The Blazing Development Of Blaze The Cat (ft. @TheEternalSamurai )

The Blazing Development Of Blaze The Cat (ft. @TheEternalSamurai )


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@Jbelnap510 - 06.12.2023 02:47

So a few of the articles here mention that Blaze was intended to be Sonic's equivalent in the Sol Dimension, but when I try to find the original source it takes me to a bio page in Japanese, which according to Deep L doesn't seem to mention anything about that. Do you know of any source that confirms she was intended to be Sonic's equivalent? Because I'd really like to find one.

@user-iu4jl6cg4n - 15.11.2023 16:18


@faith_brown - 07.11.2023 09:17

I wish they’d kept one of her OG outfits, I love the spikier hair and flame like facial markings

@TinaKellyRussell - 01.06.2023 05:21

(Sonic '06 spoilers ahead, for those who haven't played it) I always figured the whole deal with Blaze being in Sonic '06 was that the game takes place before Sonic Rush, and that Blaze being sent to another dimension at the end of Silver's story was a way of tying the two games together: she was born in Silver's future of Sonic's world, is sealed away in another dimension, and then presumably at some point becomes princess of that dimension and guardian of the Sol Emeralds. Of course, that doesn't explain why she doesn't recognize Sonic at the beginning of Sonic Rush... maybe she lost her memory when being sent to that other dimension. (Of course, by the end of Sonic '06, Iblis never existed and the whole story is wiped from time, but I'm guessing that change never affected Blaze's dimension, making her something of a temporal refugee. Doesn't she say something regarding how she never expected to see Crisis City again in Sonic Generations? Of course, that undermines my earlier idea that she lost her memory of the events of Sonic '06... aaaagh...)

@Thepowerofmeadtationsonia_290 - 29.05.2023 06:15

Blaze the cat It's the best Cat in the Hat I've ever seen

@giannizcairo200 - 09.04.2023 05:12

Blaze the cat reminds me of jasmine from Aladdin 1992

@Dungeon00X - 23.03.2023 22:02

That IGN score just blew my mind.

@cheesegrater6190 - 18.02.2023 07:49


@cobaltprime9467 - 16.02.2023 14:14

Blaze is the perfect alt character for Sonic games. She even works in modern games because she has a boost.
Sega should just make a new game where the Sol Emeralds do some weird thing and merge both worlds so we don’t have to have a reason every time. Marine could even be her Tails, or just Cream. Still have her use the Sol Emeralds that you collect along side the Chaos Emeralds which would still be the main Emeralds (or just have the Sol Emeralds get destroyed and Burning Blaze is just through the Chaos Emeralds now). Plus now that Silver is basically always in their time, they can be partners like in 06.
Blaze, Shadow, Metal Sonic, and even Silver if they rework his powers to have a psychokinetic boost, would be great playable characters in future games. If Sega wants to connect the IDW comics, Surge would also be a great boost character. Especially for a “Dark Story” segment.

@thetitostream - 12.02.2023 23:37

Yea Blaze is basically my favorite character

@millbrick - 12.02.2023 18:04

wait, if the sol emeralds come from the sol dimension, then would that make sonic's own dimension the chaos dimension?

@Deimos_Fresh - 12.02.2023 15:29

Blaze was... well I guess technically still is my favorite character. Rush Blaze leave such a huge impression on me, that I can only react positively whenever I see her. Sonic'06 didn't ruined her image for me, but that depiction keeps the biggest problem I have with Sonic fandom. They pushing her being paired with Silver, which greatly influence her current in-game depiction. That's what pushes me away from Blaze and Sonic franchise in general.

@natron2479 - 09.01.2023 20:57

Blaze the Cat is my number 1 favorite female character in Sonic. My number 2 would be Rouge the Bat

@zackerhia914 - 04.01.2023 07:23

Blaze needs to be fronters dlc. heck i would a blaze spin off game

@harleylikesddlc1632 - 02.01.2023 06:14

what happens if I call Blaze "Your Highness"?

@dryadmantis5354 - 30.12.2022 22:19

Pls do one about Marine and Sonic Rush Adventure I love Marine!!

