Faruzan is BROKEN... But there's a catch. C0 Faruzan Build Guide w/ Best Artifacts, Weapons & Teams

Faruzan is BROKEN... But there's a catch. C0 Faruzan Build Guide w/ Best Artifacts, Weapons & Teams


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@ronnieketchum1241 - 17.10.2023 18:53

They probably just mistyped the burst cost at 80 instead of 60. It's simply dumb how massive her energy need is.

@thepingking2234 - 20.08.2023 01:21

I ended up with C5 Faruzan from the 3.8 Wanderer Banner

@limboresort9050 - 15.08.2023 21:31

Small detail i noticed about faruzahn: her first passive talent unlock decreases charge time for her special shot, but it also applies the anamo resist debuff to any enemy caught in the blast from her arrow. It's basically a free, weaker version of her ult which charges faster and requires a certain level of patience to use.

@mybeaniebooz9601 - 05.08.2023 18:48

Its actually easier to build her as a dps than a support like intended. She's a decent budget ganyu

@spaghetnoodle7706 - 11.07.2023 12:44

ah yes a support for my DPS Jean

@HonestToCritic - 15.06.2023 22:55

I'm cofused, cuz i run her on favonius with only 180 ER. Along with one other Anemo(Heizou), and have little issue using her burst each rotation(minus maybe a second skill shot. She's C2 so i use her skill to start, into her burst to get back energy. No double electro either, just Xingxui and Bennett... 🤷

@bunn228 - 05.05.2023 13:07

I just got her from the current event for free and I was super happy and then watched this and was like aw :( I was gonna use her with Xiao since he's my best built unit but they both have ER issues so never mind for now. I guess I'll hope she'll come back on a banner I'd actually pull on so I can get some cons. The C6 thing reminds me of Goro; I got him to C6 over 2 banners as his biggest buff is locked at C6 as well. Thanks for the video it's good stuff to know for the future!

@corbinkendall6330 - 07.03.2023 11:56

I have a c6 faruzan and i didnt even try she just always drops

@Pengwing2411 - 14.02.2023 18:11

luckily got her C6 while pulling for Wanderer, with only paying 20 bucks

@xMORHUHNx - 14.01.2023 21:05

I build her with 406 EM and 140 ER and I am happy about, because I have battery in team.

@neonova6107 - 11.01.2023 07:27

its anemo res decrease, thats pretty good even c0, anemo units like wanderer, jeans, and xiao will profit massively off it even without c6 +40 cdmg

@kaas2597 - 08.01.2023 03:00

I have Faruzan at C1 and I really like playing her. Maybe because I am a new player at AR34 I find her very fun and she deals good damage herself. That c1 is super important though, I will pull for more, whenever she gets on the banner again.

@zackyhughes2920 - 04.01.2023 13:10

the way i still dont have faruzan.... i accidentally got c1 scaramouche (at only 16 pity....) and still no faruzan..... i kept pulling after getting scaramouche to try to get one copy of her and instead i got c1 scara nfksjhekgjsehgksjbgk

@blackghostcat - 03.01.2023 13:36

So I've got a c0 faruzan. Can't decide if I want to use her or my c2 sucrose. (Xiao carry)

@thelaw11 - 30.12.2022 23:52

Im using Faruzan with 255% ER on VV (ironically , VV is the only set I have that has ER above 15% in substats) and she only has half of her burst after a full rotation . But with the Favonius bow Passive and one charged shot , she regains her burst and I can start my rotation again

@chrissyk6653 - 30.12.2022 15:14

Hello, thank you for the guide. I have her C5 and I'm a little confused because people suggest building for her for either C0 or C6 xD I feel like i am somewhere between

@mdiaz013184 - 24.12.2022 07:31

Lol got c6 gorou while trying to get faruzan...i give up...dont even have good geo characters to make use of him

@apedestrianwithahat7701 - 22.12.2022 03:25

Not me gonna run her with Sayu

@Veralidiane - 22.12.2022 02:21

I am loving Faruzan! I just find her so much fun to play. That being said, I don’t have an anemo carry so have basically be running her as a sub-dps. Is that good in a meta way, of course not, but I find it a lot of fun and if you forget about the burst/ER needs then you can easily do enough damage for the overworld. So as long as your not only focused on the abyss for her then she’s super viable at C0.

@RomerFella - 20.12.2022 23:59

I’ve spent 120 wishes trying to get this symettra wannabe and still haven’t got her 💀

@drowsyfloof - 18.12.2022 18:11

i've been able to c5-6 new 4* units on their initial banners before even getting the newest 5* unit... i have c2 wanderer more than halfway to soft pity AGAIN and i only have c1 faruzan... i didn't even get her once until after c1 wanderer. i dont even use batteries aside from raiden so i just... feel ZERO need to c6 her. if she was actually playable prior to c6 i'd be MORE compelled/motivated to c6 her but she's basically useless until c6 and just... bleh. there's no incentive at all for her, no current story arc for her... why is she in the game i don't get it at all 😭

@LexLootHoe - 16.12.2022 20:51

A sword user with Xiphos' Moonlight helps Faruzan a bit for ER, but do I really wanna put it on Benny?

@DAVID4GAMER - 15.12.2022 23:48

Does faruzan even need anemo goblet? As in, can she even deal good anemo dmg instead of just using a sands goblet because she's er hungry as fuck?

@bryghian - 15.12.2022 07:32

and why is her ascension stat ATK% like whutttt??!!

@jack91522 - 15.12.2022 03:43

Her charged shot is too awkward. Most of the time it's just E +Q then switch. If we dont use her charged shots, then does Favonius still make sense?

