4 Techniques To Relax A Hypertonic Pelvic Floor

4 Techniques To Relax A Hypertonic Pelvic Floor

Krista Dennett

3 года назад

209,572 Просмотров

Are you wondering if you have 'tight' pelvic floor muscles? Did you just find out you have a hypertonic pelvic floor, pelvic floor muscle spasms, or vaginismus?

In this video I explain the basics behind hypertonic pelvic floor, and four techniques I use with clients to help visualize and relax the muscles.

Hypertonic Pelvic Floor Exercise Rehabilitation: https://www.trainerize.me/checkout/kdfitnesscanada/Krista.Dennett1?planID=46912

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#hypertonicpelvicfloor #vaginismus #kristadennett
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ToshymodGirl - 12.11.2020 06:09

Thank you for teaching these tec and providing information. 🙂

Graffiti Nefertiti
Graffiti Nefertiti - 09.09.2023 03:40

I was celibate for a year and a half and just found a partner, I want so badly to enjoy our intimacy….it hurts so bad in the lower right side. After 20 years no one can find anything. I’m so sad.

Kardelen Çakıcı
Kardelen Çakıcı - 09.08.2023 02:24

My obgyn recommended your videos for my tensed up pelvic floor. I tried this one but now I feel more tense and like I did abs exercises. Is this normal?

Anamitra Fouzdar
Anamitra Fouzdar - 08.08.2023 16:44

Mam i am anamitra fouzdar 23 male. I have been suffering from constipation and urinary incontinence from the last 2 years. Mam what should i do?

Shayda Sullivan
Shayda Sullivan - 08.08.2023 15:58

Can placing a warm compress on your abdominal area while performing these moves help further relax you? Or is this unnecessary? Thank you for this video.

Rosalinda8935 - 03.08.2023 23:38

I'm a little confused. In some videos it is said to tighten the pelvic floor muscles when exhaling and in this video it is said to relax during exhalation. Should your pelvic floor muscles normally be tightened or relaxed during exhalation?

roseanna graham
roseanna graham - 29.07.2023 17:32

I'm going to try this thankyou! I'm older and only now learning the expression ' pelvic floor ' after years of abstinence I've recently become sexually active with a loving partner and can't be penetrated! And it's very painful. I'm trying the message too and slow because it's painful, however I am slowly progressing. Thankyou for helping me understand what's happening!

SWildMF - 25.07.2023 18:32

I’ve been going to the gym pretty seriously since November. I’ve been doing heavy lifts such as deadlift etc. but I was wondering if the hip adductor machine I have maxed out (92kg/202lbs) has contributed to tension or imbalance in my pelvic floor?

When you mentioned about the arousal being a factor it sounds like what I feel.

Thanks so much for your time

I am a male by the way

Sherry Huffman
Sherry Huffman - 21.07.2023 03:07

Thankyou so very much. Absolutely the most help I have found for an extremely painful tight pelvic floor

Dhanvitha vlogs
Dhanvitha vlogs - 19.07.2023 10:56

This s for male too ?

ashleyann - 08.07.2023 19:34

Thank you! I'm recovering from severe PID and was referred for pelvic floor PT but the waitlist is months long. After months of bouts of extreme pelvic pain my floor and abs have become very tense from overcompensating. This video was very helpful. I still cant quite relax but I'm going to keep trying.

Priscilla Barterian
Priscilla Barterian - 08.06.2023 23:21

I learned this in physical therapy, and do the abdominal breathing when I having bladder spasms. But unfortunately it did not solve my overactive bladder and am scheduled for interstim implant next month

Anabelle adanza
Anabelle adanza - 06.06.2023 11:29

can massage therapy is helpful for healing in Vaginismus?

ed discaya
ed discaya - 04.06.2023 08:54

Nice lecture!

higuain437 - 03.06.2023 02:20

this is my first day of having it. I am really scared. I am already having tons of health problems. I just don't have strength to deal with this for long period of time. I have heard that people are dealing with this for years. I have alrady dealing with another disorder for a year.

please tell me that it can go away in couple of days. I am just done. every year, I am having some sort of health problems. I am sick of being in constant battles.

