Over 1 Hour of Useless Fallout 4 Facts

Over 1 Hour of Useless Fallout 4 Facts


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@TKsMantis - 23.03.2023 16:47

These are my previously uploaded shorts, all sorted into a video containing only the facts from Fallout 4.

@lachlancameron6142 - 20.01.2024 02:50

I feel like it would’ve been cool to have the 101 jumpsuit show up in doctor Lis office in the institute, could’ve been James jumpsuit or something, or even the lone wanderer’s

@gutterspeak - 13.01.2024 13:25

This video is dumb. Seriously, you did zero research yourself and just had your discord server tell you everything. What a lazy ass channel.

@NEONY-_- - 08.01.2024 12:12

I may be wrong but the rabbits foot is in game its just really rare

@AndrenTyr - 07.01.2024 18:43

you miss a close cabin in prewar home on the rigth to washmachine room

@mr.typhon7997 - 07.01.2024 16:36

I was cry laughing at the Codsworth names part, lmao

@gruntingskunk2237 - 07.01.2024 13:49

Gay sex

@yesman3601 - 06.01.2024 19:50

i didn’t know you could open the lunchboxes!

@jytux9014 - 06.01.2024 16:52

Use to be a glitch to turn diamond city into your settlement after buying the house

@nas6580 - 06.01.2024 15:14

I NEVER KNEW CODSWORTH CAN CALL OUT YOUR NAME! I usually use Mihaly as male and Samus as female. No wonder 😂

@Fiemus9 - 05.01.2024 18:36

The brain was probably cut because it was a bit to morally problematic 😂 There is a grusomeness line afterall lol. Like not being able to kill children

@KodexTheArchivist - 04.01.2024 02:06

I still wish I could make Edna into a synth so she could have a true "human" relationship.

@Juan-go1vm - 03.01.2024 07:18

One of the brother hood members has a vault 101 outfit on, idr who but i do know they die in one of the quests for the brother hood questline and you cant loot the outfit

@CthulhuBlend - 03.01.2024 07:02

The bit about the sole survivor going around trying to find a store that will accept his charge card was hilarious to me, it reminds me of something you'd see in American dad.

@justdave9716 - 02.01.2024 17:22

You know what deals the most damage? Cars! And I dont mean explosions.

@disciple1381 - 02.01.2024 09:41

There is a quantum death claw in nuka world

@sunkissedmami9233 - 01.01.2024 18:55

Currently crying because I lost my codsworth at Trinity Tower when I met strong😢

@zakatalmosen5984 - 01.01.2024 14:52

I remember when I first played FO4 I was so disappointed with the Shaun twist, because I felt like it was way worse than where I was expecting the game to be going.
I was sure the Sole Survivor was like the prototype for Gen 4 on a test run to see how far it would go to pursue its prime directive and how it would deal with having to come up with creative solutions to problems.
I kept seeing plot holes popping up that were so stupid I really couldn't believe the writers couldn't see the problem with them, and they all could have been explained by revealing the PC was a synth.
The prewar sequence looking fake as hell, him living in a literal House of Tomorrow exhibit in a quaint and rich neighborhood despite the nation's resources being drained by WW3, the Vault Tec rep showing up like 3 minutes before the bombs dropping, the fact he was the only survivor and most of all Kellog, touted as one of the most competent agents in the Commonwealth, botching the job by killing 50% of the backup when a punch in the face would have accomplished the same thing with zero drawbacks. This could all have been explained if the Institute implanted these memories in his mind to create a testing environment. It would have been clever, also, because by saying "I'm a prewar vault dweller" to everyone like he does it would basically render him immune to scrutiny for his weird behavior and incredible skills.
Then there's having VATS without a Pip Boy, the fact the Vault-Tec rep recognizes you at first glance after 200 years (I thought he was a synth planted in order to "consolidate" the implanted memories with his perceived present reality, cause otherwise after a while roaming the wasteland without any link to his past life he might start feeling like it was all a dream), the fact your stats can exceed not only humans but apex supermutants too (even Frank Horrigan was limited to 10 in his stats, and he IS constantly under the effect of chems), the fact Nora performs exactly the same as Nate in a combat situation, the fact this is the ONLY game where you can't become a cyborg despite the tech present in the game, the fact Kellog hasn't aged a day and the immortality implant explaination is dumb as shit (yeah right, the merc has it but none of the Institute leads do, I believe that), leading me to believe you weren't refrosted after Nora's death, just shut down for a moment since the whole thing was a bit of theater for your benefit and in reality it only took about five minutes to go through the sequence.
Also Codsworth being basically a fucking AI overlord that managed to survive for 210 years in the wasteland without maintenance can be explained this way.
Every single apparent plothole I could find would have been turned into a clever hint of the endgame twist, but then the twist never came and the game revealed it was just badly written.
I almost feel like this was what they were going for and then copped out mid development, but I know the truth is the plot is bad because Bethesda uses quest designers as writers and they can't write for shit.

