Cowboys Legend Troy Aikman: An Untold Oral History | Undeniable with Joe Buck

Cowboys Legend Troy Aikman: An Untold Oral History | Undeniable with Joe Buck

Youth Inc.

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@mattyholcombe9258 - 08.03.2025 21:43

I laugh at the fact that Romo and Brady make more than this man in the Booth.

@musicalambassador - 22.02.2025 05:01

I remember when Troy left for UCLA because Oklahoma was a wishbone offence.

@terrysellers6712 - 17.02.2025 05:43

It's soooooo obvious Joe Buck has a crush on Troy 😍🥰🤣!

@Rick-jz1vs - 11.02.2025 22:36

Troy’s blue #8 jersey,i still have it from mid 90s and i still wear it.I cant believe what sports stores charge for it cuz its considered a throwback but my mom bought mine is 90s when she also got my cowboys starter jacket.This guy is the reason id wake up on sundays with the fox nfl sunday music going in my head.The most accurate passer nfl ever saw.He didnt put up alot of 300 yard passing games cuz he had emmitt smith and hershal walker and didnt need to pass 50 times a game.Definately one of the goats

@KrispyKremeDreams - 30.01.2025 05:27

What’s w the spray tan

@Zobin211 - 23.01.2025 07:23

Bart Starr won FIVE NFL Championships. I hate how so many people only count Super Bowl victories. The NFL existed for close to 50 years before the Super Bowl - which aside from the first four is nothing more than the NFL championship game.

Oh, and Otto Graham has SEVEN professional football championships.

@hectorlara132 - 18.01.2025 15:05

One of the things I most admire from Troy .....he's not selfish.....that's one quality hard to find......saludos champ.

@ski8615 - 16.01.2025 21:25

Respect too Troy 🇵🇰

@LarryJones-v1f - 15.01.2025 21:40

You couldn't pay me to move to Tornado Alley. 🤨🤨😂

@LarryJones-v1f - 15.01.2025 21:36

I know I'm going to sound old fashioned, but I think, although parents should be held to a higher standard, they also have earned the right and privilege of having multiple "Get Out of Jail Free" cards. They've earned it. Of course, I'm only talking about good parents, not abusive ones.

@christiancowboy352 - 15.01.2025 18:59

The very second that Jerry Jones extended DeadWeightDak to 4 more years at 60 mil. per year...
He gave the Cowboys a 4 More Year Death Sentence!
That being know, plus the fact that Jerry keeps a tight squeeze of the coaches by the balls, Restricting them. So, why would any Sensible Coach wants to coach the Cowboys?
I'm a 59 year Dallas Cowboy Fan, and Jerry Jones has turned me totally off of the team I've loved.
I just wish he'd sell the Cowboys, so us long time fans can maybe find hope again in our team.

@leoenrique4360 - 13.01.2025 21:59

The interviewer likes to say shut up a lot. Seems very unprofessional.

@blessedandhappy3921 - 09.01.2025 19:54

Troy Aikman owned a Ford dealership in Dallas back during the height of his popularity and when I say popular that is a massive understatement. He was QB of America’s Team after all. I was a state trooper and I along with several other DPS Troopers worked off duty security for the grand opening of the dealership where Mr. Aikman was scheduled to appear. I remember seeing about 20 young boys lined up with some holding a football and others a poster of their hero #8 all in hopes of seeing their hero and snatching his autograph. They stood there for a few hours partly because Mr. Aikman was running late. When he arrived there was plenty of excitement and those kids who had waited patiently were told that Mr. Aikman doesn’t sign anything. Later after the event our DPS Sergeant told us that it was because Mr. Aikman’s staff had said his signature was too valuable to give away. A lot of years have passed since then but I’ve never forgotten the look of disappointment on those kids faces. I’m sure there was a reason, memorabilia fraud or just the fact that his autograph did and I’m sure still does have a lot of value. Years later I worked another off duty event where Tony Romo was present. It was his 1st year with the Cowboys and he was the 3rd string QB. There was NO LINE at all at his table because he was still unknown at the time. When he was getting ready to leave he still had about a dozen 8x10’s that he had already signed and he said “Hey officer, you got any kids or know anyone that might want these?” I said sure I’ll take them. I’m sure that later on his autograph became pretty valuable as well. I gave one to my youngest son who was still living at home at the time and gave the rest away a few years later when Romo became a household name. I used to be a big Cowboys fan! Growing up near Dallas it was almost a requirement. But football has become so political with players using it as a platform for their personal, political and social views that I just quit watching. I understand that these athletes have a limited shelf life and that they need to make every dollar they can while they can so I understand why. These athletes cast a huge shadow for the kids of America and these kids are watching their every move and want to be just like them. I know they didn’t sign up to be role models but like it or not they are and with that comes responsibility. I’m happy that Aikman and Romo have done so well post NFL .

@JudyStacy-bl6di - 05.01.2025 18:46

Love my TROY

@MARLEY_916 - 05.01.2025 01:38

That what u call a man’s man and im happy Troy said he proud of him

@garywells3763 - 01.01.2025 07:53

Between Troy and Barry, Troy probably receives 99% or 100% of the votes for being the one respected.

@gerardoquintanar4541 - 31.12.2024 12:43

Thanks a lot Jerry this man could have had way more championships 😡

@Briancrobinsonspeaks - 23.12.2024 06:21

Fantastic interview!