@yungmuney5903 - 25.11.2022 05:30

Don't get me wrong Blaze is a top tier character but I still can't help but think her arc and the overall story of Rush is sloppily handled. Jreviews said it best when the dialogue and characters are so inorganic and hamfisted going on about this whole anime esque friendship, but what they actually mean by that is have papi jesuschucknorris Sonic do everything for you and have this rebellious anti authority teenager tell the serious sovereign young woman what's right and wrong. So inspiring.

Let's be real here, Sonic has never really ever been good at doing this friendship is magic schtick and has been getting worse by the minute. An egregious example being that Sonic and on rare occasions Shadow, Silver and Blaze are allowed to go super already dents that whole thing cause it always cycles back to these characters (which boils down to "exclusively Sonic" about 90% of the time) being inherently more important to the rest.

Now back to Rush; I get what they're trying to do here with Blaze, but the people around her that she's supposed to go through the arc are with literal aliens. She is imo quite justified with her behavior and has no real good reason to trust anyone with her mission let alone listen to them harping on and on about friendship and Sonic like 'bitch I don't know who any of you fuckers are leave me alone'. And it seems that the story kinda forgot that important aspect because everyone (besides Sonic I guess) is still portrayed as an obnoxious hindrance to Blaze and her quest anyways, even Cream too with the whole babysitter shit (gee what a wonderful detail to contribute to her arc /s). Yet after all this Blaze learns that friendship is good because... Sonic said so????? Yeah no foh lol, I see why she lashed out in Zone 7, I would've done the same thing too.

@Sheenifier - 09.09.2022 10:10

I hope she shows up in the new Sonic Frontiers

@toonman5099 - 12.08.2022 16:33

I don't know if anyone has pointed out, but honestly, Blaze's prototype design feels like the artist did that thing you tend to see in comics where if a character is kept mysterious and hidden, their entire character is shaded out and mostly black with only a few colors and hints of the full design peeking through.

Also her prototype design can't help but make me feel like she was going to be utilized more in '06, I don't know if she would flat out replace her, but her story arc feels like it fits much better if she was counted at the main princess in '06, plus there is a lot of things that sort of make a lot more sense if you think about the story in that context. I have no clue if that's true, but it was the same case for Cream who appeared not too long before Blaze, having a similar development history of being specifically made for Heroes' gameplay, but had her debut and story origins in a game released right before the big console entry. I mean her design feels very much reminiscent of what Mephiles' design was, like to a scary degree, feels like a lot of her promotional art for the design is another take on the idea of what Shadow was when he was introduced, being the possible "villain" to Sonic's "hero", MAYBE, that bit is just an assumption on my part (well, technically ALL of this is, but this was mostly an assumption of an assumption). Plus it would make her inclusion feel a lot more impactful than the story we DID get where, basically, she was only included to die, which also didn't amount to anything.

Yes I know, she has some lines referencing she might recognize Sonic and it was stated somewhere that "it's the same Blaze from Rush so clearly it takes place after it", but honestly that sounds just weird when you examine the game as a whole, especially when nowhere else in the story is the idea brought up or expanded on. At best she only has 3 lines where she even comes close to alluding to her knowing Sonic, and they're all only at the start of Silver's story, after that it's never brought up again.

Another thing I find REALLY weird about Blaze, she has a very Indian or Arabian influenced design, yet the subjects of her Dimension/kingdom are a bunch of Koala's and Australian-like citizens. Although granted, there was a lot of Arabian designs going around at this time when you look at the big picture, it's still odd:
- Blaze's early outfits
- The Babylonians as a whole
- The fact we got a whole game based on the idea with Secret Rings
- One of '06 villains/bad guys is named Iblis which is derived from Djinn
- The version of Blaze's palace that we see in the IDW comics where it finally shown off what it looks like (dont know if it will stay canonically that design or not considering the games are not canon to the comics but it's true the other way around, being our best guess as to what the current canon/lore is)

Also the credits being misspelled in Rush feel all over the place because in some spots they spelled some of the names correctly when others aren't.

