Should You Be Assessed For ADHD? Psychiatrist, Dr Stephen Humphries - Harley Therapy

Should You Be Assessed For ADHD? Psychiatrist, Dr Stephen Humphries - Harley Therapy

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@syllycatface - 09.09.2024 15:45

I coasted through schooling being that kid that won every single academic award except "most improved" until I 11, then swapped schools and the new curriculum bored me and I stopped being excited about school. The problem was I could still coast through the rest of my schooling in all the top classes passing with As and Bs, sometimes a C here and there, but I was doing no study at all when other people were sometimes studying 20+ hours a week across their classes and barely scraping Cs. After that I went off to university and was always known as either the smartest idiot or the dumbest genius, because sitting in class listening to lectures I could pick up on new theorem and answer all the questions asked, but when it came to sitting down and repeating similar questions over and over again to cram things in my brain I couldn't do it and so scraped through my degree with a 62% average (which I probably only managed by having to reward myself after every question on assignments along with often creating false deadlines by agreeing to do assignments a few days early and comparing answers with classmates).

The other thing that irks me is I'm fairly certain I'm one of the estimated 20-40% of ADHD people with autism and that along with my strict childhood allowed me to mask a huge part of the symptoms people often pick up in children(the physical hyperactivity) because I was so hypersensitive to my movements and actions and did not want to stand out or appear rude and annoying. Along with that to this day I have a very strong sense of justice and especially as a kid I basically felt like it was near physically impossible for me to break rules.

@Nyorane - 12.09.2024 08:56

It's like you held up a mirror...

@RS54321 - 12.09.2024 10:17

Inability to work consistently toward a goal...100%.

@thesoundofeverything8023 - 14.09.2024 05:59

10000% accurate

@georgianabodoiu59 - 14.09.2024 11:21

I'm wondering which are the treatments for adhd if not the ssri .does anyone know?

@faykelz1073 - 16.09.2024 13:09

thank you

@lilanooju2697 - 18.09.2024 14:13

I can relate to all this. In primary and middle school I considered the exam week as a holiday, since I had to go sit for a one or two hour exam each day, and then have the rest of my day free, I never really prepared and was always first or second in class, I was a curious kid too, and did read a lot outside of homework In secondary school, it started to get tougher, but I managed to stay on top, I'd procrastinate then pull all nighters or wake up at ungodly hours to catch up. Then I started med school, and my chaotic life caught up to me, I'd ace an exam, barely pass one, and completely fail another, I had to take a gap year and repeated a year, I was diagnosed with two burnouts and three depressive episodes, but I always felt like I never got to the bottom of the real problem. During my psychiatry rotation, one of the professors mentioned how adhd is the new social media trend and how everyone is trying to use it as an excuse for their own shortcomings. I've always felt embarrassed with my own failures, and that statement even tho it wasn't addressed to me added a lot of self doubt and of guilt. Today I am still struggling, I have a big exam coming up, preparations are not going as well as I want them to, but I am trying everyday to study a bit better and to be kinder to myself. I don't know if what I have is ADHD, I've never been officially diagnosed, but being able to relate to people who struggle with unattantiveness simply taught me to blame myself a bit less at the end of the day and that alone did spare me a lot of pain.

@alasdaircross7174 - 18.09.2024 19:53

Thank you for describing the contents of my mind. Question is.... how do ADHD-ers harness and tame the wild horse?

@heatherlarkin5533 - 19.09.2024 23:18

Watching telly, I need to colour/knit/craft something so I can concentrate better.

@erikvanh.7291 - 20.09.2024 01:55

Walter White in da houuuse

@melginger3794 - 23.09.2024 14:17

SSRIs cause suicidal ideation

@madontherun - 23.09.2024 18:33

I've spent my entire life looking at people having fun and talking about very very boring things and laughing and joking and just thought "eh"???? they're not drunk or high , why are they connecting and having fun.

@chrisdecarlo4089 - 24.09.2024 04:45

It's like he has camera on me lol

@erwinlommer197 - 24.09.2024 20:39

Is his first name really Dr.?

