ReFX Nexus 4 | Bigtone Signature 4 | Presets Preview

ReFX Nexus 4 | Bigtone Signature 4 | Presets Preview

Simon Le Grec

1 год назад

927 Просмотров

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Streaky The Supercat
Streaky The Supercat - 14.12.2022 22:56

Thanks for your video! I got this expansion once it was out!! 💖✨I really used it, I made a lot of Chillax songs with it! 😻I also liked the Sound ''90's memories'' from the AT section !! It's very similar to a song that was out in the 90's called ,,Memories'' by Nitribit. The song was produced by my friend back then!

d00mhound - 19.11.2022 04:14

BigTone is, imo, the preset/sound design GOD

G Vue
G Vue - 27.09.2022 16:03

Big tone always have weird sounds

SweetMask - 11.09.2022 21:41

The Nexus is a bit like Bryan ENO's "Oblique strategies", a second pair of hands, or a second point of view ^^
thank you Simon for your work!
you are my main source of inspiration for Plugins ^^

Raúl Arturo Rodríguez Coria
Raúl Arturo Rodríguez Coria - 11.09.2022 03:38

This expansion it's beautiful😍

ZeroLagGaming - 11.09.2022 01:40

Merci d'upload ce genre de contenu! C'est tes vidéos qui me font acheter ou pas les extensions de Nexus.
