肉粽 做法 Sticky Rice Dumpling Recipe (Bak Chang) #端午节食谱 #dragonboatfestivalrecipe

肉粽 做法 Sticky Rice Dumpling Recipe (Bak Chang) #端午节食谱 #dragonboatfestivalrecipe

Beyond Home Cook

3 года назад

10,517 Просмотров

肉粽 做法 Sticky Rice Dumpling Recipe (Bak Chang)

In this video we would like to share with you on how to make Sticky Rice Dumpling
這一集我們想分享我們喜歡的肉粽做法 希望你們也喜歡


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00:00 Intro
00:15 步驟一 Step 1 : 處理食材 Preparation
02:04 步驟二 Step 2 : 烹飪 Cooking
03:41 步驟三 Step 3 : 包粽子 Wrapping
05:22 步驟四 Step 4 : 最後一步 The Last Step
05:49 步驟五 Step 5 : 可以吃啦 Ready to serve


* 40x Bamboo leaves
* 16x Raffia string
* 300g Pork Belly
* 4 cups Glutinous Rice
* 2 cups Black eyed peas
* 8x Mushroom
* 16x Chestnut
* 50g Dried Shrimp
* 8x Salted egg
* 6x Shallots
* 6x Garlic
* 2 tbsp Oyster sauce
* 2.5 tbsp dark soy sauce
* 4 tbsp soy sauce
* 2.5 tsp sugar
* 4.5 tsp five spice powder
* 1.5 tsp salt
* 2.5 tsp ground pepper

Step 1: Preparation
1. Wash Mushroom, Glutinous rice, Chestnut. Soak in water overnight.
2. Wash Black eyed peas, soak in water 1 hour.
3. Drain Glutinous rice, black eyed peas. Set aside
4. Remove chestnut inner skin
5. Soak the bamboo leaves in a large pot of boiled water for 2 hours. Wash and drain it.
6. Cut pork belly into 16 bite size, add seasoning (0.5 tsp salt, 0.5 tsp sugar, 1 tsp five spice powder, 0.5 tsp ground pepper, 1 tbsp soy sauce, 0.5 tbsp black soy sauce), then marinate for 2 hours
7. Cut Mushroom, salted egg into half
8. Chop Shallots and garlic finely

Step 2: Cooking
1. Blanch chestnuts for 1 hour. Drain it
2. Heat 2 tbsp oil, saute 1 tbsp chopped garlic and shallots until fragrant.  Add in dried shrimps, stir-fry until they become fragrant, then add in marinated pork belly and stir-fry for 5 minutes.  Remove and dish up..
3. Heat 1 tbsp oil, saute 1 tbsp chopped garlic and shallots until fragrant. Add in mushroom, chestnuts and seasoning (1 tsp sugar, 1 tbsp oyster sauce, 0.5 tsp five spice powder, 0.5 tsp ground pepper) and stir-fry.
4. Heat 3 tbsp oil, saute 2 tbsp chopped garlic and shallots until fragrant. Add in glutinous rice, and seasoning (1 tsp salt, 1 tsp sugar, 2 tsp five spice powder, 1 tsp ground pepper, 2 tbsp soy sauce, 2 tbsp dark soy sauce)and stir-fry.
5. Heat 2 tbsp oil, saute 1 tbsp chopped garlic and shallots until fragrant. Add in black eyed peas, and seasoning (1 tsp five spice powder, 0.5 tsp ground pepper, 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp oyster sauce), stir-fry.
6. Mix glutinous rice and black eyed peas

Step 3 : Wrapping
1. Using two bamboo leaves, place the coarse sides back to back. Fold the leaves into a cone. Pack one spoon of rice in the bottom of the cone. Top with ingredients(pork, dried shrimps, salted egg, mushroom, chestnut). Top up with more rice till it reaches the brim of the cone. Pack everything tightly. Tie with raffia string
2. Place the sticky rice dumpling into the water (make sure the entire bak chang is submerged in water), cover the pot with a lid, and cook over high heat for 2 hours then low heat for another 3 hours. ( Pressure cooker just need 45 minutes)
3. Once cooked, remove and hang them up to remove excess water.  

* 40x 粽叶
* 16x 粽绳
* 300g 五花肉
* 4 杯 糯米
* 2 杯 眉豆
* 8x 冬菇
* 16x 栗子
* 50g 蝦米
* 8x 鹹蛋
* 6x 紅蔥頭
* 6x 蒜
* 2 tbsp 蠔油
* 2.5 tbsp黑醬油
* 4 tbsp 醬油
* 2.5 tsp 糖
* 4.5 tsp 五香粉
* 1.5 tsp 鹽
* 2.5 tsp 胡椒粉

Step 1: 處理材料
1. 冬菇、糯米、栗子洗净浸泡过夜
2. 眉豆洗净浸泡 1 小時
3. 沥干糯米、眉豆
4. 取出黏在栗子缝中的皮
5. 烧开水,加入粽叶,浸直软身 (2 小時)。把粽叶彻底洗干净。瀝乾水
6. 将猪肉切成16大块状, 并加入调味料 (0.5 tsp 鹽、0.5 tsp糖、 1 tsp五香粉、0.5 tsp胡椒粉、1 tbsp 醬油、0.5 tbsp黑醬油)腌制2 小時
7. 冬菇、鹹蛋切半
8. 紅蔥頭、蒜切碎

Step 2: 烹飪
1. 将栗子加入水煮1 小時至软,然后沥干
2. 热2大匙热油,爆香 1 tbsp蒜蓉和葱碎炒至转色, 倒入蝦米爆香,加入腌制的猪肉, 翻炒至5分钟至猪肉变色, 即可。
3. 热1大匙热油,爆香 1 tbsp蒜蓉和葱碎炒至金黄色,  加入冬菇、栗子爆香, 并加入调味料 (1 tsp糖、 1 tbsp 蠔油、0.5 tsp五香粉、0.5 tsp胡椒粉)翻炒均匀。  
4. 热3 大匙热油,爆香 2 tbsp蒜蓉和葱碎炒至转色, 倒入糯米,(1 tsp 鹽、1 tsp糖、 2 tsp五香粉、1 tsp胡椒粉、2 tbsp 醬油、2 tbsp黑醬油)翻炒均匀。
5. 热2 大匙热油,爆香 1 tbsp蒜蓉和葱碎炒至转色, 倒入眉豆,(1 tsp五香粉、0.5 tsp胡椒粉、1 tbsp 醬油、1 tbsp 蠔油)翻炒均匀。
6. 攪拌糯米、眉豆均勻

Step 3 : 包粽子
1. 取两片粽叶, 卷起成漏斗形, 加入少许眉豆糯米, 然后舀入馅料(五花肉块、虾米、冬菇、栗子), 最后再加入一层的眉豆糯米。把竹叶盖上,紧压两旁折成三角形。紧握着粽子,以水草转两圈绑紧。
2. 将包好的粽子放入锅内,加入清水(必须将所有的粽子浸在水里)用旺火煮约2小时,再用小火焖约3上时。(我用气压锅,45分钟即可)
3. 取出煮熟后的粽子, 吊起滴干水份, 即可食用。 


MUSIC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4zl8LKKSp8&list=WL&index=21&t=9s
Mp3 Download : https://peritune.com/positive_happy/
再生リスト : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

mp3,OGG,M4Aファイルを 個人・商用問わず無料でお使いいただけます。

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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