@TrickStar-n7e - 25.09.2024 23:09

What I don't understand, is why are these online doctors so hard to listen to? I'm definitely not questioning their credentials, but they are so hard to focus on and I keep falling asleep when I'm already rested. It kind of sounds like he's going to go to sleep himself. Lol

@StellaClements-ml3wb - 29.09.2024 18:01

''Can't stick with a trail of thought without being diverted to something else.'' Yep, thatt's about right!

@sheriennesymonds3244 - 29.09.2024 21:02

I'm glad he doesn't wear his glasses when swimming it would put the whole video into question!

@abidingdude222 - 30.09.2024 06:10

Only 4%. ??????

@george1234522 - 30.09.2024 17:49

I am slightly wary of ADHD as it seems to be greatly over prescribed but his generalisation of how someone might go through education, could have been written directly about me. With the end result of failing at university because I tried to write large sections of my dissertation the day before it was due in. Now I struggle with focus at work and time management is a big issue. Maybe I should get tested.

@eleveneleven572 - 01.10.2024 12:07

This was me. Never did homework unless on the bus under stress . Lack of attention.
Generally inattentive unless a subject caught my i terrst.
Poor exam performance unless it very important then I'd cram. I passed 11+. 10 O levels, 2 A levels, Chartered Accountant, Systems analysis & Programming certificate.
Told I was stupid until we all had aptitude tests aged 16.
The shocked careers master i firmed me i was in the top ½% of the population. Subsequent tests as i was interviewed for my first career (accountancy) and others later during the course of my career put me in the 150-155 IQ range.
I would get good jobs and worked my way up finance director level but when I'd resolved problems and git everything running well I'd lose interest and move on...often leaving great jobs.
I was always great in crises but bored when all was ticking along.
I should have appreciated the boredom.

@shaneweightman - 01.10.2024 14:48

I had to fill in a form for the doctors , then they phoned me to tell me a long waiting time , and seeing I’m 60 yrs old wanted to no , how a diagnosis would help me , so could I write an impact statement to state how it affects my life and daily tasks , good old NHS, cheers shane uk 🇬🇧

@sarahtennant1035 - 02.10.2024 13:45

Really insightful video. I'd also like to see a video from you on the strengths of those with ADHD. There is a lot of material out there with a focus on deficits and difficulties.

@camarorules1 - 03.10.2024 21:48

Do you take appointments?

@mackfin8869 - 03.10.2024 23:33


@ohevshalomel - 04.10.2024 02:10

A lot of the symptoms of adult ADHD dovetail with things I’ve experienced for ages. My only fear is that if I’m diagnosed and then treated with medication, the medicine will interfere with how well the treatment for my psychotic depression works (especially with the interplay between serotonin and neuroepinephrine). I have my ADHD assessment next week, so if I’m diagnosed, I hope my NP can figure it out for me. It would be much worse to leave my psychotic depression untreated than any ADHD I could have, so I hope I don’t have to choose.

@melvin6228 - 04.10.2024 19:24

Here's how I did uni (I think I might have ADHD): study 2 programs at the same time. Constant state of pressure, graduated them both. Somehow, I also had a social life. I didn't have a lot of sleep.

@melvin6228 - 04.10.2024 19:27

2x speed means it's easier to focus for me :) and the video is only about 6.5 min!

@mffmoniz2948 - 05.10.2024 02:56

I think someone just described my academic life from 6 till I finally goy my degree.
Also the slight constant almost depressed state. For me it translates into apathy and disconnection with my feelings.
And how hard it is to keep a good relationship.
Oh, and focus. That too.
Guess I might need a consult.

@patrikcath1025 - 05.10.2024 03:14

This sounds like I'm basically textbook ADHD. Too bad mine was completely ignored and dismissed with "just stop being lazy".

@andrewe165 - 05.10.2024 05:29

that thing about being able to focus on computer games for hours but can’t do 10 minutes of homework is literally me, it’s not like i don’t care about the homework or my grades, i think about them a lot, but i literally just can’t bring myself to do it

@JSTRonline2 - 05.10.2024 09:09

K-5 coasted no problem was even “gifted”. Top grades. 6-8 ran into problems. 9-12 struggled. Structure helped me get through well enough. University completely fell apart rapidly. Idk how I graduated. I’m 99% sure someone did tell my mom they believed I had ADHD in elementary, but she refused to believe them.