NutshellGG Darken
NutshellGG Darken - 27.05.2023 04:21

Thank you so much for posting this! Let's say I want to do the Reverse Kegel in the bathroom, is it okay to relax and let the pee out? Or is it subconsciously building a bad habit?

Sage - 23.05.2023 06:58

Thank you! I’ve had a tight pelvic floor for many years and I’m finally ready to address it. Grateful for this information.

Facttechzfan - 19.05.2023 07:02

Thank god I see your video, you give me a new life , you = god same for me, I'm Indian and 24 year old boy. Some Indian doctors are misleading peoples for their benifits and said do like you are holding urine and stool for some seconds then release and repeat, this is good for sensual life , I see their videos and did for 2 weeks, then I realised my anal is become so tight 😢😢 thank you for your kindness

Gina B.
Gina B. - 06.05.2023 23:43

Question; why is it that the pelvis relaxes when we exhale, as most yoga and pilates poses have you exhaling upon tensening the core (and thereby presumably the pelvis too?)... ??Thank you!

Moamal Kadhem
Moamal Kadhem - 02.05.2023 20:40

I once was desparate not knowing what to do and don't have the courage to go to doctor and your video poped up in my recommendations and did your relaxation exercises with deep breaths and after a month my pelvic muscles are relaxed with no pain or tightness, thank you for this educational video I pray for you to have a good and peaceful life

Ravneet Rajasansi
Ravneet Rajasansi - 28.04.2023 06:25

What are core/ab exercises we can do that won’t tighten our pelvic floor and exacerbate the issue ?

J B - 15.04.2023 03:52

I’ve never dealt with this before. Man, it’s terrible! I just turned 40 and I cannot get my pelvic floor muscle to relax for the past week. And now it’s become mental. It’s a vicious cycle. Terrible! Thank you thank you for making this. I’m hoping this will help me. This is kind of embarrassing, too. I really don’t want to go to a doctor for it.

Mary Williams
Mary Williams - 11.04.2023 04:20

After years of agonizing painful pelvic floor AND 4 years of off and on PFPT I finally know how to properly breathe into my ribs and lower “bowl” 🥹😭 I am crying from the relief 😭🙏🏼Thank you!!!

Joanna - 02.04.2023 22:27

Be careful with a foam tube or even a towel under your tailbone! A golf ball on one side at a time will do the same thing, maybe better. I am not a doctor. This is my experience.

Joanna - 02.04.2023 22:17

After a fractured tailbone, I have edema (swelling) every time I drive or walk too much. Is there anything, besides using a coccyx cushion, that I can do? 3 + years, from a fall on a step. I've seen many pelvic floor therapists. Also what kind of doctor helps with a fissure (maybe fistula) that may be connecting the vaginal area and rectum. It's on the left side, as i landed more on the side and my tailbone is now off to left. Sacrum is way more curved. Worried coccyx may be doing damage in there. Is MRI, FMRI, CT, or Xray best. I need to be able to work more!

Spiritually Connected & Protected 💞
Spiritually Connected & Protected 💞 - 29.03.2023 14:17

After years and years dealing with this types of pain, various operations and medications nothing works. Got to the point of just reasoning with my mind and telling myself it's all in my head so to speak. First off you validate and help us to understand our pain, as I can see I'm not alone in this. I recently took to meditation and find it very helpful and educational towards getting to know my mind and body. I want to start using yoga also. Thank you for this video came after yesterday's suffering and still sore today. So let's begin to heal my pelvic floor. Wishing everyone all the best ❤

paperinashes1363 - 26.03.2023 11:22

What is the course of treatment if someone has both hypertonic pelvic floor and prolapse?

