A Stronger Start in World Vs World - A Guild Wars 2 Guide

A Stronger Start in World Vs World - A Guild Wars 2 Guide


4 года назад

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@manuelmusetti5026 - 15.01.2024 17:57

wonderful video!

@Dragothel-zw9tn - 11.09.2023 03:22

Extremely helpful and well explained. Thanks!

@Theuubestofbuus - 19.08.2023 02:36

That will Smith scene didn't age well 😂

@SupraSav - 11.08.2023 12:57

That Will Smith cut has me in pieces dude

@LaHuguu - 02.08.2023 00:38

Just started WvW from being a PvE nerd. The way to my first Gift of Battle was a pain, my build was awful and my mindfulness of the situations I was in was even worst.

@allensonu - 05.05.2023 05:59

if u scale up in wvw u keep your low lvl gear so take note maybe

@Subaru_God - 10.04.2023 17:31

Three years, better late than never. Excellent video. Thank you , M-D-B-R-E Da 4TH

@mak9595 - 14.01.2023 18:14

Again people forget that the most vital roll in WvW is the scout. Nice to have all upgraded towers, but if someone isn't on chat to warn you if it was a "tap" or 30ppl showing up for dailies.

@alexsnel9686 - 22.11.2022 18:09

How do u find which color u r?

@juhokettunen8245 - 09.11.2022 18:15

Very nice comprehensive introduction to the gamemode, thanks! Been playing GW2 for 1000+ hours, but never got deep into WvW.

@hvok99 - 21.10.2022 17:49

Super helpful, thanks for the breakdown

@followthewolves1991 - 08.10.2022 04:02

I've just started playing wvw and I like it so far. I started it because I wanted to unlock the warclaw mount and I also thought it would be a good way to unlock legendary armor.

Just feel like I don't do much becuase I don't have wvw focused gear or builds. I've spent 90% of my time making pve builds and ive even been struggling to get ascended gear for them lol. So idk if I should continue or just unlock the warclaw and dip out.

@huntcringedown2721 - 14.06.2022 17:25

"If you lose 1v1 think how you could play it differently"
Meanwhile revenant shadowstepping to me, stunning me for 5 seconds and killing me in full stealth with aegis while I cant move, damage or see him, and if I survive he just runs away with quickness while regenerating to negate my whole untamed ranger damage and does same thing after cooldown...

@VII_Spiritual - 04.05.2022 04:57

Bro you've covered it all :D. Thanks for the enlightenment.

@DrgonXeon - 29.04.2022 22:01

have fun stormin the castle :D

@DratchGarou - 20.04.2022 15:42

I tried to do some WvW but it was quite difficult to find where the fighting was. Maybe I was just showing up at a bad time, but do you have any advice for when it seems quiet/dead? Where do I go? Can I still meaningfully get rewards out of WvW if I'm truly alone? I looked for commander tags, tried talking in team and zone chat, and without a warclaw by the time I got anywhere where something had just changed hands, everyone was already gone. I want to play but I don't know where to go!!

@karabean - 13.03.2022 02:41

"I do as much damage as a pool noodle" hey that's me 😆

@seanbogaard529 - 01.03.2022 02:50

+10 for mentioning Havoc Squad

@johnthewolfheart8671 - 23.02.2022 12:47

I'm hooked on WvW now and using it to get my armors, etc. I'm horrible 1v1 but's it's good practice to figure out how to use my key mapping selections under pressure against actual players.
totally different vibe from PvE and the use of the Warclaw.

@johnthewolfheart8671 - 20.02.2022 08:09

Thank you again!
Just started WvW and was so lost for a few minutes until I followed a group.

@TohnR - 17.02.2022 21:49

What about going AFK after your session is over ?
EDIT : Aaaaaand I just learnt you keep your participation level the next time you join WvW, not that's smart game design, then AFKing at the end of your session is pointless :)

@bluejay4069 - 09.02.2022 15:49

Is full exotic good enough for WvW?

@ChaiLatte13 - 05.02.2022 01:56

Thank you so much. I just started trying out WvW and wow I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm working on my warclaw now.

@drewharrito5705 - 24.01.2022 01:54

Fantastic video man.. I’ve played GW2 10 years and never tried wvw until now… this is great

@MrMongoose30 - 30.12.2021 19:43

Great info thanx!

@rainyday13 - 14.12.2021 19:43

I've watched a few of these videos. I'm completely overwhelmed.

