Efficient way to do bulk/batch INSERTS | Spring Boot | JPA | Performance tuning & Optimisation

Efficient way to do bulk/batch INSERTS | Spring Boot | JPA | Performance tuning & Optimisation

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Rabinarayan sabat
Rabinarayan sabat - 27.10.2023 11:17

But this increment strategy won't work in distributed system. So what need to be done then

Pure Scalper
Pure Scalper - 07.01.2023 14:20

I am using same process for ms SQL but first it firing select query for same number of records....then it firing batch insert as per set value. Can you please tell how to disable select query and directly firr insert?

Sergio Daniel
Sergio Daniel - 19.11.2022 16:18

Muchas gracias estimado 😉

karthik A
karthik A - 15.11.2022 04:47

Hi your all videos are very helpful. Thank you.

Arjun's world
Arjun's world - 09.11.2022 21:38

Don't use increment with multiple instances

Vinayak B T
Vinayak B T - 20.08.2022 15:51

How to update record in bulk, I mean how to update list of records at a time like bulk insert

karthik A
karthik A - 24.07.2022 14:51

Many thanks.

Sahil Bhasin
Sahil Bhasin - 11.07.2022 22:01

good job

bhargav N Reddy
bhargav N Reddy - 29.06.2022 18:41

We can use namedparameterjdbctemplate from spring jdbc for faster inserts

cameraman - 26.06.2022 16:02

I haven't been able to do batch inserts when one of the entities have a @UniqueConstraint, it complains 'duplicate key value violates unique constraint'. Which makes sense because it is assigning it an id +1 of the one previous even though they have the same supposedly unique property. I'm trying to find a way so that it recognizes that it is the same entity, been trying for a few days without success.

Yashaswi Sharma
Yashaswi Sharma - 15.06.2022 13:58

Hi Sir,
Can you please show the same scenario with MS SQL database.

Avinash Kv
Avinash Kv - 15.05.2022 22:27

I can't able to see the save method inside your repository

Paul Cainca
Paul Cainca - 17.03.2022 04:37

Please can you point me to the tutotial that creates the underlying bookstore-api

Sachin Munji
Sachin Munji - 03.03.2022 21:11

What if we are handling insert and update both through same api.. How can u avoid inserting duplicate data?????

Dheeban M
Dheeban M - 16.02.2022 19:01

How to fetch 10 million records optimise way pls?

Dheeban M
Dheeban M - 16.02.2022 18:49

Very useful sir 👍

Vinicius Ribeiro
Vinicius Ribeiro - 29.01.2022 00:13

In my data import, this optimisation were very impressionnant.
Execution time initial of 5 minutes
After changes, 10 seconds

Great! Thanks

Amrita Singh
Amrita Singh - 17.01.2022 09:04

Can we read in batches as well?
