Downfall: The Battle of Berlin 1945 (Documentary)

Downfall: The Battle of Berlin 1945 (Documentary)

Real Time History

54 года назад

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@alejandro4300 - 29.12.2024 08:30

The narration for me it's too fast. I would prefer a softer and slower narration.

@pyatig - 29.12.2024 05:17

I’d love to see just one western historian not mention NKVD for just one video. Enough with the propaganda BS

@joiedevie3901 - 29.12.2024 04:35

Jesse, you are a wonderfully gifted analyst, interpreter and raconteur of history. I wish we had more teachers like you; we would be living in a more edified world if history could be this accessible to people both young and old. Many thanks!

@azmuslim - 29.12.2024 01:42

My maternal grandfather survived the winter war with Finland, the whole 2nd WW and ended the war in Berlin. Crazy how he survived.

@Mr_Fu_Manchu - 27.12.2024 17:36

Once your administrative center is sourrounded and all country ocuppied, sacrificind lives and resources to resist it is senseless. Hundred of thousends of people died so a demented dictator can live a month or two more! The lesson was learned? No, today in Ukraine we are going on the same road! Only the demented from today is sitting at Moskow!

@angelsuan3407 - 27.12.2024 11:42

now i already get "spy x family" puurrrrr

@BlackGold-fc7tu - 27.12.2024 00:24

Fought till the end

@keepcalm3547 - 26.12.2024 21:19

The only thing I gout of this video is Hitler bday is April 20th, WTF, no wonder he was on shroom the whole time and made stupid invasion and cost the mad chaos. :S coincidence? 420...

@ima2stroker - 26.12.2024 15:56

Guys, we defeated the wrong enemy in the history 😢

@denizgokayozkir6701 - 26.12.2024 03:58

You can literally see that's another mid USA made documentary in how the text is formed.

@Mooudd1 - 25.12.2024 14:09

بدون الدعم الغربى للسوفيت لما تمكن السوفيت من الانتصار على الفيرماخت ابداً ! انجلترا وامريكا امدوا السوفيت بمعلومات استخباراتية قاتلة حصلوا عليها بعد تمكنهم من التصنت على الفيرماخت وفك شفرة انيجما وقصفوا الفيرماخت وجميع مصانعه جوياً ونسقوا مع السوفيت الهجوم على المانيا ! وهذا سبب انتصار السوفيت ودخولهم لبرلين التى لم يكونوا يحلمون حتى برؤيتها على بعد كيلومترات ! وكل ذلك بسبب غباء هتلر وتدخله فى التخطيط للفيرماخت رغم ان هتلر ليس جنرال عسكرى اصلاً ! وبسبب غباء هتلر عندما رفض الزحف لاسقاط الحكومة السوفيتية فى موسكو وضيع وقته الثمين فى حصار مدينة لا يوجد فيها الا مدنيين اسمها ستالينجراد وبسبب غباء هتلر عندما رفض القضاء على جيش انجلترا فى دونكيرك ورفضه غزو انجلترا رغم انه كان يستطيع ! وتم تجهيز جيش انجليزى جديد لسحق هتلر وتم استخدام مطارات انجلترا للقصف الجوى الكاسح الشديد للغاية الذى لم يترك مبنى فى المانيا كلها الا ودمره !

@blakejech6846 - 24.12.2024 02:53

Thank you soviets. We will always remember you

@modouxmodoux7836 - 24.12.2024 01:44

excellent video! bravo

@zero5559 - 23.12.2024 22:48

in the end what was caught in the middle were the civilians who didnt know any better (from both sides) being horribly treated for decades.
all because an austrian got mad.
what a mess

@montrelouisebohon-harris7023 - 23.12.2024 19:55

It’s ironic the USA fed the Soviet union and the people for four years to keep them from all starving to death a year or more into the war and that’s just because the Germans burnt all their crops and killed livestock, lend lease was started with the Soviet union in September 1941 and the USA sent so much over to this Soviet union and anything they wanted or needed in bulk that they probably started receiving the beginning of 1942 and maybe late 1941 but it just depended because of the weather and German U-boats, but I would say the first of 1942. The more that says it’s got by 1943 and 1944. They were able to unleash the biggest hellfire as they moved Westward, but it was unfair and wrong for Stalin to believe Eisenhower was lying to him because people who are monsters and killers like style of course they’re gonna think that. those firing howitzer on Berlin by the Soviets were sent to them by the USA…

@rogernam2092 - 23.12.2024 16:01

Bullshit Docu..! What a one sided Rubbish 👎

@Nicholas-ok9no - 23.12.2024 15:42

1945 or 2025😮??

