5 - Thread Factory in Multithreading | Cached Thread Pool | Almighty Java

5 - Thread Factory in Multithreading | Cached Thread Pool | Almighty Java

Almighty Java

5 лет назад

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#ThreadFactory #ThreadPool #Multithreading
What is Thread Factory ?

An object that creates new threads on demand. Using thread factories removes hardwiring of calls to new Thread, enabling applications to use special thread subclasses, priorities, etc.

What is Default Thread Factory ?

Returns a default thread factory used to create new threads.

This factory creates all new threads used by an Executor in the same ThreadGroup.

Each new thread is created as a non-daemon thread with priority set to the smaller of Thread.NORM_PRIORITY and the maximum priority permitted in the thread group.

New threads have names accessible via Thread.getName of pool-N-thread-M, where N is the sequence number of this factory, and M is the sequence number of the thread created by this factory.


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