Why Germany is still divided

Why Germany is still divided

The Present Past

9 месяцев назад

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Big Pauly
Big Pauly - 19.10.2023 05:59

its hard to repair an economy after it was ruined by the soviet union hence by easteuropean countries mostly still are way bellow the western ones

R. Todd Joris
R. Todd Joris - 19.10.2023 02:43

😂 you no things are f'd up when AFD is called extremest!! Or "far right" there is a long way to go before jackboots are marching down 5he streets! I guess when your far left! Just kidding..... really.

Celt of Canaan Esurix
Celt of Canaan Esurix - 19.10.2023 00:49

ok but why did you make it out like all the mothers letting the state teach their children while they make a minimum wage is a good thing? Also how in the world do you think Soviet style college education is even comparable to a western one, part of higher education is free thinking and problem solving, and soviet / socialist thinking is shoving a square brick through a triangle hole

MTO 35 89
MTO 35 89 - 18.10.2023 21:07

Institutions like the STASI back then are still being run today or are more likely to live on in the form in which the Internet has developed, namely that companies, states etc. can actually track almost every other person on the Internet today. Especially since many people don't even think about what they should or shouldn't disclose publicly online.

Albert Seabra
Albert Seabra - 18.10.2023 15:08

Watching the Wall caming down, after weeks of turmoil in East Germany was extremely moving.
The Joly, the Tears, the crowds crossing into the West...
...there was hope, a New World was about to appear.

Then the First Iraq War took place, Gorbachev supporting the West.
Unfortunately, from then on terrible Political leaders made unwise, dangerous decisions.

And unfit persons like George W. Bush (junior), Trump, Bolsonaro, David Cameron, François Hollande, Boris Johnson, etc, etc, set the World ablaze.
A dark movie script or an absurd, mad, freakish Historical Period?

Fabian Wenzel
Fabian Wenzel - 18.10.2023 09:11

For me, these are just as much my German brothers and sisters in the geographical east of Germany as those living in the north, south and west. So are the people who live in Austria, Liechtenstein, South Tyrol and German-speaking Switzerland, also my German brothers and sisters. I stand firmly by my compatriots, no matter which geographical direction of Germany they come from. Every new German Unity Day makes me proud, because the Germans from the geographical east of Germany are reunited with their German brothers and sisters in the north, south and west. Perhaps one day the people of Austria, German-speaking Switzerland, Lichtenstein and South Tyrol will be fortunate enough to be united with their other German brothers and sisters. I would like to see this done democratically by means of a referendum monitored by the UN so that irregularities can be ruled out. We Germans must learn from our mistakes and not bring about the unification of all Germans with the crowbar, as Hitler did. I am a patriot and love Germany with all my heart. I love every tree, every creek, every river, every field, every blade of grass, every forest, every animal life, the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, every pond, every lake, every building from the 19th century and of course my German brothers and sister.

Clint Stewart
Clint Stewart - 17.10.2023 18:23

Germany should take back their land they lost in the second world war

Victor - 17.10.2023 17:55

Very interesting. Cheers from Brazil.

Craig Weidhuner
Craig Weidhuner - 17.10.2023 04:43

My family is from Germany. My grandparents grew up under Hitler and the Nazis, both my grandfathers were forced to serve in the navy during the war. I remember my mother telling me how her mother had to hide in piles of manure to avoid being raped by the Soviets. My father (who was born at the end of the war) and his parents moved to the US, while my mother and her parents moved to Canada (where I currently live). I vaguely remember the wall coming down as I was born in '82 so I was still a child when it happened and didn't fully understand the significance at the time. But for my parents, and especially my grandparents it was an emotional moment. They grew up believing (as I'm sure most of the world did) that Germany would be divided forever and the Soviet Union/communist bloc would still be around today. I even remember my Oma (grandma, on mom's side) having a piece of the Berlin wall in her house after the fall.

xtnabcn - 17.10.2023 00:30


Guy Faux
Guy Faux - 16.10.2023 01:58

"East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet." Rudyard Kipling may as well have been speaking of East and West Germany. Interesting, but a cursory retrospective that just scratched the surface. The issues run very deep and are still a source of pain, anger and frustration for millions of former East Germans as well as the millions living today in the former East Germany.

Half_Finis - 15.10.2023 20:35

the woman on the webcam does not have a great voice for this kinda stuff

Tom Aguilar
Tom Aguilar - 15.10.2023 06:20

sounds like what the leftist are trying to do now with the US concerning turning it into a socialist state

Lucid - 15.10.2023 01:14

Amazing video!

USSRComrade120 - 14.10.2023 19:26

Funny he mentioned the Merkels, because I am a Morkel.

David Stenström Ahrentz
David Stenström Ahrentz - 14.10.2023 18:47

People who try to blame former West germanies handling of East germany in the Reunification ignore generations of pilaging by the Soviet states of eastern europe. How the economy was again and again driven to the ground by political decisions that should have been left for the markets. When East germany remerged with West germany it was in shambles. As the video said Soviet also totally anhillated easter germany. There was more to rebuild.

