Owen Jones in the East Midlands | Do leave voters feel ignored?

Owen Jones in the East Midlands | Do leave voters feel ignored?

The Guardian

4 года назад

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Bernard Manning
Bernard Manning - 26.11.23 19:05

guardian so called newspaper journalist owen jones is a vile preverted creep who takes pictures and videos using his phone of mens penis in public toilets

raymond adams
raymond adams - 04.12.2021 00:32

ignore the voters and we ignore you

Frankthetank - 09.05.2021 15:12

Lol the Labour Party tried to win by ignoring everyone who’s not a minority

Nigget-tv-videos - 09.02.2021 22:26

LOOKING back in 2021 this labour MP was so out of touch. she was smashed but EVERYONE but Labour MPs can see it

Paul Wilson
Paul Wilson - 26.08.2020 00:21

Piss off owen please we have had enough !!!@@

Cavan Bond
Cavan Bond - 20.07.2020 11:44

Labour that oh so inclusive party that split over antisemitism and racism.

Chris Martin
Chris Martin - 17.07.2020 18:21

Lee Anderson chose not to talk to you, how did he get on in the election?

Zetris - 02.07.2020 18:01

Jason Zadrozny was actually spot on. Maybe you should listen to people more Owen and take others opinions on board.

Noah Reddie
Noah Reddie - 24.05.2020 18:40

Jason Zadrozny got it frighteningly correct

Filip Mac Amhalghaidh
Filip Mac Amhalghaidh - 29.01.2020 01:23

Jones looks blank when talking to Zadrozny. He just doesn't understand. Zadrozny has it 100% correct and that's been proven now.

Keith Chamberlain
Keith Chamberlain - 24.01.2020 17:46

Brexit is a reality. Hooray! Go Boris.
Thanks for allowing us this magnificent circumstance. You helped....

Fake News
Fake News - 04.01.2020 13:18

Brexit now .

Mick Leigh
Mick Leigh - 31.12.2019 13:44

Owen the entire country hates you and I do mean entire and I do mean hate

L4SERB0Y - 28.12.2019 21:19

Zadrozny understood the constituents 100% because hes listening.

Compare with the labour candidate was deaf to those outside her bubble.

Wayne Tyson
Wayne Tyson - 28.12.2019 18:47

Please move to Afghanistan Owen .

Dean Carter
Dean Carter - 27.12.2019 21:33

This aged well

Sue Maybury
Sue Maybury - 22.12.2019 16:38

Cannot express how much I dislike this “as a gay man blah blah blah”.

Altaf Ali Naushad
Altaf Ali Naushad - 21.12.2019 19:07

This hasn't aged well has it😂😂😂

Timothy Hallett
Timothy Hallett - 21.12.2019 18:06

Sorry Owen, you got the result you deserved. If your party continues down the path to extreme left-wing policies and denial of democratic votes, you will never win back dozens of the seats Labour lost last week. Stop weaponising the NHS, stop condescending towards the voters, actuall deliver for your heartland voters and get back to sane, civilised policies. These are your only paths back to power. Ashfield voters are not fools, neither are those in N Wales or the Midlands.

DaDa MaN
DaDa MaN - 17.12.2019 21:17

Labour are ignored now! utterly decimated lol!!! Labour picked trendy, woke, metro hipster remoaners, over the working class! you made your grave!

D J - 16.12.2019 02:48

What’s up with his league of gentlemen nostrils? What a pretentious sanitary towel .

Roy Rogers
Roy Rogers - 15.12.2019 08:11

Jason Zadrozny was 100 percent right now wasn't he? He predicted the actual outcome of this election.!

Amanda Doran
Amanda Doran - 14.12.2019 19:48

Even stranger, since you rocked up. Oddball !!!

t m l t m sweet little lies
t m l t m sweet little lies - 13.12.2019 20:12

How do you feel now

chris clark
chris clark - 13.12.2019 18:55

Answer your video title as of today, Fri 13th Dec 2019... No.. No we don't.. come on Brexit 😀😀😀😀

Lew 287
Lew 287 - 13.12.2019 18:53

After last night more light labours failing to get into power problem

Scallyphant - 13.12.2019 12:40

This is looking prescient the day after the election.

