irick
Dee Irick - 17.03.2021 19:40

Absolutely true. I mean, who sends you a 10:99? How many do you receive? How many do you send out? If you can easily answer this question then you didn’t do it alone. Those are entities that you’re contracted with and they are helping you in your process by allowing you to use their resources for a price—or whatever the case may be. GOOD points here! I hate the word solopreneur. I feel as though it disenfranchises serial entrepreneurs who are out there just stacking income streams either passive or otherwise in less traditional ways.

Rafael Payumo
Rafael Payumo - 10.03.2021 04:31

The problem of being a solopreneur is depend where is your position if you want to scale a business. For example, if a person is a freelancer who is only depending on small time projects that can't give enough budget to hire someone, then in the beginning, you need to do everything from the start. From marketing to personal branding until someone gets to talk to you and close deal, then that could be the start of hiring a small team to help you.

MKBLV CREATES - 22.10.2020 21:05

Where is the video about broadening talent outreach and building network , i need this critically as of now to be able to sustain, transition, and scale in this new climate as being inbetween creative agency / solo-prenuer myth !

Reymond Atienza
Reymond Atienza - 24.09.2020 16:58

Thanks for this video Sir Philip! For 3 years—after quitting my job and starting a business, I thought that I was a "solopreneur" and can do all things needed. But as time goes by and since I have to scale up with the increasing demand, I realized that I wouldn't be without the help of my family and a couple of on-call maintenance. What I learned and will try from your video is that I should start expanding my network to the other professionals to further promote and maintain my personal brand. Thanks again!

Devaki Pokharel
Devaki Pokharel - 07.09.2020 15:49

I wonder if you are interested in investment

Samir S
Samir S - 03.09.2020 13:52

Just to clarify, if anyone can provide some advice, do you then need cofounders etc? When I watch a lot of videos they always mention cofounders. I strongly think they make that out to sound easier than it is. I get it if more than one person had an idea they wanted to build upon. But let’s say an individual such as myself had an idea I wanted to build upon, couldn’t I go and outsource the relevant tasks such as building a fully functional website before getting then getting another person or team to do some kind of marketing, hypothetically?

Kalash Jaiswal
Kalash Jaiswal - 18.08.2020 20:46

Damn you look dope

HowlBeast - 07.05.2020 00:58

Thank you I was feeling overwhelmed with the stuff I need to learn as a freelancer. Most job leads demand such a high skill set that is off-putting. I should just focus on my niche and get outside help

Ash Borland
Ash Borland - 28.04.2020 18:07

Great content as usual! Thanks Philip 🙏

Imagicarolina - 22.04.2020 22:22

Thank you so much.

getdavemoore - 21.04.2020 17:30

Good vid, but you forgot to mention that pulling those disciplines together and collaborating on ideas is one of the biggest joys of the process!

Rick Harold
Rick Harold - 21.04.2020 15:09

Rock on! Nice video. Thanks and stay safe Philip.

magnum dark
magnum dark - 21.04.2020 13:13

Another great video. I like on the job training, advice and experience. Thank you.

This Design Life
This Design Life - 21.04.2020 11:31

What courses are you working on?

This Design Life
This Design Life - 21.04.2020 11:31

This is so true

Cam Sutton
Cam Sutton - 21.04.2020 02:57

So true, but how do you get past that bit where you're doing everything you can, burning yourself out, knowing you need help, but only doing enough to keep the doors open - every dollar accounted for and then some - where does the help come from then?

Petrina Alexander
Petrina Alexander - 21.04.2020 01:04

Phillip has brilliantly identified the work of building your own personal brand in this video. So many helpful tips. Thank you 🙏

Valter Henke
Valter Henke - 20.04.2020 23:43

Thank you very much Philip for such a valuable content!

Peter Lewis
Peter Lewis - 20.04.2020 19:14

Yes! We need each other! Excellent!

Dashia James
Dashia James - 20.04.2020 18:54

Luvvvv this video, it's teaching me no one can be entrepreneur by themselves. You're always gonna need help. Thanks for the information.

Daniel Hagy
Daniel Hagy - 20.04.2020 18:46

Really great content...we really are in this all together! Thanks Philip as always!

Bekham15 - 20.04.2020 18:40

I really needed this. Thanks!

Pawełex - 20.04.2020 18:18

What COVID will show all creative people is how much they are dependent on other people and not on their own transcendent look-mum-I-know-not-only-photoshop-but-also-illustrator-how-brilliant-I-am-ness. We want to work with others more than ever, even if we think of ourselves as solopreneurs. Life is with other people.

Samurai Saint
Samurai Saint - 20.04.2020 17:54

How did u get all the special assistance without breaking your bank🏦 ?