@camfg8908 - 23.12.2024 14:09

Imagine if Germany had 6000 nukes at this point. What do you think what would they do with them? You can also think of this question in the situation again today...

@failure_4_sale - 22.12.2024 20:41

Part that always confused me about the battle of Berlin is the Germans still had millions of actual soldiers, I’m not talking about the volksstrum, I’m talking actual soldiers.. millions.. why were they never pulled back to Germany to defend the country?

Germany could have easily kept the war going long enough to have had Berlin nuked as was planned instead of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.. was just always baffling to me that the defense was relied so much on volkstrum when there was that many soldiers left.

I forget the name of the pocket but the Germans had over 200k wermacht in one location… just sitting there… doing nothing.

@muhammadrizqanilmi1301 - 22.12.2024 15:10

By several years to come, this channel will cover more battle history throughout Cold War until present-day. It's exciting.

@serivina_freiheitskampfer1936 - 22.12.2024 10:20


@GrayLensman51 - 22.12.2024 06:21

June 22, 1941 to April 1945 is NOT 6 years of war re: the Soviets

@zRelentless - 22.12.2024 04:28

I wouldn’t say there’s absolutely no evidence hitler escaped..

@JC-mx9su - 21.12.2024 16:07

Hello i hope you can make the Philippine Revolution and the Philippine-American War that would be interesting to learn.

@Fijianzion - 21.12.2024 09:27

Are Russians eastern Europeans?

@Flaco_828 - 21.12.2024 02:37

Our hall monitor back in middle school in like 2011-2013 he had tattoos with numbers on his arm and we always questioned him on what it means and he said when u graduate high school u can ask me again and I’ll answer. And I saw him after graduation and his arm years later in 2017 and I didn’t even ask cuz Ik what it means. He had that Jewish star on his necklace it already said enough what that old man went through when he was a kid.

@marcelomarcelo2695 - 21.12.2024 00:09

Salve a Grande Alemanha ,Ocultista , Esoterica e Sagrada

@davidthomas1329 - 20.12.2024 23:54

Today’s generations would not be able to handle being in that era

@karylhogan5758 - 20.12.2024 22:26

Only for American forces in Europe Stalin would have walked all over Europe to French coast …

@HiveMindBeta - 19.12.2024 17:56

great vid, I would prefer this a lot more without the action music in the background.

@jaimaakali1658 - 19.12.2024 16:06

Batlle of white walkers

@petersclafani4370 - 18.12.2024 22:34

Eisenhower was a coward n traitor..where Patton wanted to advance he was ordered to stand down or punished.
I believe Patton was killed because of his beliefs sgainst the rusdians

@Vivek_Anand02 - 18.12.2024 13:11

And what about the war crimes of other allied nations.

@MrNote85 - 17.12.2024 13:26

War is terrible

@TheLobohobo - 17.12.2024 00:05

Nichts neues, ungenügend. Klick Köder vom schlechtesten.

@anthonyiocca5683 - 16.12.2024 21:10

The brutality, all for what?

@BuzzznFrog - 16.12.2024 05:21

Crematoriums are for diseased dead bodies nothing shocking there lol

@TheGrandeCapo - 16.12.2024 00:25

Soviets captured Berlin. The problem is that they haven't left it for next almost 50 years.

@amogus9287 - 15.12.2024 19:24

Thank you for the documentary advertisement! The only ad i actually appreciate in a long time lol

@vonsergie - 15.12.2024 09:00

Please make documentary about Battle of Manila

@puppets.and.muppets - 15.12.2024 02:10

hitlers failed socialist experiment.

@lazydebrincat - 14.12.2024 00:00

Please do the Boer War next🙏🏼🙏🏼

@bro94ee - 13.12.2024 21:44

What poles where there . Where did you get that evidence.