Heat Pete
Heat Pete - 25.03.2023 02:36

I fixed this problem before on my own from about 10 months of working out during covid but after I stopped the problem slowly came back prior to that I suffered from this condition for like 15 years and I get bladder urgency and frequency what should I be doing strengthen exercises or relaxation or both?
I literally was so much better in 2020 😭

the best!
the best! - 10.03.2023 07:53

هل هي مفيده للشرخ الشرجي؟

Bung Supy
Bung Supy - 13.02.2023 23:55

best explanation so far

PJM - 22.01.2023 23:35

Are these safe for bladder prolapse

「凛凛〜」 - 12.01.2023 06:49

im 21, and have really struggled with my pelvic floor. i'm only recently sexually active, and each time i tried to do something "supposedly enjoyable" with my male partner, we had to stop because i was in so much physical pain. this video was really helpful in explaining exercises and explaining steps to take so that i can start to enjoy it. thank you :')

Royce Gracie
Royce Gracie - 07.01.2023 07:40

First I have hypermobile hips which cause pinching and lots of pain. Now my pelvic floor is tight and my testicles hurt because of it. I’m going to pelvic floor therapy soon so I hope this also helps with my hips. I saw that the two are related.

amy jackson
amy jackson - 02.01.2023 23:19

Thank you 🙏

Julia Lanski
Julia Lanski - 25.12.2022 22:36

thank you so much!!!

Dazzle - 17.12.2022 21:15

Hi there! Is there any place I can donate to you from? I would like to leave some money as a thank you for how much these videos have helped me. For over a year I have been in constant excruciating pain and only after doing these exercises for over a month have I been able to find relief. In fact gradually my pelvic pain is going away completely and returning to normal. Thank you for putting these videos out there, you are helping so many people. Thank you again.

Cam - 15.12.2022 04:57

how's her program? anyone try it?

Nichola o Hanlon
Nichola o Hanlon - 05.12.2022 01:36

I am having such a bad time with intercourse the past 2 years I've stopped having it. My partner is very understanding . I thought that this was a menopause symptom. I went to the gynae because I thought it was a lubrication issue although I always felt moist. She just prescribed hrt without giving me n internal exam I never pursued other avenues. I gave up on the hrt as it changed nothing.
Lub does not help much and I know its unpleasant for my partner as It hurts me too much.
Our children were all born by c section.
I teach yoga and am wondering if I have been compensating in some way. I will start these exercises and attend a therapist in the new year. Thank you

Rachel Anne Smith
Rachel Anne Smith - 24.11.2022 23:29

Great video , I have many symptoms of hypotonic pelvic floor , I have things lie severe constipation, my main symptom is actually higher up with air coming up to my chest and throat that won’t come out and the only thing that stops this is diazepam muscle relaxant , please tell me if a tight pelvic floor could be causing these upper symptoms? I am struggling so much! 😣😞

The Reactiverse
The Reactiverse - 10.11.2022 21:59

I'm experiencing this as a male lol

joan Thomas
joan Thomas - 09.11.2022 04:18

Thank you much for these excersic tips

Sami - 20.10.2022 22:39

Hi. How long does it take to loosen tight pelvic floor muscles with this exercise?

Fairy_Gothmother - 19.10.2022 10:07

I have endometriosis & just had diagnostic surgery last year (I was 32). No one had even mentioned this to me at all, but I did the exercises and I could definitely feel a major difference!

someone - 14.10.2022 22:47

Is this for men too? Please help

Shari Fiala
Shari Fiala - 03.10.2022 15:21

Very helpful explanations!

Marife Navarro
Marife Navarro - 24.09.2022 17:18

hello if the pelvic floor muscle is weak can't be pregnant

S - 21.09.2022 12:48

While doing kegel Instead of lifting Up pelvic area I use to pull it downwards all the time will it cause any problem as I was doing it wrong? I'm scared. I'm 22 years old female.

colourful64able - 18.09.2022 00:16

Hmmm my bum wont listen to me