EmBee - 14.10.2023 17:04

East Germany

The Small Town Explorer
The Small Town Explorer - 14.10.2023 01:26

Excellent video. The bit about the German refugees forced to go to East Germany was news to me, and the high (relatively speaking) standard of living goes against everything I thought I knew. Also, love the title of the channel. For that alone I have to sub.

Coin Bowl
Coin Bowl - 13.10.2023 04:36

Ha! Socialism failed!

Mathe mit Nullplan
Mathe mit Nullplan - 12.10.2023 19:19

little bit rough ending was that intentional?

rodrigo scheneider
rodrigo scheneider - 11.10.2023 18:43

liberate huauhahuahuauuhahuhaahahahua

iLLegaL aLien
iLLegaL aLien - 11.10.2023 15:14

If the wall never fell the west would be on mars

mkatakm - 11.10.2023 13:45

I am not a historian Jim, I am a doctor.

mike Tackabery
mike Tackabery - 11.10.2023 09:53

Marvelous video. Thanks!

Ye Olde Boy Scout
Ye Olde Boy Scout - 11.10.2023 08:15

When your government builds a wall to contain you like cattle, it should occur to you, "I'm f@cked".

KO OPERATIVE KROHN - 11.10.2023 06:30

This video earned you a sub mate

HIGHWAY RED - 11.10.2023 00:28

I served guard duty on the Berlin Wall and I hated it, but it was easy to see the difference and was glad I was an American 😅😅

Sandro - 10.10.2023 23:48

So nice Story telling, thanks for the job you ve done, respect

jjeherrera - 10.10.2023 20:19

Very interesting. I may add that although the DDR never had the level of development of West Germany, by the 1970s it was regarded by the UN as the only developed country in the Soviet Block (besides the USSR, of course.) While I was glad when the wall fell, I was also sorry that it fell because of the wrong reasons; the want for consumer goods, rather than a real ideological consciousness of what it meant.

Holger P.
Holger P. - 10.10.2023 12:37

This was more presenting the past, than showing something about "today still divided".
Well, First they wanted a change, later on they complain, they had to change. That's a dilemma.
But if the environment changes, the species have to adapt. Darwins law.

Nikola Obradović
Nikola Obradović - 10.10.2023 10:39

So, Red army rape, but US and Brits were on moral high ground and didn't do same thing xD yeah...

Белая Гвардия
Белая Гвардия - 10.10.2023 04:33

Какую же чушь ты несешь. Немцы убили 27 миллионов граждан СССР, а ты тут про несчастную Германию и злой СССР рассказываешь под грустную музыку. "Советские солдаты изнасиловали 2 миллиона немецких женщин" - бред полный. Зато знаешь скольких русских женщин изнасиловали немецкие солдаты? А никто не считал, но детей от этих действий было много, это факт. Речь о сотнях, как минимум.

Prince Righty I
Prince Righty I - 09.10.2023 22:41

"Your pride has built a wall so strong that I can't get through~
Is there really no chance to start once again?"

-Still Loving You (1984) by Scorpions

Владимир Пупкин
Владимир Пупкин - 09.10.2023 16:40

чрезвычайно предвзято

Momchil Yordanov
Momchil Yordanov - 09.10.2023 15:31

We, who lived east of the Iron Curtain, had a somewhat romantic view of the free, rich world on the other side. When the barriers fell and we started living "the new way", we realized that reality is not so black and white. The people were freer, but not as free as we thought and the life was richer, but not as rich as we imagined. Many people were disappointed. Especially those who did not find their place in the new conditions. It is a natural, human reaction to blame the system, even if the reasons lie in their own inability to adjust.

Jose A Ramirez
Jose A Ramirez - 09.10.2023 15:04

Jeans are expensive luxury goods? 😂

Salt and Peroxide
Salt and Peroxide - 09.10.2023 14:14


NETHERITE CRAFT ON DRUGS(dont ask why) - 09.10.2023 14:13

I know someone that their parents escaped east germnany into west

Salt and Peroxide
Salt and Peroxide - 09.10.2023 14:13


connected online
connected online - 09.10.2023 14:10

Extreme socialism is suppressive and intolerant. National socialism and USSR and CCP and DRK are totalitarian barbarians

Aid Om
Aid Om - 09.10.2023 05:59

Russia is shit, its influence bring misery and suffering. More at 2...

Htainlin Dwa
Htainlin Dwa - 09.10.2023 02:44

Go figure, it's fashion that causes problems. Like in American Street, people kill each other for tennis shoe hehe

richard alvarado
richard alvarado - 09.10.2023 01:51

This in a way kind mirrors what happened in the United States after the American Civil War, especially in the defeated Southern Confederate states.

Magnús Jensson
Magnús Jensson - 09.10.2023 00:38

