How to Play Epic Card Game by Wise Wizards Games

How to Play Epic Card Game by Wise Wizards Games

Tabletop Jason

1 год назад

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@foyoGames - 22.05.2024 00:08

❤ this game

@lastburning - 16.09.2023 04:23

This game shines as a drafting game. You have to make sure to have enough Draw 2s, removal, cost 0s etc. There are no mana curves or different colored resources but the composition of your deck still matters. I find it more interesting than MtG drafting because you're less restricted. The "Dark Draft" format which is explained in the rules is my favorite way to play. The gameplay itself is often about positive trades over multiple turns, until your opponent can't answer to your threat(s) anymore.

@sonofsol2869 - 27.03.2023 01:36

I use gold from Res Arcana with mine 😅