This is just a side thing because footage keeps being shown, I honestly hope that Team Sonic Racing's visual mechanic for the Rings gets carried over into future titles, I like the idea of being able to spot the glow of some rings when they're off in the distance (can also double as a good programming aspect for things that are too far to load in, sort of acting as a "fog wall", at least for rings, maybe for general items an enemies too? not sure)

@sebastianhernandezvazquez4922 - 07.08.2022 20:24

You know one irónic thing? That blaze is afraid of heights

@jethelonewanderer - 01.08.2022 21:32

I discovered blaze on my ds xl back then

@SpeedDemonPowerage98 - 01.08.2022 06:21

It’s such a shame that at this point well for me Blaze is basically the Waluigi of the Sonic Series as she usually only ever appears in Spin-offs.

@robertlauncher - 01.08.2022 00:15

If Sega started bringing more playable characters into 3D Sonic again, Blaze wouldn’t be a bad place to start. She’s similar enough to Sonic gameplay wise, has been a fan favorite since Rush, and combining Sonic and Blaze’s worlds in one game could make for a big adventure

@TheFatestPat - 01.07.2022 22:25

I miss Blaze.

@crimsonth - 26.06.2022 16:36

fun fact or a theory in sonic 06 when she sacrifices her self she said "sliver quick use ur choes controle to stop time and sell us in different dimensions"

@shadic1988 - 19.06.2022 06:45

Blaze's first design concept dates back to Sonic Adventure 2 as the possible antagonist for the story. This would be scrapped and idea changed from a cat to a black Hedgehog who we all know today as Shadow. Because of this, you can see that Blaze has a personality similar to the Ultimate Lifeform.

@WhatAreColors - 18.06.2022 09:45

Blaze ❤

@franciscotapia9682 - 08.06.2022 00:47

Whiskers:purple pikmin are good purple characters just like Blaze, after all...

"Those born in the purple are among the privileged"

Codycross, phrase 2, puzzle 2, group 69

@cirnosnumberfan6449 - 05.06.2022 02:04

Blaze is also one of the few Sonic characters that Sega/Sonic Team hasn't ruined (portrayed horribly), but I guess that's because she wasn't in a lot of games compare to the ones they had ruined
Cough Shadow, Tails, and Knuckles.

@MustacheMaster - 02.06.2022 11:18

Best Girl

@amandaslough125 - 26.05.2022 19:39

I thought I was a mini Blaze expert since she's my favorite of the cast. Yet you still showed me things I didn't know. The Mephiles like Proto Blaze I didn't know (which should totally return as a villain). Nor have I seen the side profile Arabic concept art. I really like how you can see her concept arts having an influence on her finalized design, despite looking so much different.

The Proto Burning Tiger Blaze, which looks sick, honestly looks like it could've influenced Shade the Echidna. Like, Shade is just a more sleek version of that, just without the Super Saiyan powers.

@lilac.0464 - 18.05.2022 13:19

I needed this video I love Blaze so much!

@RyzumiVRC - 14.05.2022 00:58

I wish sega did more with bean the dynamite 😔😔

@RaveDX - 06.05.2022 09:47

I really want an explanation on why Blaze has 2 different backstorys. One being a guardian Princess and the other a time traveler from the future. Was it Sega's writer's incompetence with Sonic lore or did they mean to reintroduce her on purpose??

@wingedqueenlynx8380 - 04.04.2022 23:37

I loved Blaze when I was growing up, we need more Blaze action in games and media

@danofsteel785 - 04.04.2022 19:59

We need a Blaze-centric game fighting Eggman Nega in the Sol Dimension.

@codyx8233 - 03.04.2022 12:44


@TheEmeraldSwordSteam - 03.04.2022 01:00

I find it funny how Blaze In Rush paralleled everything about Sonic by having similar moves but done different, like how she twirls instead of curl into a ball, or does more more ballet style breakdance rather than the cardboard matt style Sonic does. The reason I find this funny is mainly the way she runs, Sonic doesn't pump his arms and lets the speed of his legs do all the work, so he splays his arms behind him and leans forward to be more aerodynamic, so Blaze parallels this by running more up right and tucks her fists to her sides, but she's actually replicating the way Classic Sonic ran minus the circular motion with the legs.

@ToonCatTV - 29.03.2022 20:30

Got my oj and celery ready for best girl

@PixelrushTheFunnyPixelMan - 29.03.2022 19:00

Finally got around to watching this one. Awesome job dude!

@brawlfan - 29.03.2022 01:49

blaze is just a fire-type espeon

@Thebigflatmeeseburger - 28.03.2022 09:45

I love blaze she’s so cute!!