@trulymental7651 - 05.10.2024 22:57

Thank you. I recognise myself.

@findlestick - 07.10.2024 15:08

Wow, summed it up perfectly in such a clear and concise way.

@Alvin-jr9ot - 09.10.2024 15:58

Bloody hell.

He summed up my entire life right down to the Sertraline/Citalopram… holy f**k I am stunned.

It makes me wonder what if I had known this as a child or my parents were aware… I might have been someone.

@edshellard - 09.10.2024 22:57

Thank you for making this

@danielle0624 - 10.10.2024 00:40

Wow, I always wondered why I was able to go through elementary school with great grades but then once I hit middle school and highschool, I struggled hard and had to figure out how to study and studying was the WORST cause I'd have to read the same page over and over and still barely remember any of it!

@baiservole2298 - 11.10.2024 23:37

Beautifully done, truly geared towards people w adhd symptoms - he kept it short, flowing, organized, and summed it up in the end. God bless him for it!

@mikeb792 - 12.10.2024 11:34

I've NOW just seen this and hearing this! OMG

@Moose0fNorway - 13.10.2024 01:51

I'm going to get my medication soon, got diagnosed by 2 psychologists who agree on the diagnosis.
ALL of these things he said is affecting me every day.

To the people who hear this vidoe, just because you can see yourself in one or a few of these sometimes, you need to remember that people with ADHD feel these things basically 24\7.
The problem with disorders being popularised is that people read the symptoms and think that they can just self diagnose, as if the Doctorate that psychologists need to get is worthless.

If you read these and think you might have ADHD, don't just start saying you have ADHD. Then the only thing you'll do is drag the whole diagnosis down the drain with you, and the people you say this to will just think that AD\HD isn't that serious. Psychologists don't diagnose people who are functioning members of the society. They diagnose you when they become so disturbing to you that you can't function like everyone else. So if you get diagnosed, you cant use that as an excuse for your symptoms. If you think you have it, then you either go get assessed, like Dr. Stephen said here, or if you don't\can't, then you shut up about it and realise that you might also just be wrong. Even psychologists don't self-diagnose. You defidently have no excuse for doing it then.

"This video is to help you decide if you should get an ASSESSMENT." He's not saying "This video will confirm or de-confirm if you have ADHD." This isn't an diagnosis video. This is JUST A VIDEO THAT CAN HELP YOU DECIDE IF YOU SHOULD GO HAVE A PROFESSIONAL DEDUCE IF YOU HAVE ADHD OR NOT.

I'm so fucking tired of hearing "Well Lilly has AD\HD, and she seems to be doing just fine, so it shouldn't be a problem for you either". And it's because of people like her that people don't take ADHD seriously.

@ViolaHoffmann - 13.10.2024 22:55


@shirleydwyer6509 - 14.10.2024 04:34

so glad i found you. you are describing me. i have been struggling my whole life.

@reikirainbowhandspawsmore7103 - 15.10.2024 04:20

This is me as I'm sure many others, realising at 51, this is me, half overjoyed and emotional cause now the constant struggle makes sense, finally.
The other half is grieving for the self hating years I spent beating myself up for never being good enough and clumsy. Maybe my relationship with my parents would of been different or I could of given up earlier saving us all a lot of distress.
Rest in peace Dr, still helping others after you've physically passed.
Bless your soul 🖤🕯️🖤

@yvonnes7412 - 17.10.2024 04:56

Respectfully, I earned 4 degrees by pulling all-nighters. Although the bigger assignments often involved multiple all-nighters or getting 1 hour of sleep. So, it’s POSSIBLE. But it was hell 😂😂😂😂

@yvonnes7412 - 17.10.2024 05:25

“they do not do ABCD. They do A, D, N, F, Z, B, and go back again and leave everything incomplete in the meantime.” 😮 sooo accurate

@johndoen822 - 18.10.2024 17:43

I will sleep with this rhythm.

@alessandrakeighley4338 - 19.10.2024 14:28

Thank you