James Stuart
James Stuart - 10.12.2019 19:32

Owen grow up you man child like a baby

Eusunt Dac
Eusunt Dac - 09.12.2019 03:40

Like it or not, Corbyn is at least honest, unlike the Dufus in Number 10 now.

Carl - 09.12.2019 03:16

The fact Owen Jones isn’t wearing a poppy and it was during the remembrance time, is what’s wrong with the Labour Party. This anti British socialism is a disease. Give us social democracy and labour will kick these Tories out I have no doubt.

lewis - 07.12.2019 23:04

I used to hate owen Jones but like Jeremy and diane I realised they the reason labour isnt in power so I say he's a hero

Coulter - 07.12.2019 22:00

"Shouldn't we bring people together" is only being said because remain lost, not a single inch of concession would have been made if remain had won 52/48. We all know this deep in our bones. Also trying to dress up the cancellation of Brexit in a "confirmatory vote" is enraging, no one believes in a Labour deal when the entire Shadow Cabinet would campaign against it.

Alf - 06.12.2019 17:58

Labour has many problems... They have completely lost their identity. The miners don't exist anymore, the Unions have little power... what is Labour for? So they are finding another identity... Standing up for the minorities, immigrants and any group of people who might seem to have lost out due to the oppositions policies somehow. No real solid ground to stand on any more, just constantly looking for gaps to fill.
I used to be a Labour supporter... I even got caught up a bit in Corbyn's hype train... but it is just obvious now he is not a leader and is unable to win back any sort of identity like Tony Blair managed to do.
If it was Keir Starmer standing there... without the clowns on the front bench with the extreme left wing concepts and sometimes damn right lack of knowledge... and a few sensible policies that would actually RESOLVE problems and not just throw money at it... I think Labour would at least stand a chance in this election.

Paul W
Paul W - 06.12.2019 10:51

We don't 'feel' ignored, we have been ignored, it's clearly no longer the party of the working people.

You're Right but...
You're Right but... - 06.12.2019 10:30

Well done Owen. Talking to Remainers, Labour, and Hard Brexiteers

The 7th of England
The 7th of England - 06.12.2019 07:59

owen looks at corbyn like its time for bitty

Wallon Mcwoolworth
Wallon Mcwoolworth - 06.12.2019 03:56

I can't wait to see these areas decimated by brexit looooool

Teme Valley Asset Investor
Teme Valley Asset Investor - 06.12.2019 00:40

Corbyn and his gang have turned their backs on the public.
We feel ignored because we have been ignored.
Labours brexit plan is an insult to the intelligence of the British public.

Keith Boddey
Keith Boddey - 05.12.2019 23:55

Owen Jones in a Wetherspoons.......wow

Colin Harbinson
Colin Harbinson - 05.12.2019 20:24

We have got the answers!!!!!!!!!! Really?

Sebastian - 05.12.2019 20:22

Owen Jones epitomises what the independent candidate was describing yet doesn't even realise it.

Funky W
Funky W - 05.12.2019 18:32

Many comments here don't seem to have listened to the video properly. Owen clearly spoke to a leave voter who got annoyed fairly quickly and who did not want to expand on why she voted to leave or why she wouldn't be voting Labour. The old guy who was sitting down said he'd vote Labour but never said whether he voted remain or leave in the referendum. The woman in Thomas Cook was clearly exasperated by all the talk of Brexit but again, we don't know if she voted leave or temain. We only know that she didn't vote in the last General Election. Those who want to bash Owen will do so whatever he does or says.

Aureaccob - 05.12.2019 05:46

The cry is free 🙏🙏🙏😀😀😀❤

Saurat - 05.12.2019 00:36

The popularity of Owen Jones is baffling. I am a Socialist but I don't even bother to follow him on Twitter. Compare this to John Harris' vox pops for the Guardian. Jones is shallow, callow and cowardly.

ItsOKWhenWeDoIt - 04.12.2019 17:12

Owen doesn’t realise its people like him costing labour votes.
