10 Things You Need To Know Before Getting Solar Panels Installed in 2024

10 Things You Need To Know Before Getting Solar Panels Installed in 2024

Artisan Electrics

1 год назад

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Ian Macleod
Ian Macleod - 02.11.2023 10:55

In roof system has a lower output due to higher temps involved. Above roof solar shades the roof so loft rooms are cooler in summer.

Jan Koszuta
Jan Koszuta - 27.10.2023 12:50

Would you recommend any solar suppliers in Northern Ireland?

Matthew Hillman
Matthew Hillman - 07.10.2023 19:10

What if id like all the bits installed in a garage but the garage is at least 6 foot away from the house and i'd like the solar panels on the roof of the house, can this be done?

belfasta - 05.10.2023 06:48

Use your money wisely and this is just like pissing it up against the wall they like to make the figures good and your total daily yield is counted twice I wish my money in the bank could be doubled the way solar power yield is doubled

belfasta - 05.10.2023 06:44

I just spent £10400 on solar panels 4 kw with two fox ess batteries 2600 5.12 kws worst waste of money batteries only deliver 1.5kws of power overnight absolutely useless don't waste your money like me it's all a scam

FFVII FakeRemake
FFVII FakeRemake - 29.09.2023 21:53

Thanks for the video, I'm very interested in the field/ground mounted solar. I just don't know where to start?

Stephen Norris
Stephen Norris - 28.09.2023 05:55

UK PV pricing is crazy - it looks like 4kWp system in the UK costs about the same as a 12kWp system on 10kWp of inverters in Australia. Plus we get a lot more sun, so the output is much higher.

Dawood Ali Uk
Dawood Ali Uk - 21.09.2023 10:49

It was seriously important to me thank you you have cleared it to me. I won’t spend my money on all of that. Im happy with my current setting for now.❤

Darius Lapinskas
Darius Lapinskas - 16.09.2023 01:17

"yeah, I will tell 'em it's so bloody complicated everything, so we could charge them a pile of money for nothing"

Jabberwocky tdi
Jabberwocky tdi - 09.09.2023 23:21

Batteries outside is no good, will cold gate in the winter and you'll loose a lot of your winter charging capacity, even in the loft or garage you can run into that problem if the space is not insulated and kept well above zero.

lorenzo bonello
lorenzo bonello - 21.08.2023 17:49


Lawrie - 19.08.2023 11:16

Are batteries a fire hazard ? Seen a few instals where they are in the loft but also a battery fire is a scary thing ,

Luke Dogwalker
Luke Dogwalker - 02.08.2023 01:47

Not sure about the last point. Bird protection? Loads of PV systems on roofs around my way and I've yet to see pigeon nests on or around any of them. Also, solar panels are more efficient the cooler they are (seems counter intuitive but that's the physics). I would think having better air circulation behind the panel would be preferable, even at the expense of it not "looking nice".

Go Humberto!
Go Humberto! - 31.07.2023 15:41

Here in France there's a company called Urban-Solar. I just connected to them. Let me explain.
I have 8.2Kw of solar installed, I have a Nissan Leaf and my house in SW France is all electric. So ALL my energy costs are electric ones.
The difference between summer and winter here is large. It's very hot in summer and the same as the UK in Winter. My monthly bills can range from 60Euros to 450Euros.
So my expensive months really aren't offset by Solar, due to the poor winter weather.
Batteries are expensive and wouldn't cover my nightly winter heating (crazy expensive electric underfloor).
What Urban Solar do is provide "Virtual Storage". In effect they buy and sell your surplus at the same price but it helps to think of it as an endless Battery.
Any surplus Solar goes onto your account "Battery". When you draw back electricity it uses your virtual battery surplus first.
So stored summer sunshine can be used in winter, from your "battery".
My annual usage for July 2022 - July 2023 was 13,500kwhrs.,
My estimates are that I can bank about 10,000kwhrs of surplus whilst keeping my summer/spring/Autumn months almost free (apart from the standing charge for connection, around 35Euros a month).
It seems such a simple, but effective idea, that it should be a mandatory option for all providers.
It totally negates peak/offpeak hours, because you are drawing from your own battery.
There's an outside chance that I can take my annual bill for the house heating/lighting..etc AND the fuel for my Car, down from 2,500 euros a year to around 400Euros (make that 3,500 if you add my free fuel for the car). That's my heating, aircon, lights, TV and all my car travel for 350 quid a year.
What it does is bring the payback time down from "almost never" to around 3-5 years (3 years in my case because I managed to get a deal of 10,000Euros for the solar install).

So, imagine a world where the governments mandated a solar roof on every new house AND mandated that electricity companies stored any surplus against your account.
Every new house would most likely store enough electricity while you were at work, to provide you with power all evening. No batteries, it's just a numbers game. The electricity companies are actually selling your surplus at peak times during the day and selling it back to you when you need it. Your Battery is actually just a spreadsheet.

What's your opinion. I only just joined so I have no concrete figures so far.

Jo Bloggs
Jo Bloggs - 24.07.2023 23:44

Personally we need PV-T to be approved for uk use like Solar Angel, or the new Spanish Abora PV-T panels that are rated at 89% efficient

Lenny - 18.06.2023 23:34

The first question you need to ask yourself is if the DNO allows you to export energy all the time. In my country, the grid has quickly reached capacity due to the explosion of the number of PV systems, at peak solar production many people experience the inverters shutting down as a result of reaching the upper limit of 253 V. The grid was never designed for a simultaneity factor of 1 which PV systems do. It means upgrading the grid at a cost of billions of euros and several decades to do it in. Go ahead and install PV systems, just don't expect to be exporting all the time.
To alleviate the problems, some contracts entail negative energy pricing at certain times, meaning if you import energy, you get money and if you export energy you pay money. Yeah...that's the way it's going. Some farmers with huge PV arrays have started switching them off when energy prices to negative,

Mark Jonson
Mark Jonson - 04.06.2023 01:57

Solar panels technology keeps getting better So if you can wait do it .

Pedro Sanchez
Pedro Sanchez - 31.05.2023 15:05

Tried to get planning to put panels in my field. All the natives went batty. A country of jobsworths.

Suburp212 - 27.05.2023 00:12

The installation looks sick. Well done. What fire proofing do you recommend to prevent bleves or fires from storage units from desteoying YOur house? Make a vieeo on this topic in the future.

wazza33racer - 25.05.2023 03:09

Its important to use available online tools to calculate solar yield for a location, direction of roof, and angle of roof. The other serious factor is to reduce demand for power by any and all means necessary......... Even sunny countries have periods of poor weather for weeks, where the solar yield will be very poor.......maybe only 5 or 10% of normal. Battery storage has two possible strategies.......one is to store and meet demand for almost all day........the other is to shift peak demand onto storage until the cheaper tarrifs kick in. People should be aware that Lithium battery storage degrades in capacity per daily charge cycle. Tests indicate that even Tesla Power wall degrades 30% in just the first 4 years......and is basically done in 10 years. Lead/Carbon batteries are now leading the field in cost per available kw/hr per day........about half of Lithium, and never catch fire.
