Turbo Frame Pages in Ruby on Rails 7

Turbo Frame Pages in Ruby on Rails 7


1 год назад

6,902 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


@Deanin - 12.05.2023 09:51

It's 3 AM here, this video went up way too late 😅
I'm gonna go sleep before I work on tomorrow morning's video haha help me

@bitwise2832 - 22.11.2023 15:10

Been working in rails since 2005. This video seems rushed with an unclear objectve and use case.

@smidwap - 25.05.2023 16:50

Nice video! Curious, is there an advantage to wrapping the form in a turbo frame instead of just adding an id of "new-post" directly to the form tag?

@stpaquet - 12.05.2023 20:16

I agree. I am pretty inconsistent when it comes to using it. and I have both approach on the same app 😞 Nice tutorial, especially the part about rendering errors.

@azizdevfull - 12.05.2023 17:32


@ratsu1991 - 12.05.2023 16:45

Love you video's but in this one, you don't have to define locals: {post: @post} in the controller. the new.turbo_stream.erb or the create.turbo_stream.erb, can be treated like a normal .html.erb file, so you can use instance variables directly in them. Keeps your controllers a bit clearer in my opinion.
