Share Clipboard and Drag'n'Drop between VirtualBox guest Linux and host Windows

Share Clipboard and Drag'n'Drop between VirtualBox guest Linux and host Windows

an Erik

8 лет назад

8,233 Просмотров

In VirtualBox, with Addition CD Image installed, you can enable the feature of Shared Clipboard and Drop'n'Dop to copy/cut text between host and guest.
I can use both clipboard and Drag'n'Dop from host Windows 10 to guest Ubuntu, clipboard from guest Ubuntu to host Windows. BUT NOT Drag'n'Drop from guest Ubuntu to host Windows, it make the guest Ubuntu hang-up!


#Drag_And_Drop #VirtualBox_(Software) #Clipboard #Windows_10
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Daily Dickpics
Daily Dickpics - 07.03.2018 16:21

Thanks it worked, liked the video!