@omargade3528 - 14.12.2022 11:42

She is horrible at c0 I had her with 288er still she doesn't get her burst ready for rotation I am traumatized by how much resources I wasted on her most shitty character I lvl to 80 but she looks very beautiful

@kriss667 - 13.12.2022 15:51

That stack of 50 million mora tho

@s4rcelle - 13.12.2022 12:31

"The best weapon is the Favonius Warbow- Faruzan does not want any other weapon!" IDK, I have a C0 Faruzan, 2PC Emblem+2PC VV with an ER Sands, and only have 200% ER so far. And yet, I've had the most comfortable success with Sacrificial Bow despite the critique against it, and it will only become nicer to use with more ER. You can use her "E" on close up enemies, and then since her charged shot counts as Skill damage, fire that and then proc it quite easily. (If you're worried about her getting damaged/staggered, which has happened to me, just run a shielder with her, or use Xingqiu's rain swords.) I usually aim my shots at the ground when trying to proc the collapse shot, so it doesn't miss. Most people are using Faruzan in a team with another Anemo unit anyways, and if you're using an Anemo carry that generates good enough particles, then she gets those off field anyway, even if it's less than if you funnel them to her.

@khalidmerghani1277 - 13.12.2022 12:00

Thanks for the guide. I was going to pull her but now I am skipping; she is so bad.

@1DJRikkiBee - 13.12.2022 10:02

Sounds like the same complaints people made about Beidou and she was still one of the strongest Electro characters.

@mozzy2968 - 13.12.2022 06:07

If her c1 made her initial skill cast trigger the pressurized collapse, kinda like the effect Sara has, instead of giving her another charge, she would be so much better imo

@awesomealan12 - 12.12.2022 23:46

"The only other character who does not function in a acceptable way at C0 is Sara"
Me with a fully built C0 Sara and currently trying to build C1 Faruzan: Surprised Pikachu face

I do agree that locking the solution for a character's problems behind theirs cons is not very fun

@steelphoenix8978 - 12.12.2022 23:35

if only hoyo atcually listened to players theyd know charge mechanic like this from sara is unfun, but i guess they knew it wouldnt matter since the standards of the average person is rock bottom.

@narius_jaden215 - 12.12.2022 22:52

I'm gonna be real; I think it's hard to make proper judgements on older characters now because most of us have them at high constellations.

@NotAName1 - 12.12.2022 22:22

I've got C2 Faruzan on fav and an Exile set (since her batterying potential is pretty limited) for my Xiao team at 255% ER and she can burst off cooldown even in single target. Zhongli is on fav too to help the energy economy. No issues with any rotations. But with Scara, that's not even close to enough. The fact that Xiao just generates so many particles helps a ton with her ER needs.

@xlachannel6756 - 12.12.2022 22:17

Thank you for this video I am glad that I’ve watched this because I could’ve probably built her wrong and since I have her at C0. Now when I get home I’ll be able to fix that change and give her the fanovious war bow.

@oh-my-chamoy - 12.12.2022 21:24

I could’ve understood this wrong but it seems like to me that she’s really good for co-op anemo support

@Venus-ur7dy - 12.12.2022 19:14

Character viability being locked behind constellations would be less aggrigous if we could farm for character fragments. Now, if we don't get her constellations we just gotta wait and hope she comes back at some point. Like, sure, farming for frags would take time but at least with that method you'd feel like you were progressing towards something rather than nothing. And those who aren't patient and have the money to spend could just get the characters they want immediately.

@4st_xr - 12.12.2022 19:04

I got Faruzan but i don't have any Anemo DPS..I'll make her the DPS LOL

@tinklebella4096 - 12.12.2022 16:00

personally, my c6 faruzan (i don't try to generate energy for her by using her E energy-generating function) only needs 240% ER with level 70 fav bow. pretty sure she would only need 230% or less when it's level 90. sometimes even her burst is up on cooldown, so it could be even less than 230% overall. this ofc includes how well the ER of her teammates are

@OasemMesao - 12.12.2022 14:39

very informative and enjoyable as always ❤

@kspop257 - 12.12.2022 12:49

me who built physical Faruzan because i love her personality

@theorize999 - 12.12.2022 11:07

I generally tend to think positively about the recent characters but locking her into required C6 is too much. I pulled enough to get wander, Itto and red horn and only have her C5 with like 3 ten pulls beyond that

@apairon2 - 12.12.2022 10:38

This is a perfect example of who ever is making these character kits dont lnow what they are doing. Ever since raidens original release characters have been shoehorned into one specific roll and if that characters kit is off then there is zero ways to play that character

@madarauchiha9682 - 12.12.2022 07:39

Your friend is my band teacher lol

@redbone9553 - 12.12.2022 06:13

I'm still annoyed that Mihoyo, throughout the entire beta, constantly nerf Faruzan's particle generation with every beta patch note they release. They were clearly aware that she can't generate energy, and instead of helping her, they gutted her over and over to the point that she have to stack ER and only really work smoothly at C6.

@timothygilson7159 - 12.12.2022 05:12

Welp I can't go in any deeper because I'm saving my guaranteed for Raiden but like I N E E D to build Yui Horie. Only have her at c0 rn and it's looking like my best option is to run her in a weird sort of Heizou quickswap just to get more charged shots.

@djailsonfelipe84 - 12.12.2022 03:05

I'm sorry but her release as a whole was scummy. I was planning to get Wanderer, even after finding out he was actually rather clunky in combat, but the fact that they released Faruzan as a completely incomplete unit at c0 is what turned me off of him. Characters should not need C6 to not be UNBEARABLE to play. And the fact that it's so clear that this was on purpose so as to sell more Faruzans is just ridiculous. 4 stars at c6 are even harder to get than 5 stars. There is no excuse here.

@marupurusaivamsi4802 - 12.12.2022 01:00

Started today. Man still can't understand a thing. 🤣
