Lack of Coronavirus Detection Kits | NTDTV

Lack of Coronavirus Detection Kits | NTDTV


4 года назад

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And amid the coronavirus outbreak, hospitals in the epicenter are running low on coronavirus detection kits. One #Wuhan resident took a shocking video inside a local hospital.

The #coronavirus is affecting cities far away from the epicenter.

In the eastern Chinese city of Wenzhou, about 500 miles from Wuhan, more than twice the distance from NY to Washington, DC.
the town of 3.6 million is desperately trying to contain its own outbreak of the virus.
Yesterday the city was put on lockdown. This is the first city lockdown outside of the
Every two days, one person per family is allowed to go out and buy food or other necessary commodities for living.
All transportation has been stopped, even private cars are being restricted.

And on Monday, Russia became the first country to announce it will deport foreigners infected with the Coronavirus. Last Friday, Russia confirmed two cases of the coronavirus, both are Chinese. Russia has already closed the Russian-Chinese border, and stopped flights and trains to and from China.

And the US has withdrawn its consulate staff from Wuhan, after announcing a ban on entry by foreigners traveling from China.

Beijing criticized the US today , saying it had over-reacted and did not offer China help.

President Trump said, on the other hand, the US had offered help. In a separate interview, Trump’s national security adviser said China has not responded to the offers of help from the US CDC and other health professionals. )

And now to the official number of victims of the coronavirus. While media outside china have quoted the numbers Chinese officials released, inside Chinese chatrooms those numbers are hardly ever seen. Instead, many reports come from family members showing people with coronavirus symptoms, who died without being properly diagnosed. One reasons is hospitals don’t have enough coronavirus detection kits. The reasons behind this are not so simple.

According to a state-controlled media outlet in Beijing, there should be more than enough coronavirus detection kits as there are 3 companies assigned to produce them. One of the companies can produce 100-thousand kits

In this secretly recorded conversation posted on social media on Monday, a doctor in Wuhan said there are only 2,000 detection kits for all hospitals in Wuhan, which has over 11 million people. Another doctor from Wuhan also said he didn’t know why there aren’t enough kits.

One woman from Wuhan told reporters from the Chinese edition of the epoch times that her mother showed symptoms of the coronavirus, but could not be tested in the hospital, as there were no detection kits left. In a phone conversation, she said she thinks the countries' policies are all messed up. she said authorities say they will provide free treatment, but when people go to the hospital, the doctors can’t do the tests necessary to confirm the diagnosis. She added, everything is fake, it’s all for show.

According to people close to the issue, Chinese authorities are manipulating the official coronavirus death rate, by controlling the distribution of detection kits. Since many people aren’t diagnosed, their deaths aren’t attributed to the virus and don’t get added to the “official number.”

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