@creestee08 - 29.11.2021 16:43

thanks my man. gonna do WvW today cuz i need armor skins. sigh.

@jpixelart8472 - 03.11.2021 23:30

Things about commanders. Which class can be. How play like. Etc..

@ayz4299 - 30.10.2021 18:39

i ll get in my first wvw after finish this

@cezarasouza - 18.10.2021 16:51

Best game type for me

@hernanbrunini9994 - 17.10.2021 15:26

Great guide my master, I'll follow your advices

@spykefl - 11.10.2021 03:03

You cant do pvp til level 3.. btw..

@PathWars - 08.09.2021 22:12


World Vs World seems awesome.
It's MMO-RPG Planet Side 2!

I'm sure this video will be really good for noobs like me to figure out how to get going :D

I think personally though I'm gonna finish the story before sinking big time into WvW.

I think I also may wanna wait until Alliances.
There's plenty of other things to do in GW2 in the meantime.

@ryanbackvlogs7356 - 08.09.2021 19:11

I'm finding the amount of info and learning a bit overwhelming. I went to try WvW but server was dead. No tags to follow or anything like that. After some googling it became so complex just trying to find out if a change of server would help, joining the correct guild how to do that, etc I've lost hope tbh.

@joshuabadach543 - 25.08.2021 00:36

This is exactly what I needed, thank you for making this. I've been avoiding WvW for a very long time due to feeling overwhelmed, this helped break it down in a way that will help with that.

@YupSsBlAzin17 - 20.08.2021 23:58

Do you need the dlc to get warclaw?

@knightzix_01 - 11.08.2021 16:15

yes its called find a commander you like if you like playing with this person or feel this person gets things done Add that person to your Friendlist to be updated when this commander logs on

@JazzyRedMusic - 28.07.2021 21:53

Coming across this problem where everytime I enter WvW there's no tags and no lfgs. I wander the map aimlessly until im picked off or i find an ally and follow them for a little bit. Is WvW mode just dying or can I really not find any groups??? Been having trouble with this for the past few days, have yet to see a commander tag on any map.

@kalttrabant - 18.07.2021 11:14


@amanda.burmeister - 23.06.2021 22:54

My favorite part: If you are a new player, don't get discouraged when you die! (I was DEF' run over by a mob of unusual size of 2 crowds) and LMAO hysterically about it!

This video is Great (I'll be passing it on!)

@Mitsunee_ - 12.06.2021 23:48

mmm... this might be the one type of pvp that I actually like, next to the "your units autobattle the whales and you die, but losing has the same rewards, just half as many" type azurlane has. Just running around zerging stuff was fun in Tera, so I'll definitely try it here (:

@AzrealGaming - 01.06.2021 00:32

Kewl name

@lynpotter6471 - 22.05.2021 12:34

This is a good WvW 101 guide. If you're planning to make it a series, I think people are generally in the dark on the specifics of scoring.

For example, every successful Yak journey is worth 1 point. That means that owning camps and protecting the Yaks will earn more points over time than just having fully upgraded keeps with no yaks running. Thus, if you're trying to sway a close match and zerging isn't your fancy, flipping camps and assassinating Yaks is a very effective way to do that.

Knowing that sort of stuff helps drive PvP conflict in both volume and variety. Otherwise, it does tend to devolve into Zerg vs. Zerg.

@avielp - 19.05.2021 08:47

Why is the auto-loot mastery so important?

@damens-xn9pu - 16.05.2021 09:29

thanks for this, just got back into the game and I love ranger/druid/soulbeast; how to you play your minstrel druid in wvw; trying to figure out what I should be playing in a zerk

@JazzyRedMusic - 14.05.2021 23:31

I really don't care for pvp or wvw modes in most games, but I do really want a legendary weapon and the reward tracks have mystic clovers >.< So thank you for this helpful start!

@ksfarmmom - 09.05.2021 06:32

Two newbie observations after playing long enough to get the gift of battle I needed and complete most of the warclaw—all the other maps except the Eternal Battleground always seemed deserted. Is this the usual case? And, I waited a long time and kept coming back to see if any groups were trying to take a keep. Most always seemed focused on the castle. Never saw a keep being sieged.

@avielp - 08.05.2021 19:41

I've been waiting the entire video to see your second weapon set

@handonmygat9561 - 03.05.2021 17:59

My biggest problem with WvW is my fps
