The Japan culture is horrible.
ОтветитьHeartless Ruthless Fucked Up Insane Crazy Pure Evil So Baddest
ОтветитьJust like how black people are given a free ride in the US just because their skin is black ... whacky yanks
ОтветитьOne of them ended up killing someone else in 2019
ОтветитьR.I.P this case disturbs me deeply
ОтветитьWhat could drive a young man to do this?
ОтветитьJapan failed this woman; not surprising they let a Murder/cannibal loose and he was free to write a book of his crimes. This is a tragedy on all accounts.
ОтветитьMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALWAYS MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ответитьdont worry ive watched law and order i should be fine
EDIT: i am not fine
Romans chapter 12 verse 19 says revenge is mine i will take revenge. They will get unbearable revenge from god
ОтветитьAs someone who is very desensitized to true crime stories that was the most brutal story I have EVER heard. That was absolutely horrific.
Get SAVED right now! To avoid being left behind!
How to be saved: Believe (accept as fact) that Jesus Christ (the one and only true God) shed His blood on that cross (when He got crucified) suffering and dying as a payment for ALL your sins you have done, are doing, and will do. And how Jesus came back to life after being dead for 3 days. YES! Going to Heaven is that easy because Jesus did all the work for you! All YOU gotta do is BELIEVE in that!
When you get saved: The Holy Spirit will indwell in you and will never leave you: meaning that you CANNOT LOSE YOUR SALVATION!!! It's not about what you do, it's all about what Jesus did!
Man or bear?
Bear. Definitely Bear.
Japanese are so polite
ОтветитьJunko's case is one of the many Cases of how evil humanity can be
Including the one man from Austria whom ended millions and millions of lives
All of them now had wives and kids
ОтветитьWhat in thee actual fck
ОтветитьI seem to recall a similar movement in America, that focuses on rehab, instead of punishment. Let this be a warning
ОтветитьI feel so bad for her those are not human bejngs theyre demins from hells, the devils children, and deserve to fot jn hell for eternity may God give her eternal life ❤
ОтветитьThis made me cry in class...
ОтветитьFailure of a society.
ОтветитьIf there is no God then fine what you gonna do? If there is a god and she is in heaven now and the criminals in hell even better !! But !!! There is one thing i absolutely cannot accept. If the criminals repented and now dedicate their life to do good and go to heaven. This i absolutely cannot accept.
ОтветитьYou know you're freaking bad mf when even police knows not to fck with you
ОтветитьI cant finished watching this video, what kind of human are them? 😭
Ответитьcops are in on it.
I remember reading about this case when I was 11 and Junko lives in my mind. The things that they did to her make me absolutely sick to my stomach and somebody tell me why the hell the murderers are free now AND their new names are kept secret so nobody finds out?
Ответитьyou’re going to hell for the weird pumpkin edits in between
ОтветитьI wept so hard. This is the worst case ever
ОтветитьI threw up during class.👍 poor girl..
ОтветитьThe parents are just as guilty
Ответитьjapanese men are some of the most perverted and fucked up men out there. the culture there is so different for all the wrong reasons.
ОтветитьJapan (specifically japanese men) is definitely the most fucked up country ever existed. I feel bad for all Japanese women who lived there
ОтветитьYou... Will not.... Suffer anymore. Rest in peace.
ОтветитьThat makes them the baddest mfs on the whole freaking planet!
ОтветитьEarth is hell of a place,what a hellish,fcked up and bad case,this mfs are pure evil
ОтветитьОчень интересно!
ОтветитьWhen bro says: “the worst you can say is no”
ОтветитьIt's crazy losing that game. Major skill issue
ОтветитьПредставь что с твоей сестрой так!
ОтветитьThis case kept on reminding me how cruel life on Earth can be especially ever since humanity came into existence. I think about people throughout history who suffered the same fate as her such as the prisoners in concentration camps during wars, and sadistic and psychotic serial killers who torture their victims, and l imagine myself what it's like being in their shoes when it happened to them, and to be honest it made me have crippling anxiety for a while. I always pray that I would have a proper and quick death than go through intense suffering.
ОтветитьJapan can be a fucked up place...
ОтветитьJapan is a preety shit country they just act as if everything normal