Konstantin Kisin's Warning to the West on Bill Maher

Konstantin Kisin's Warning to the West on Bill Maher


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Triggernometry - 02.05.2023 18:52

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Leo Topol
Leo Topol - 15.10.2023 10:11

This is the most brilliant thing I have heard Bill say. As an immigrant from the former Soviet Union, I despise the left. Not only because it wreaks of socialism, but also because it has no idea how decent America is compared to any other country.

sifu64 - 02.10.2023 05:53

This has been going on for decades. The white rich leftists who took over academia and the media throughout the 1960s and 70s

Jacques Baulo
Jacques Baulo - 25.09.2023 08:48

these people would support slavery if they lived during antebellum america. we can be good at math and still strive to be better at treating people. by its nature progress should be forced because the ones in power wont relinquish it easily, thats why it feels draconian. it was indeed rough from their pov for the slaveowners to be separated from their possessions. the reason for the lack of engineers is the smart kids want to get into finance for instant money not because were teaching them to be aware of historic injustice.

Paul Maddams
Paul Maddams - 19.09.2023 19:04

I was born in England and I have to defend the USA to its citizens almost daily. They are becoming part of the CULT driven by the woke left. Bring back faith and family to turn the Cult off.

Brand X
Brand X - 17.09.2023 09:59

The problem is, when you say theres a problem people take that as hating the country

Mark Sutherland, Jr.
Mark Sutherland, Jr. - 30.08.2023 14:34

When you hear a predominantly left leaning audience explode in applause, when the assertion is made "we need to stop teaching kids to hate their country" that exposes a piece of ground that we can both stand on and agree this is solid. Left and Right could start there.

CrniWuk - 20.08.2023 05:27

Maybe if you tried to understand what so many OTHER countries criticise about the US you might at least somewhat understand where some of that hate, so to speak, is actually coming from. Just saying. There is a lot of stuff overlaping here. You know, world police, meddling in foreign affairs, the when-there-is-oil-they-will-send-in-the-marines jokes and so on.

DurdenTyler21 - 02.08.2023 20:13

If you are taught to hate your country, then you won't mind if that country takes your rights away because you hate the country enough already.

and the people clapping will be bullied into voting for a democrat as per usual.

Bruce Slater
Bruce Slater - 28.07.2023 05:55

Why do Democrats hate the USA. Biden is making China, Hunter, illegals and the Taliban great again

Jeff McMahon
Jeff McMahon - 18.07.2023 14:52

I admire much of what you present, Bill, but please stop referring to the 'Left". I'm an old leftie from way back but I'm damn sure I not one of the so-called 'woke' idiots.

BeigeFunk - 17.07.2023 20:57

I think there was a military recruiter who said in response to dwindling number of applicants, "If you teach kids to hate their own country, why would they want to defend it?"

Rosalina Ayala
Rosalina Ayala - 14.07.2023 23:39

Bill doesn’t get why young people are so scared of out of control capitalism. For starters corporations are merrily destroying the planet as they pursue profits . However socialism would probably do the same see China as an example with their hyper polluted air. People are just desperate for something different that makes them have hope in a good future.

K Moss
K Moss - 13.07.2023 19:08

I was watching this series called "The most dangerous ways to school" where it documents treks children in, often 3rd world countries, must take to get an education. I recall one video, I believe the country was Nicaragua (could be wrong it bit was in either central/south america) where the children, as poor as they wore and despite their country not providing the necessities for them, stood up to recite the national anthem without complaint. That was one of the most striking moments for me in the entire video. We are not required to stand for our Anthem here in the US but instead of sitting in silence while allowing others to pledge allegiance to their flag, people must make a spectacle out of their right to remain seated. Some people doesn't have the luxury to sit during the citing of their anthem. Tell me which country is more oppressive? The U.S. or them?

Robert Polanco
Robert Polanco - 13.07.2023 07:57

Personally, I think Bill Maher is nothing but a pathetic jackass for criticizing Karl Marx for who and what he was when I rather think of Ronald Reagan as a true asshole of a U.S. president for being so critical of socialism and Communism on a more negative perspective.

Will Sum
Will Sum - 12.07.2023 19:38

Kisin, smart , well spoken and depressing to listen to. Close all the arts, theatres, burn the books. Let the people eat math !

