How to Convert PowerPoint PPT to Word Document

How to Convert PowerPoint PPT to Word Document

Tech Related Tips

1 год назад

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- 25.04.2024 11:41

does not work it.

@lyndayoung8761 - 10.07.2024 19:45

It worked but it was familiar but could not edit it to look like PPT presentation. Sad. I wanted it as notes for audience. The PPT saved as PDF worked so I guess I will have to use that.

@SpencerLunzaga-wi1px - 25.08.2024 09:39

H 😢

@bindusanthosh4469 - 10.12.2024 22:15

Thanks a lot for the information 🙏 it worked for me 👍

@joyrolle9114 - 15.01.2025 15:33

Thank you so much!!! Thhis worked perfectly for me!!!

@1000ShadesOfGlo - 23.01.2025 03:01

Thank you so much for this video. It worked for me. God bless you 🙏

@nadeeshawickramasinghe2483 - 24.01.2025 17:20

Thank you lot.

@WWe-j1q - 29.01.2025 17:28

at the last stage, when we open a pdf file using Word, then I get a window in which Word requires permission for encoding: traditional and Chinese. But when agreeing with the encoding, the code used is PRINTED INSTEAD OF PRESENTATION on all sheets that it can occupy. I use PowerPoint 2010. please help with this problem
