Gothic 1 Remake Has Problems | Combat, Dialogue + Gameplay | Gothic Playable Teaser

Gothic 1 Remake Has Problems | Combat, Dialogue + Gameplay | Gothic Playable Teaser


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aoe tje
aoe tje - 10.04.2023 23:04

all they want is to make money on nostalgia and its clear they dont understand the source material or what players want, chronicles of myrtana is a better game than this will ever be, its a complete failure

fucheduck - 01.03.2023 08:18

during the opening before meeting Diago, why not let him "mental talk" the self monologue rather than saying it aloud to us ghostly spirit people who control his actions.(akin: Gamers!)

fucheduck - 01.03.2023 08:13

how do you report a bug? when you run or fight your character twitches back to the reverse. happens no matter how slow I set the mouse's DPI switch.

Rifqi Rayhani
Rifqi Rayhani - 18.01.2023 11:44

The only problem for me is that when I see everything inside the teaser, nothing feels nostalgic. Even the encounter with Diego feels totally different. The "Standing Godfather" absence in the game opening makes it really weird too.

Colby Harris
Colby Harris - 28.08.2021 16:58

If they want to port to console fine, but I dont want console limitations on my pc for a remake of a pc classic. Make a hot pc game first please. Then port it

Alin Jecan
Alin Jecan - 30.07.2021 01:11

And the boarding area where people shiuld be you find alot of critters in their place

Alin Jecan
Alin Jecan - 30.07.2021 01:11

The place where all the goods come from outer world and a very big place it seems and should be swarming with guards and you fins juat 1 guard and that one only cares for his valuables not guarding the boarding area wtf

Alin Jecan
Alin Jecan - 30.07.2021 01:05

So Diego kills them with 1 blow in 1 sec and you need 1000 blows in 10 min to kill a weak and starter monster wtf

Alin Jecan
Alin Jecan - 30.07.2021 00:58

What a crap of a remake

David Kiss
David Kiss - 19.05.2021 22:10

Other than sht voice acting, the fight breaks it for me... TOTALLY... Needs to be intuitive, simpler and a little easier. This is just unplayable at the moment.

h1tzz - 24.03.2021 16:13

I disagree with your Meatbug part at 18min mark, in original gothic game is just literally bad game design which doesnt explain anything and all you do in reality is go to google and search "how to pick a torch in gothic 1" instead of playing the game, yes this playable teaser have a lot of problems but at least its easier to get into than the original. I honestly dont understand how messing with your keyboard without any explanation is somehow good thing for the original. If you meant the whole battle stance thing it doesnt really look immersive if you need to swing your sword to a feet sized bug... It supposed to be simple to kill it as just stomping it, as for fighting big monsters eh its subject to change so i wont dwell on it.

Alin Jecan
Alin Jecan - 14.02.2021 21:19

WTF those are dragonsnappers ,one of the most powerfull and dangerous monsters in gothic,they should have eaten him just by looking at him

Alin Jecan
Alin Jecan - 14.02.2021 20:40

Cânt want to play it,hope they will improve more to look and feel like really playing gothic or gothic 2,not arcania or gothic 3,they changed too much and lost the feeling like playing gothics

Timmy P
Timmy P - 13.08.2020 22:33

Are you kidding me? Gothic 1\2 are like the only true RPGs where you can have a fundamentally different story experience each time you play. This is a joke.

Sorry PB\Jowood. Business is business. You should have never sold your hit.

There are all assets from ELEX btw

and good on you for understanding the OG controls

Sexy Biscuit
Sexy Biscuit - 29.07.2020 23:07

Bruh wtf, nice name

Jaime-Wolf - 22.07.2020 05:26

to be honest THQ nordic needs to remake the old warhammer 40k RTS games lol

Mircea Florian Ruicu
Mircea Florian Ruicu - 05.06.2020 19:12

Quite immersive and intriguing (I hope the markings on those trees are a part of a certain quest). I think I've explored all the corners and it really worth it (you can even find an useful trinket I am not to expose here - spoiler alert!) . Free roaming is limited as you cannot climb whenever you like, you cannot simply jump into the water or randomly fall from high rocks (not necessary a bad thing when you are chased by foes). You have to run and jump - a clumsy movement - in order to reach higher steps (in the temple of Beliar, par example) instead of simply mounting or climbing them. If you die, certain items respawn (I've collected the rusty longsword, the Attack note or the expensive wine for Orry more than twice). What a pity I was unable to try archery... With slight slips (like anchoring), archery looks better than in previous games (at least in Diego's hands). In fact, who shoots bows horizontally, anyway? You simply lack of draw length and power: a bow is not a crossbow! By the way, is there a hidden bow I couldn't lay my hands on? 'Cause I've managed to find a lot of arrows! I am also intrigued by the highlighting of certain people or dead bodies, is that really necessary? About the graphical settings, I was unable to turn off the motion blur (it's not my favourite special effect)! A good thing is you can decide regarding the quests and the order of solving parts of them and, of course, there are consequences of your actions (people never forget)! This teaser gives me a lot of flashbacks (I've finished the previous Gothic - the first game I've bought - more than thrice, sequels included). I had the feeling this Gothic is more like "The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings" rather than "Elex"! Final conclusion: a must have, despite all inconsistencies!

Ronnie - 29.04.2020 10:48

i don't like it ngl :d

Nicholas Hall
Nicholas Hall - 26.04.2020 13:34

I think this is good but honestly bring back old voice acting style !

