Neverwinter Mod 18 - Field Of View Limit Patch + Console Giveaway Winners Northside Barbarian

Neverwinter Mod 18 - Field Of View Limit Patch + Console Giveaway Winners Northside Barbarian


4 года назад

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@hamicizakaria - 06.03.2023 16:25

i see russians have higher FOV, is there a way to make it happen ?

@TFCBIGVINNY - 26.03.2020 22:19

Grats winners

@rockandfire69 - 26.03.2020 16:30

Please leave FOV alone there's other issues to tend to. I like what I see now. Sweet video north 😊

@indianajoe9029 - 25.03.2020 17:11

I prefer to play with the largest field of view possible. I play on ps4 and will check out the changes when i am done working. As always love the video, keep up the good work Northside.

@honeyafun7450 - 25.03.2020 12:17

congratz to all the winners! ♥

@MsGhoulz - 25.03.2020 08:35

I guess I'm the only person who decreased their FOV.. Hey I was quite skilled for someone who can't see @#$% behind themself.

@Nermaleye - 25.03.2020 03:19

Has always great video. Did want to let you know in the new area last night for me my companion who's not following me so I had to dismiss and resummon five times

@Lewissharpley92 - 25.03.2020 01:21

Thank you very much my dude, I was one of the winners, appreciate everything you do brother <3

@Hades-mp3gg - 25.03.2020 00:56

Field Of View Limit sucks ,i hope they go back

@Tyfighter1977 - 25.03.2020 00:28

The FOV change is killing me. I immediately got a headache.

@katarinamarkovic6897 - 25.03.2020 00:00

more and more things "nothing i/we can do" in this game .

@Danky-gl4ip - 24.03.2020 22:06

It’s a option that was free to change sorry about ranting in the comments but come on

@Sora-o - 24.03.2020 21:41

They fixed Portal Hound and messed up FOV smh... bruh what are these ppl doing.

@Danky-gl4ip - 24.03.2020 21:09

I don’t even play on pc and this makes me salty

@Danky-gl4ip - 24.03.2020 21:05

Nice let’s nerf something that made the game look great

@notforyouraitoscrape - 24.03.2020 20:50

They need to change this. I have bad migranes from a severe head injury. What are they thinking? Im sure there are more people like me out there. WTF Terramak

@GastNdorf - 24.03.2020 20:35

Gee I thought this was for entering didn't realise it was the result I had no Internet for a week and nobody would fix it because of confinement. Well hope there will be some more in the future...

@kard2565 - 24.03.2020 20:20

Congrats to all the winners!!!

@tonys52580 - 24.03.2020 20:08

Fov nerf lol what’s next Kappa

@AbbessAchouri - 24.03.2020 20:04

tbh, I didnt find any reason for that FOV change, ecept that they want the pc to be a perfect test plateform for console. Players in consol struggled so much with tomm because of fov, which wasnt in pc after testing. So they want the experience in pc as much close to console as it can be.

@Daragoniceblade - 24.03.2020 19:58

Console here....WISH we could pull that far back 😂. But...have to adjust some now.

@Ludwig123179 - 24.03.2020 19:32

I play very closed 3rd person on solo content and some easy stuff - it gives me Assassins creed or pubg vibe :D But you need wider view in the hard content. As a healer, I have to spot the cocoon /other important things/ from above :D:D I also dont agree with it :) Thank you for the great video :)
EDIT: changed fov doesnt seem to affect my gameplay at all - everythings fine :)

@rolotcw - 24.03.2020 19:29

I use FOV at 100 in Tomm so i can react better to mechanics

@juniorolumide - 24.03.2020 19:23

that was their "fix" for codg. previously if you reduced ur fov below 70 and relogged u could stop the crash in that dungeon and im assuming this is their fix or attempt to fix the dungeon.

@truthbiased3282 - 24.03.2020 19:08

ya indeed, weird thing to change, fov ... so many other things that could use touching up, eg. how come no one ever talks about how slow and bad the fighters blocking is? compared to the Paladin, Pals are so smooth and faster blocking than a fighter ....? etc etc etc

@FearlessTruth1911 - 24.03.2020 19:08

I can't believe I downloaded it again and instant regathered it! (I'll tell you what happened lol) Can't download ESO, I dont have 125GB it's asking, cos I want new Nike kicks lol ~ Hope you, Serbian Steven and Queene are doing good, love you all, stay healthy! <3

@danieleiengo9211 - 24.03.2020 19:00

Ooh no luck this time :c
Btw stay safe e good luck everyone ♡

@Obikin89 - 24.03.2020 18:57

Honestly, on consoles, the field of view is actually smaller than that. And we've been able to play properly regardless. I can understand this being annoying on PC, but it's really just about being used to it. Maybe they are trying to make a version of the game that is identical on both PC and consoles... If they ever intend to make crossplay possible.

@bigsway8495 - 24.03.2020 18:50

Congratulations to all winners. Ty Northside and be safe bud.

@I8one2Many - 24.03.2020 18:47

Stay safe bro

@tosa109 - 24.03.2020 18:45

nice job...peace and be safe bro ;o)...

@sakaistaxxssmith8166 - 24.03.2020 18:43

Didn’t win. But thanks so much for giving back to the community NorthSide. These videos all I have during quarantine.

@franklingomez6965 - 24.03.2020 18:41

The reasoning for the FOV limit is so stupid... Thanks for keeping us informed, i didn't even realized there was patch today, wish you the best.

@simonlachaud4298 - 24.03.2020 18:39

I don't agree too with this decision... I personnaly always play at FOV 120 i 'm gonna be completly lost now... and it willl be harder for healers to heal I think ...Less FOV isn't a great idea for support roles like healers or tank , we need a big FOV to be awared of what's happining aroud us , now our little dps are going to die again more lol ^^
Great video as always Northside !

@malistaire - 24.03.2020 18:39

I'm not a fan of the fov changes either. It's going to make it harder to dodge the portals in ToMM because we will have less time to react to them.

@kevinhanley6969 - 24.03.2020 18:34

AHWOOOO have a great day everyone (cavedog)

@inkuind7446 - 24.03.2020 18:34

FoV changes


idk since i never be in the game i usually really using it for doing solo speedrun, if it this bad then i guess a piece of bad news for speedrunner like me.
