Every Logical Fallacy Explained in 11 Minutes

Every Logical Fallacy Explained in 11 Minutes

The Paint Explainer

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@LordofChairs - 09.02.2024 10:38

the composition fallacy works with a wheel alone. The outside is made of rubber, so a wheel is made of rubber, while the inside supports of a wheel are metal

@jomertomale - 09.02.2024 05:15

Ad misericordiam

@abloogywoogywoo - 09.02.2024 04:49

Appeal to Authority and Qualification fallacies are the worse, because so many use them.

@Nool4 - 09.02.2024 02:03

New skill tree just dropped

@user-ue7sq9ke8j - 08.02.2024 22:20

It was a bombardment of useful information I will watch it again😊

@Fab4Sunrises - 08.02.2024 21:58

Not only helpful in debating with others, but also checking your own logic.

@alfha1399 - 08.02.2024 18:58

Most of them can be grouped I think. For example cherry picking, texas sharpshooter, quoting out of context; they're all done by people "who finds what they are looking for", so they just ignore the rest. They're different in some aspects but they are based on same human tendency, being in need of confirmation or something like that.

@dyffrynardudwy9729 - 08.02.2024 16:24

The fallacy here is that most of these are not logical fallacies. They are misleading or dishonest tactics in arguments. Good idea to be aware of them, though, and prepare to rebut them.

@Raptor302 - 08.02.2024 15:55

Ugh, I hate when people say "correlation does not equal causation", not because it's not true but because they use it as a permission slip to stop thinking or end the discussion. If you want to investigate causation, correlation is a good place to start. Humans wouldn't have gotten this far if we weren't good at noticing and investigating patterns. The migration patterns of animals, planting seasons for crops, and navigation using stars all started with a correlation before a cause was known.

What it means is you have more work to do.

@Sei4Shiori - 08.02.2024 10:42

i missed the 'ad hoc ergo propter hoc' and the 'appeal to dictionary'

@cameronhepburn4665 - 08.02.2024 10:22

this is our worlds version of speech skill books from Skyrim

@buggypc9753 - 08.02.2024 07:55

This is a very educational video

@fetusgayming4234 - 08.02.2024 01:57

I watch political content, everyone uses all of these

@crashstudi0s - 07.02.2024 23:25

Fallacy fallacy is the ultimate uno reverse card, like "yeah, he might be saying some wacko stuff... But got a point there"

@StormySky48 - 07.02.2024 22:55

Appeal to accomplishment sounds a lot like appeal to authority what's the difference between titles versus accolades.

@daryncollins7640 - 07.02.2024 20:13

another good one is appeal to the law fallacy where someone argues because something is legal or illegal means its moral or immoral respectively even though it might not be true for example in iran its illegal to be gay but that doesnt mean its immoral to be gay and also in most countries being unfaithful to your wife isnt illegal but most would say its still immoral

@kianschoeman6574 - 07.02.2024 16:45

Its surprising how much this makes your head hurt when yiu don't pause

@SocksNeedsHelp - 07.02.2024 05:01

ah so, republicans

@Japanimations194 - 07.02.2024 02:06

Ad Hominem: “The Yankees pee in the pool, so you should not want them to win.”
Hasty Gen: “I’ve once seen a short about feeding dogs chocolate, so you shouldn’t give it to dogs.”
Red Herring: We can’t win, but at least we can tackle down that ball; our gloves our very smooth.”
TQQ: “I may not eat well, but I saw you eat 80 donuts in the past week.”
SlipperySlope: “If I don’t watch PSAs, I might drunk drive and kill millions. There I won’t get a wife and I commit suicide.”
SpecPlead: “My daughter killed someone, but she’s a good daughter.”
Loaded Q: “Have you started brushing your teeth more often?”

@lkui3371 - 06.02.2024 20:31

Now i want to memorize every single one of them

@Cyberbully34 - 06.02.2024 14:12

Why on earth do we have so many words for "lying"

@6beto - 06.02.2024 13:57

Circumstantial ad hominem is how lawyers or politicians make people doubt of what someone bring to the table but have an unrevealed interest on the outcome.

@user-ri1im7hv6l - 06.02.2024 03:53

I have a masters in philosophy and about to complete my PhD. There is so much wrong in the descriptions of the fallacies, and many of the fallacies are not actual logical fallacies but merely thought patterns labelled as fallacies by random people on the net and other fields — NOT LOGIC. Do your homework Paint Explainer. You are making people who want to be smarter dumber.

@dsba6716 - 05.02.2024 23:11

I think it would be cool to see how many different fallacies one could get into a single argument

@KohniHart - 05.02.2024 21:03

if you cheat on your wife 3 times then i wouldnt listen to you, nothing good will come out of that mouth

@aram-sensei - 05.02.2024 13:57

excuse me but, too-ku-o-ke-y

@BL-sd2qw - 05.02.2024 11:50

Sees the first one

"Oh, look, it's literally everyone around me"

@littletimmythefifth29 - 05.02.2024 11:14

Here at 2,282,665 views.

@keittomaster - 05.02.2024 11:11

Yeah, I’ve fallen into most of these and I don’t know what to do about it

@yasininn76 - 05.02.2024 05:08

In short, it's almost impossible to debate with someone without one of the two people stumbling into a fallacy.

@dlynn101 - 05.02.2024 00:08

Justification for racism is a collection of logical fallacies. Why do people need the emotional crutch of racism so much?

@doctorduncan - 04.02.2024 20:13

I’m going to try and watch this once a day to memorize it. I want to win every argument I have 😈

@PatellalletaP - 04.02.2024 19:54

the Ben Shapiro bingo

@zeraorashiny4897 - 04.02.2024 14:17

Bro i thought I was winning every argument after watching this but the last fallacy completely shut me up 😭💀

@jazzxgray - 04.02.2024 12:27

Can we get all these in a written form...like an article?

@jazzxgray - 04.02.2024 12:27

Can we get all these in a written form...like an article?

@Calmos65 - 04.02.2024 09:26

"Oranges are red, prove they aren't"
>They're called fucking oranges not reds

@antoniofoloni9670 - 04.02.2024 05:07

Is there any fallacy that corresponds to the following example? Guy 1 asks guy 2 for a cup of water because he's thirsty, but after 30 minutes the cup is still intact, therefore guy 1 either wasted guy's 2 time or he wasn't really thirsty to begin with.

@nullnill - 04.02.2024 01:15

Wait, if tires are a part of cars and tires are made of rubber... Cars aren't made of (in some percentage) rubber?

@danielk301 - 04.02.2024 00:44

"Inflation of conflict" reminds me of the favorite argument of creationists: "There is no consensus among the scientists of how evolution supposedly works. Therefore evolution is just a theory like any other."

@commandro - 04.02.2024 00:41

This will be a killer drinking game for the upcoming election debates.

@confusedjello7292 - 03.02.2024 18:50

I'm just gonna link this with a timestamp instead of wasting time arguing on the internet now

@alfredopancracio8735 - 03.02.2024 16:17

During the video I thought "There should be something called 'Fallacy Fallacy', for when people start mentioning fallacies to win" lololololol

@sandrafrancis3631 - 03.02.2024 14:54

I think you missed some common ones out? Gamber's fallacy? Conformation biases? Or did I miss that? Also it was too fast, better to turn this into 4 videos and go over each one slower.

@achillesheel1176 - 03.02.2024 13:06

Culture argument of twitter is just ad hominem and strawman

@marosvarga9198 - 03.02.2024 12:32

Appeal to Fallacy:

"To attack the idea to make the victim feel they commited to fallacy"