Muttskit - 25.04.2020 22:10

I just want the main character to stop talking!

se7en surf
se7en surf - 21.04.2020 16:32

Is this a fcking joke? This is terible..why, pls don t destroy the gothic serues, you guys better invest in history of khorinis and delete this game

Salem Saberhagen
Salem Saberhagen - 27.03.2020 10:48

fight system kills the game for me, nearly as worse as the witcher

Thái Phạm
Thái Phạm - 22.03.2020 08:22

Gothic is one of the very first open world game i played and enjoyed so much. and i want to play it again one more time.

Thien Nguyen
Thien Nguyen - 21.03.2020 03:15

they should take out those foul language and keep the traditional modern middle-aged English.

Miyuden - 21.03.2020 00:09

Why is the character talking the whole time ffs.

blebleh999 - 11.03.2020 23:48

fighting system is tragic

Fadlan Ibrahim
Fadlan Ibrahim - 28.02.2020 10:29

I like everything except the battle system....

Third Party Contributions
Third Party Contributions - 17.02.2020 14:59

Honestly? It looks good but not as an original gothic. I always imagined remastered version to be very close to the original game but more advanced. This kinda looks like completely different game using the names from the gothic. Just like Arcania was. I like Diego Character in this version and I like graphics but the models do not look anywhere near original version. When these mistakes are considered i will be enjoying this game for certain. So far this small teaser earned 3/10 from me :)

Jan Morávek
Jan Morávek - 15.02.2020 12:22

its like Witcher by Netflix... garbage

Yami - 14.02.2020 13:17

To be honest, if they give me the atmosphere/story/dialogue and the attention to detail as in the first game, I am fine with any other change they do to the original.

adam doran
adam doran - 05.02.2020 23:22

"problems" yeah like plays like dogshit, looks like dogshit, runs like dogshit, is boring as dogshit. So basically its dogshit or well gothic.

Vilks - 05.02.2020 21:38

I don't think that the devs have ever played a Gothic game before...

kizer1 - 29.01.2020 10:25

Why make another garbage like Arcania, just make a remastered version of the old one, i would buy that. This one, I am not so sure.

Pavel Bělík
Pavel Bělík - 29.01.2020 01:38

Luckily, we still have the History of Khorinis game comming out :)!! It looks waaay better

Ev Iv
Ev Iv - 25.01.2020 13:44

re-imagining without the imagination.

BudlikyCZ - 22.01.2020 15:58

The only good thing I found while I was playing that teaser was graphics.

Pavel Potoček
Pavel Potoček - 20.01.2020 23:42

Just shut up, main character, god damn it

Benjamin - 20.01.2020 08:04

Watching sexy biscuit, feeling thirsty, shit ok, getting something to drink, ok off we go now, let’s get that drink, almost there. Just have to get the glass, ok. Great. Alright, now I will go fill the glass with water, ok, alright, water flowing into my glass, shit, forgot to put on pants, shit ok, let me go back, alright going back, where are these pants.

Should I go on?

Benjamin - 20.01.2020 07:57

Diego just as irritating, he is not your friend in the beginning wtf
He is picking you up out of self interest because he wants to recruit people for the old camp. He gives two shits about you as a person. If they are fans, they should know that.

Rob Haney
Rob Haney - 20.01.2020 04:05

Well, it does look great, I'll give it that. Cut scenes need to be cut in half at the very least. Too bad the only entertaining part was your commentary, you make this stuff fun and funny. Otherwise, it'd be a pass for me. Hopefully the developers will listen.

kimseniorb - 18.01.2020 13:29

Why the hell is he speaking to himself so much. Its so immersion breaking

KnorpelDeluxe - 18.01.2020 10:36

They didn't understand what Gothic is about. Those monologues killed it within an instant for much cringe. And you cannot just start to explore like in the are forced to listen to a ton of hideous dialogues and watch cutscenes for ever. I really hope they change things heavily or this will not be any good

Pan Saltz Caballeratos Military Archery
Pan Saltz Caballeratos Military Archery - 18.01.2020 05:35

Gothic's Creed : The Colony

Adam Chapman
Adam Chapman - 17.01.2020 23:30


Igor - 17.01.2020 15:25

You can tell that the devs are really proud of that fire effect. They put fire almost everywhere. It´s even in the main menu ffs.

Elliot McGee
Elliot McGee - 17.01.2020 13:04

Everything highlighted in this video is crass and undue. It's a chagrined fanboy not considering what the actual product is meant for, and they cannot draw conclusions as what the final product might be. The PT is meant to test the market and it isn't the final product. It's unoptimized with low quality VO because it's just a market test

Ryoda - 16.01.2020 22:25

The main issue is that everyone is so nice to you. In the original, the only reason diego doesn't slit your throat for that letter is because he fell out of favor with the mages. And in this remake thing, he's like that over the top gentleman good guy. There's a reason it's called a "Ruhrpott RPG". The Ruhrpott is a region in germany with a rather rough way of talking, you know, like in gothic 1 and 2.
Granted, the english version couldn't quite capture the charm of the region, therefore making it harder for non germans to grasp the idea behind it, but even compared to the english version, there's still a huge difference in roughness.
That was my biggest issue with it and I am not convinced that anyone but germans from the Ruhrpott can actually re-create the tone of the original game.

Adriana Tomic
Adriana Tomic - 15.01.2020 03:57

I played the demo...not great...but not bad.. it has potential..I wanted more after the demo ended. that is a good sign for me. It need more polishing and work on combat and inventory.. but I like it...kinda, I want more of the game to play.

LaGgY CK - 14.01.2020 08:17

'RIght okey, Right Right, okey Right, okey, alright'
does anyone else talk to themself so much ? wasnt the part of Gothic that YOU think for the character?
