PWA's Made Easy with Ionic 4 / Angular - Tutorial

PWA's Made Easy with Ionic 4 / Angular - Tutorial


5 лет назад

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DesignCourse - 21.02.2019 19:41

Anyone create an actual PWA yet? Link us!

Web Developerify
Web Developerify - 24.08.2021 09:39

Hi thanks for the tutorial. Will this work if we want to access device camera and other modules for ionic and also what about iOS platform?

moosegoose12 - 07.08.2021 06:53

Does this work for iOS ?

MotoDanKZ - 08.11.2020 14:00

Do you do this before or after the app is complete? Thank you for the help btw, you are incredible!

IndiaView - 06.06.2020 07:00

Can we build PWA with ionic 3 please help ..

Kenny Wong
Kenny Wong - 07.04.2020 10:20

Hi guys, will the PWA code (HTML, CSS, javascripts) built from ionic be easily viewed by others? How can we do to improve the security? How can we do to avoid codes being stole by other developers?

Erez Boym
Erez Boym - 15.03.2020 15:05

Love the tutorial, full and simple to follow.

Only one minor issue:
1) If after deployment to firebase you get a you get a standard firebase opening screen instead of your own APP than make shore that your firebase json has "public": "www" (www = where your deployment is located.)
the standard firebase index in automatically generated and is placed in the "public" directory, the defaults location from where firebase loads files.

2) The "save on home screen" Icon is not set by automatically. To have your own Icon on the Ios device you need to add the following lines to the www/index.html file:

<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="<poath to the icon file>touch-icon-iphone.png">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />

<link href="<pass to the splash file>/apple_splash_2048.png" sizes="2048x2732" rel="apple-touch-startup-image" />

and create the PNG files themselves.

3) The APP can work offline only if it has no resource. If you have a <ion-img in your APP than it will not work offline.

But, as I noted, a very good tutorial !

Thanks for the effort you invested in it.

CrazyCosmichild - 08.02.2020 21:31

more angular pwa tutorials pleasee

Daniel TC
Daniel TC - 10.12.2019 15:33

The image generator is not working anymore :(

Pannir Selvam M
Pannir Selvam M - 08.09.2019 04:36

Is there any other way of deploying PWA without using firebase

A - 05.09.2019 11:51

Can you please help me?

I always get

> ng.cmd run app:serve --host=localhost --port=8100
[ng] Schema validation failed with the following errors:
[ng] Data path ".builders['app-shell']" should have required property 'class'.

[ERROR] ng has unexpectedly closed (exit code 1).

What do I need to do?

funny mnts
funny mnts - 16.08.2019 10:05

i ma getting issu like Manifest: Line: 1, column: 1, Syntax error.

ClassicChabes - 03.08.2019 14:16

hi, great tutorial, but what if I dont want to use firebase?
I want to build out my pwa, and upload to my server, but i only get blank page.

pmad6016 - 26.07.2019 12:56

I followed the tutorial and I got the prompt to "add to homescreen" on my android, but not on my Iphone

Raad Yacu
Raad Yacu - 02.07.2019 05:55

Does this work with iPhone also? or is this just for Android? If iPhone ,then is there any specific step for it?

shamse sysi
shamse sysi - 05.06.2019 13:40

Can i make ionic using WP REST API as PWA app ?

valcron1000 - 27.05.2019 17:51

Gary, when I try to test locally my PWA I get an 'INVALID_REDIRECT' error. Do you know how to fix it? I followed every step and yet I can't seem to get it working. I'm running Windows 10, Node v11.13.0 and NPM v6.7.0

Also, if I try to serve the app with 'ionic serve', in the Application tab I get 'service worker does not control the start url'.

Well, at least the icons load fine.

Ramzi Al-Selwi
Ramzi Al-Selwi - 05.03.2019 00:14

thank you so much for putting this video.

Rushikesh ganesh
Rushikesh ganesh - 22.02.2019 07:17

I want ask some questions about Ionic 3 of scrolling if I want to scroll to specific position in the scroll bar content how to do it ?

Rushikesh ganesh
Rushikesh ganesh - 22.02.2019 07:16

Good tutorial

Design Medium
Design Medium - 22.02.2019 04:32

Your tutorials are the best!

AdamsTaiwan - 22.02.2019 04:11

I would like to make a suggestion. Put all the command line instructions(with comments) in a .bat to be included in the project. Open in vsCode then when demoing you can use the code runner tool and press F8 on each line to execute. This would be helpful for anyone who needs to follow the steps that you show in your tutorials.

AP Tech
AP Tech - 22.02.2019 00:45

How to create live code editor for website like w3school...???

Srdjan Stojanovic
Srdjan Stojanovic - 22.02.2019 00:41

Can you make website in HTML and CSS that you made in (Creating a modern web design Illustration using Adobe Illustrator CC 2019(Tutorial)).I would be thankful.

UIXTube - 21.02.2019 23:12

Awesome Tutorial. Love it

Erebosi Favour
Erebosi Favour - 21.02.2019 21:19

I really love this tutorial

Lohith Kumar
Lohith Kumar - 21.02.2019 20:05

I think the release of ionic 4 clearly stated that, In ionic 4, added support for not just angular, this means. Angular is going to be the next Google+. Soo my request is to do an vuejs ionic project with support of PWA

Vuejs and serverless environment is future..

Your thoughts on this?

I would be awesome ..Gary Simon
Love from India🤩🤩

Padmanabam Karri
Padmanabam Karri - 21.02.2019 19:54

Awesome stuff

Dinesh Karki
Dinesh Karki - 21.02.2019 19:49

Hello Gary how did you learn all of stuff?

Sebastian Perez
Sebastian Perez - 21.02.2019 19:48

Change Winrar to 7Zip , is free.

Sagar Budhathoki
Sagar Budhathoki - 21.02.2019 19:45

Can i get love react

Naga Krushna Y
Naga Krushna Y - 21.02.2019 19:35

Hi can you make a project on Ionic with Vue for progressive web app ?

Yede-Chale - 21.02.2019 19:33

1st viewer 😍😍

Yede-Chale - 21.02.2019 19:32

1st comment and 1st viewer!! 😍😍