@yaboisheev8294 - 31.12.2023 18:26

I wish you did the deathclaw hole from vertibird minion mission. So many players miss it (myself included) never knew you could explore it

@Warlocke000 - 31.12.2023 13:45

I've always assumed the "You look nice today!" trap is a reference to Gravity Falls.

A little more than three years before Fallout 4 was released, the Gravity Falls episode "The Inconveniencing" was aired. In that episode, Mabel sees some graffiti that reads "You Stink!" and crosses it out, replacing it with the message, "You look nice today!"

At the end of the episode, Mabel (after a traumatic evening of being haunted by ghosts, on top of eating sugar until she hallucinated) sees her "You look nice today!" message again and says, "What kind of sick joke is this?" Of course, this gag in FO4 definitely ends up being a sick (and potentially deadly) joke.

"You look nice today!" is a common enough phrase, though, that the whole thing could be coincidence.

@stanley1527 - 31.12.2023 03:49

If you have a character with "Howard" in your name he says Mister Howard

@bryanh7334 - 30.12.2023 20:38

did you know there's no weight limit to what your companion can carry as long as you tell them to pick it up they'll pick it up no matter how much they're carrying

@bryanh7334 - 30.12.2023 20:34

on top of that ladder in the DLC there's some loot

@GrandDukeMushroom - 30.12.2023 19:56

very cool stories bro

@xSmuggen - 30.12.2023 02:39

The schoolhouse quest is always one of my favorites. A sweet moment in the wasteland is rare.

@Barb0nius - 29.12.2023 01:42

Settlers will also turn on the headlamp at night if you equip them with the helmet

@bigslappy823 - 26.12.2023 08:18

I like to imagine they came up to the trick door message guy saying "Look, man. We've gotten tons of complaints about your door. It's really wrecking scavengers emotionally. You need to tone it down." So he just monkey-paw'd it by making his message nicer and rigging it with a Sentry Bot.

@NOLAgamer55 - 25.12.2023 19:30

Great video, but, they are crows not ravens. Just look at the beak. The raven has a majestic bird of prey beak. Crows have one that looks like regular non-seadeating birds.

@ceedee873 - 24.12.2023 14:30

Solomon had the best response to the charge card lol

@harry-smith404 - 22.12.2023 22:51

Finally! Someone created a video "40 facts you don't care about"

@Rare_D - 22.12.2023 22:04

The matrix one isnt neo. The quoted name should have been Mr.Andderson not mr neo.

@Ol_Durty_Badger - 19.12.2023 13:55

I’ve never delved very deep Into it, but I haven’t seen it mentioned any videos before. If you don’t talk to Mama Murphy about Dogmeat in the Museum, his name stays as Dog. Not sure if there is a way to get his name later on, but I thought this was kinda cool.

@intense_pickle - 18.12.2023 06:40

I only found out that Sturges was a synth a year ago after putting who knows how many thousands of hours into the game.

@richiooi - 17.12.2023 05:24

Love the content however you dont need to say "in fallot 4" for every point 😂😂 we know. Lol

@keithcummings3260 - 16.12.2023 01:07

My favorite useless fact is you showing the Church Of All Faiths near the beginning, and playing the Ambient music from Fallout 1's Cathedral in the background.

@daytwaqua - 15.12.2023 21:36

This title, while not being clickbait, is pretty misleading. They not be the greatest facts, but they're far from useless, for the most part.

@user-df9bq5ly2e - 09.12.2023 00:52


@someone1tohold - 08.12.2023 23:39

yeah sorry for the necro. on the "ladder thing" it's not a ladder, it's a stairway from the scaffolding workshop set. they just put it at a high angle and somehow still works. look at the steps their WAY to steep.

@bonniehuh - 07.12.2023 17:28

Codsworth can say Titties and Ass Face, etc, but he can't say Bonnie.

@Medusajr. - 06.12.2023 10:35

Did he say stitces

@tykiahjames9372 - 05.12.2023 14:20

When you go through the memories of kellog if you pay close attention to the radio chatter before X6-88 teleports shaun back tk the institute you can hear travis the radio host talking about piper having just published her latest news article. Which if im not mistaken was less than a week before the sole survivor arrives. And shaun is already nine years old. Which leaves a massive unexplained gap in time from leaving the vault with an infant to having a 9 year old boy. How can the sole survivor do it in a day but it takes years for the most skilled merc. In the commonwealth years to get to diamond city
Then he is suddenly an elderly man in a few more weeks

@russellcampbell3500 - 03.12.2023 21:50

Fallout 4 fallout 4 fallout 4 fallout 4 fallout 4 fallout 4 fallout 4 holy fallout 4 Batman. " I told you fallout4 not to talk back". If a fallout 4 fall out in the woods did it actually fallout4 down. Fallout 4 is a great game when playing fallout 4 because it’s fallout 4 duh

@zaab-yaoh9302 - 02.12.2023 20:19

Almost 9 years of playing FO4 and I still have yet to run the bases 😂 i always mean to, but never do

@SilencerLX - 02.12.2023 17:58

The way you said "Railway Rifle" makes me think you did about 20 takes accidentally saying "Railway Wifle" XD
