Lecture 3.3: SnS - (Example 1) Complex Exponential Fourier Series

Lecture 3.3: SnS - (Example 1) Complex Exponential Fourier Series

ansar Jamil

4 года назад

398 Просмотров

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@husnamadiha5890 - 23.04.2020 16:59

In this video discuss about example question of complex exponential fourier series. I understand all the step. Thank you Dr Ansar

@asmaakhalidah8913 - 25.04.2020 09:18

This video showing another example of a complex exponential Fourier series. I got an important point. Thank you, Dr. Ansar.

@valeriev.4485 - 26.04.2020 16:31

In this video it gives an example of complex exponential fourier series.Thank you,Dr.Ansar

@amirzharif2640 - 26.04.2020 17:53

This video explained about complex exponential fourier series. This video shows how to expand the equation and how to draw the magnitude and phase spectrum.

@jaipreetkaur1139 - 26.04.2020 18:48

Based on this video, it is an example of complex exponential questions involving cos and sin. So, the 1st step we have to change the cos and sin into the formula given then we can solve it like solving a normal complex exponential question.

@nursalimah1713 - 27.04.2020 14:02

this video show about the example for complex exponential and how to solve it . it’s has to find the amplitude for magnitude spectrum and get the phase spectrum . thks dr 😊

@aujizulkefli4341 - 28.04.2020 19:51

this video is an example for complex exponential example. 1st we need to find the amplitude for magnitude and phase spectrum then draw the frequency of the spectrum.