@BrianTaylor-v6q - 23.12.2024 00:21

Jerry will not give up any control!!! That's still the problem with the Dallas Cowboys to this day!! Will be that way, till Jerry is gone.

@jeffsimpson7215 - 19.12.2024 22:36

This is great.

@JohnBarnett-q1l - 19.12.2024 21:02

Excellent post ❤thanks for these memories, John Barnett revisited December 19 2024 ❤❤❤ God's grace and blessings Troy❤

@scottoslund - 12.12.2024 10:23

I’m not sure that I’ve ever seen a more beautiful interview. It’s rare to see a person of Troy’s stature to be so transparent. Hearing Troy’s account of the bombing was so gritty and down to earth. It’s a rare person who can empathize so deeply with another as he did with his sister. Well done Troy and Joe. I’m a better person for having watched this.

@Mrlemon-v2c - 11.12.2024 11:15

I think Troy Aikman and Steven Jones are waiting for Jerry to die for Troy to be the GM

@TwilightxKnight13 - 09.12.2024 12:16

As a Redskins fan it pains me to say it, but if Johnson had remained in Dallas, I feel confident they would have won four, maybe five championships in a row. Jimmy’s eye for talent was key to his success and he was constantly able to replace good players often with even better ones. As the salaries would have become problematic, he would have known who to keep and who to release and replace with trades or draft choices.

@martintapia9374 - 07.12.2024 19:12

Interesting + funny guy

@donerickson7305 - 07.12.2024 06:23

Troy Aikman....makes you proud to be an American

@pamelaearwood2170 - 07.12.2024 04:39

Troy and Emmitt were two greats that didn’t disgrace the team or themselves. Proud to be a fan! Proud that my son was able to look up to them!

@williamwilson2010 - 07.12.2024 01:47

Dan Pastorini also drafted by the Mets along with a somewhat known Nolan Ryan. I think it was 68' but fact check me anyway. Let's nit forget Patrick Mahomes who I think was drafted by the Detroit Tigers.

- 07.12.2024 00:36

Joe Buck is a turd.

@mariohostios - 06.12.2024 03:10

TA is a class act

@josecano7980 - 02.12.2024 00:33

Staurbach and Aicman. Troy.🤘👍

@josecano7980 - 02.12.2024 00:31

Troy Aakmein made History and with Joe Buck.🤘

@RB12377 - 26.11.2024 19:47

Buck actually thinks he knows sports Troy is most overrated player ever he was surrounded with talent he’s been divorced twice cause he keeps marring women he’s gay everyone in Dallas knows that

@djnewman70 - 26.11.2024 07:18

Troy Mark Furman Aikman ..a known racist...root for whites and against blacks...I figured u out finally ..sad case ..

@Buasop - 25.11.2024 17:48

Jerry's ego is responsible for more losses than his star-studded team, which will continue until he dies. 29 years and counting

@5theye546 - 20.11.2024 18:37

Please take over the GM/Head Coach for the Dallas Cowboys....bring us back to greatness Brother Troy. Show us the Light Brother

@johnott4921 - 17.11.2024 21:12

Troy Aikman is the man. He was the one I always routed for growing up. One super tough man took some huge hits throwing a bomb pass and just kept going!!
Good salt of the earth guy with good morals and values put there by Oklahoma baby Boomer Sooner!!

@virnan - 16.11.2024 23:25

Egos killed the Cowboys dynasty. The ego players involved now have to live with "what could have been". Tom Brady had vision and knew that ego takes a back seat to win championships and become the GOAT.

@eonllewis - 14.11.2024 07:45

It’s unbelievable how many commercials are played on this channel!!!

@bruhhh6538 - 07.11.2024 18:54

Can’t imagine in the NFL of today starting a rookie & going 1-15!!
Think about it who would give up or quit first? In todays game! QB would probably require inpatient psy. hospitalization. Coach fired. Baptism by fire, wow!
Also how stupid do those SAE frat dudes feel that beat him up!? Class A, A🕳️s.
I had All-American athletes in my frat, as their big brother you protect overachievers & studs lol. Oh and I’m not a cowboys fan, far from it. Steelers or Lions.

@jasonwilliams-m4b - 23.10.2024 08:30

Capital T, Capital A....The Man, Troy Aikman

@lennieklebanoff3188 - 09.10.2024 13:45

I've always thought that Troy Aikman does not get the credit that he deserves as being a great quarterback. And it was very interesting to hear him allude to that himself. This guy was awesome, and yet his name does not come up in conversations about who the best quarterbacks in NFL history are.

@toddm9501 - 07.10.2024 00:05

Roger Staubach was the greatest Cowboy. Troy was 2nd.

@billdoller3674 - 20.09.2024 22:51

Underrated QB, one of the most accurate most certainly. If he playe din a West Coast offense, his numbers would be much greater.

@hectorbonilla8754 - 19.09.2024 07:13

Best of the best in the world Go Cowboy

@Broker1010 - 07.09.2024 05:14

Jerry jones is a whacko and has missed up the entire franchise .. He will never win again. He will never get another great coach

@joemorris2886 - 04.09.2024 07:52

Two Democrats talking. Google their hate of flyovers

@butcher1734 - 01.09.2024 10:40

How do you almost get drafted?

@ernieestrada193 - 29.08.2024 18:40

Because of Troy achman I'm a cowboy fan and I was born in 1992