Sai - 10.07.2023 14:23

To all the americans who criticized me online for being nationalist, f*** u f****ing clowns. I am proud of my country and culture. I want my country to improve, self hate is not the way to improve. For any country with a colonial history, nationalism is very very important to progress forward.

T N - 07.07.2023 03:29

Sociology degrees for marxist idealogy

Lito Ferriol
Lito Ferriol - 05.07.2023 16:45

Bill, why not ask LEGAL immigrants instead, why they chose to be patient, spend their life saving and uproot from their native lands to come here.

Tessa Schlesinger
Tessa Schlesinger - 02.07.2023 17:13

Well, Bill, it depends on which country you are coming from. If you come from a third world country or even Asia, then America is an improvement. However, when you come from the EU, Australia, New Zealand, etc. then, America is not such a hot country.

RC - 29.06.2023 02:37

So he thinks Russia and China is doing the right thing for their people? He should go back to Russia if he loves it so much.

Kevan Bodsworth
Kevan Bodsworth - 27.06.2023 20:52

There is a great difference between " hating " your country and hating the leadership which has become entirely controlled by commerce --

petis1976 - 27.06.2023 13:18

Bill is slowly becoming an unapologetic moderate.

Abe Lincoln
Abe Lincoln - 26.06.2023 21:22

Did I just hear this from Bill Maher? Did I just hear his audience applause in favor of Konstantin's remarks? Now you know the democratic party ought to cease!

James Barca
James Barca - 24.06.2023 16:44

We recently learned that subs don't work too well when they're built on diversity instead of math, either.

James Hartley
James Hartley - 24.06.2023 14:26

How coinky! "You can't build a bridge with DEI."
So, was the "Titanic sub" staffed by DEI ?

5 4Fighting
5 4Fighting - 24.06.2023 12:37

The trained seals in the audience clap on cue for a point that is completely opposite of what their hero Maher has been preaching for years. Only recently, in the last couple "years of Brandon", has he been pro-America. He justifies that by saying the left has gone "too far left". Welcome to the party, you are the last one to arrive! Before that he made a career out of tearing down all positive things that may have come from conservatism. As much of an intellectual as Maher thinks he is, he always looks like a dolt when speaking to folks like Mr Kisen, who has actual intelligence.

Jeremy C
Jeremy C - 24.06.2023 04:42

Submarines dont seem to run well on diversity too.. Who would have thought..

alaakela - 24.06.2023 01:39

Turned out submersibles also don't work on equity and diversity. Should have hired the 50 year old white male engineer with 30 years experience. 🤷

Deborah Breeden
Deborah Breeden - 23.06.2023 22:55

Bridges and submersibles

Rafe Zetter
Rafe Zetter - 23.06.2023 21:42

"Many western societies (not all) are underwriting thier own demise" (as another commenter wrote) and are winding back the clocks to nazi style fascism. I don't mean the govts, I mean "the woke". You plug in ANY behaviours by "the woke" and compare it to "looks like what they did in Nazi germany" and you'll find a HUGE number of similarities.

- Specific and EXCLUSIONARY flag,
- people being required to use specific language to reference them,
- telling Govts and companies to change LAWS in their favour,
- indoctrination of children into the system they promote,
- deliberate perversion of the truth,
- language that states LGBTQ+ XTZABC people should be given preferential treatment IN ALL THINGS regardless of skill OR BE PROSECUTED
- language that deliberately DIVIDES THE PEOPLE

sound familiar?

bobnewsdog - 22.06.2023 02:40

Now a days, the right have become the "woke" ones. Any negative facts about America and they scream "you hate America". Big brother will have to change the language so its impossible to criticize your country.

Clif Bachmeier
Clif Bachmeier - 22.06.2023 02:32

The problem is clearly the people who complain - not anything that they might be complaining about. /s

Thats why we have been regressing the last 40+ years and not progressing.

James Collins
James Collins - 21.06.2023 12:45

A lot of people have never been to church. That’s okay. But this is the simple, easy to understand answer.
1. Demons are real.
2. Satan is the father of All Lies.
3. Satan and his demons can be resisted.

z z
z z - 13.06.2023 13:57

Nobody here is teaching children to hate this country.

Michael Harrison
Michael Harrison - 13.06.2023 05:08

No surprise here as media does the same !

Palmer Eldritch_666
Palmer Eldritch_666 - 12.06.2023 20:59

Whining about America is NOT unique to the left. The right whines incessantly. They whine that the military is too feminine (for some reason). They whine that schools are teaching actual American history that they don't like. They whine about potato-heads, and Bud Light, and Terry Schiavo, and Freedom Fries, and gas stoves, and abortion, and blue states, and public school, and decry the loss of some fictitious values from the days of yore. And of course, Trump is the biggest whiner of all. No one is being taught to 'hate their country' by criticizing that maybe it could be better or that it should be better. Interestingly, that's actually necessary for things to actually get better. It's also ironic that these people are whining about whining. Cute.

ComradeOgilvy1984 - 12.06.2023 19:49

And who is it that does not teach their children America sucks? Not the American right. Go to any rural area of a red state, and they will enthusiastically tell you those big cities are corrupt crime-ridden dangerous "plantations" run by Democrats, in spite of the fact that most Blue run cities have a lower overall homicide rate than most red states, including the rural areas. Is that different from celebrating that "75% of America sucks" in any important way?

bluewren R
bluewren R - 12.06.2023 06:13

I have to admit it I fall in love with Kisin every time I hear him speak.He may even make Bill Maher see the light yet,cos from the start I just can't help liking Bill Maher's personality.Oh dear what a mixed up country America is.

Nightsblood100 - 11.06.2023 23:26

Funny how he completely contradicts himself with his seemingly clever, but actually overly simplistic argument

Daniel Anthony
Daniel Anthony - 11.06.2023 18:56

If you build a society based on equality not liberty you will have neither
If you build a society based on liberty not equality you will go along to having both

Prima Facie
Prima Facie - 11.06.2023 00:11

It many cases it's that folks don't hate their country they hate something that their country is doing. If your kid is using crack and you are trying to get them to stop it, you don't hate your kid, you hate them doing crack. Colonel Sanders felt that the chickens were being disrespectful when they told him they didn't like the current setup. Damn ungrateful chickens.

Dave E
Dave E - 10.06.2023 05:45

I think you don’t have to explicitly teach kids to hate their country, you just have to accuretly teach them how human nature works on a bio/psycho/social model of causation. You can be happy and naieve or you can have knowledge, not both. And all those countries not teaching kids to hate their country, already have some form of universal health care. Also you can’t build a strong country with people all moving in the same direction without this diversity and inclision stuff, it’s not everything, but it is ultimately about felt senses of saftey, and some how politically that only matters when conservatives yell and scream about the second amendment and how they deserve their guns. But when others want to feel safe, it matters not. Saftey and belongingness is at the core of human needs. And creating this dosent create a soft generation! That’s all dependent on how well the culture invests and works to create the capacity and provide the coaching and resources needed for people to actually do hard things. You can be a hardened bad ass and still understand that the way conservatives argue against diversity and inclusion on an evolutionary level is just a strategy to suppress other groups as a way to prioritize their own social cohesion.

Baddonkey - 09.06.2023 08:36

It’s blockheaded to wonder why Marx is being taught in universities. We have capitalism, it’s worked fabulously to a degree and it’s imperfect. While Marxism itself is not the answer, learning the nuances of Marxism is a fundamental building block to understanding economics and politics. You can’t argue against what you don’t understand.

J. cope
J. cope - 08.06.2023 08:34

oh me

Elvi Nimali
Elvi Nimali - 06.06.2023 19:53

Ideological subversion. Done by Americans to Americans.

Joey Alb
Joey Alb - 06.06.2023 06:20

Questioning anything is not out of HATE, bur rather about trying to understand. No one lives without making mistakes, neither do countries. I love my country, but I do question many things about our own history.

BringBackTheDislikeButton - 04.06.2023 01:02

Because they are preparing them for the one world government

Colin Smith
Colin Smith - 04.06.2023 01:02

Britain, IS, always has been, and ALWAYS will be the best country in the World.....For all the good reasons.

Inverness Fan
Inverness Fan - 04.06.2023 00:08

But people should be given different perspectives on their country., We should know the good and bad we have done. Otherwise we become ignorant of true history.
