React vs Vue - Which Frontend Framework to Learn in 2021?

React vs Vue - Which Frontend Framework to Learn in 2021?

James Q Quick

3 года назад

117,227 Просмотров

React and Vue are both great, but which frontend framework should you learn in 2021?

00:00 - Intro
00:50 - Overview of React and Vue
02:15 - The Learning Curve
02:45 - The Ecosystem
04:45 - The Community
06:39 - Job Opportunities
08:00 - Conclusion

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Anass Sanba
Anass Sanba - 31.07.2023 02:12

React is better than vue simply because next is better than nuxt

DewarLabel - 25.07.2023 16:41

Come here from 2023, job opportunities still react way more than vue.

Patrick_ita00 - 23.07.2023 11:45

"over vue"

Anthony Corey
Anthony Corey - 28.06.2023 16:38

I use to like React but switched to Vue because of those state hooks were driving me nuts.

Anthony Corey
Anthony Corey - 01.06.2023 16:48

I think React has a cleaner syntax.

Mason Boeman
Mason Boeman - 23.02.2023 03:10

Vue is not as mature, and it gets some things fundamentally wrong when dealing with typescript. There’s this idea that vue “doesn’t compile to JavaScript” the way that jsx/tsx does but that’s just false. Vue single file components (which are encouraged) are more obtuse than the jsx syntax, because vue files are treated like different types of files by different importers.

As someone who works professionally with vue I think it is inferior to react.

Doritos Mix
Doritos Mix - 04.02.2023 00:50

If you want a life choose Vue over React. Trust me I'm an expert.

cam - 20.12.2022 00:23

React isn't a framework

Bloom - 06.11.2022 09:47

Learnt React by myself. Got offered a job and they use Vue, so came to this video. Thank you.

Cute Fox🦊
Cute Fox🦊 - 25.10.2022 13:57

I Love Vue Too❤It's simple and logical

Der Uniprofessor
Der Uniprofessor - 23.10.2022 16:24

the video is lovely! but i think it is pronounced like `vu`in french...

Harrison Thomas
Harrison Thomas - 19.10.2022 18:26

For what it's worth: as a senior developer with professional experience in all 3 frameworks, my order of preference is : react, vue, then angular. I dislike angular, whereas I'm fond of both react and vue, but the community support for react can't be understated, especially as a native english speaker (much of the vue content out there is in chinese). And if you want to make a cross platform mobile app, you can reuse your react skills and experience and build a react-native app.

Benyamin Bolhasanii
Benyamin Bolhasanii - 13.10.2022 17:43

I rather vue

Ryan Santiago
Ryan Santiago - 10.10.2022 19:41

I learned react and I'm here because of my Vue coding assessment

Jessica Morris
Jessica Morris - 07.10.2022 08:04

Excellent! Thank you for sharing such a kind video on the difference between Vue and React js. Both are great front-end frameworks. Your Explanation is great. Still, if anyone can be confused to choose a contact for reliable app developers Moon Technolabs. Their developers give you the right direction for choosing the best framework. Keep Sharing!

eyyMinda - 19.09.2022 15:27

Bruh, i'm either tripping after playing gta4 for 24 hours straight, or you really look like a character from it. Nice graphics 👍

truc muche
truc muche - 25.08.2022 08:59

Thanks for the video. Could you please help, so is react a library or a framework because I'm getting lost and I don't know who's right or who's wrong?

Kevin Wang
Kevin Wang - 14.08.2022 01:11

i would use svelte which beats both

Hawk Dykes
Hawk Dykes - 02.08.2022 17:46

there are 10x react jobs but 100x react devs. vue ftw

World Peace
World Peace - 03.07.2022 09:03

Vue is made by a Chinese dude. If I remember correctly, Chinese ministries uses Vue, since they banned Facebook and Google.

Akimbofennec - 14.06.2022 15:57

Does nextjs make React on par with Angular?

Rafael Dias Pedrosa
Rafael Dias Pedrosa - 10.06.2022 17:26

haha, nice joke! btw, I'm a vue developer

David Zita
David Zita - 28.04.2022 16:08

vue 🥰

Ньургуйаан Корнилов
Ньургуйаан Корнилов - 23.04.2022 00:35

I skipped the video straight to conclusion and i don't think I missed anything

Mo'ath DW
Mo'ath DW - 06.04.2022 21:53

I worked on react for 3 years and now i am working on vue till now i still in love with react , but vue still fun and kinda the same concept if you did react boefer vue will be easy to go with

Saidul Islam
Saidul Islam - 22.03.2022 13:02


Jangkrik-chan - 19.03.2022 12:19

Personally, I got in trouble while integrating Typescript to Vue while doing 3D graphic-related project

srijan lama
srijan lama - 10.03.2022 08:22

you didnot mention about quassar dev

Jonatan Glader
Jonatan Glader - 07.03.2022 12:00

when it's about what to learn, i'd say take on day to learn react and one day to learn vue. when it comes down to it it's just 2 frontend library/frameworks so it's not really that complicated. What i think is most important is learning html and Javascript vanilla first, because then you are really going to understand the power of these tools and why they are so good. I myself made a chat app in: vue, react, blazor, angular and native android to find wich framework i enjoy the most and when developing the same app for different frameworks (except android since it isn't html/css) you can basicly reuse all the HTML and CSS and really see the differences in how these different tools work. doesn't really take any longer than a days work to learn and build a simple chat app in any of the frameworks, you just gotta find some good sources for information

Nomadic Brian
Nomadic Brian - 28.02.2022 18:38

I think Vue is closer to Angular and based on previous .NET and Java UI with JavaScript. React has always been the oddball. Mark Z set out to be different when React was started. That was his main argument. That should tell you all you need to know. In terms of popularity and use facebook was once that and now it is not. Who doesn't love a cute pet video on Instagram right? Doesn't mean we should listen to the same guy about how we build business apps. I agree with you 100% choose an app that you like to work with. If you choose one that has the most job postings but you hate it that is kind of self inflicting torture and you are promoting what you hate. Think about it.

Innocent Egbunu
Innocent Egbunu - 22.02.2022 23:20

Great video, so I'm a newbie and wish to learn Vue.... kindly help with resources . Thank you

Jasper Caelan
Jasper Caelan - 11.02.2022 00:12

You should learn neither. Become a backend developer instead and concentrate on programming fundamentals instead of the next new shiny framework. Front end development is still in it's very early stages and I don't think any of these frameworks are that great. Why do you think there are so many updates and new frameworks coming out? Because they made mistakes with the old ones!

Renan Szeremeta
Renan Szeremeta - 04.02.2022 00:24

Hi dude, thanks for the video but i am still on doubt :p , i' studying react but i have big doubt to learn vue too .You have some tips for me?

MrCOPYPASTE - 30.01.2022 01:39

vuejs is awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sam Allardyce
Sam Allardyce - 29.01.2022 05:20

I already know some React + Vue is easier = Adds Vue to resume

Orion Nebula
Orion Nebula - 11.12.2021 09:40

I've heard so many good things about vue that my choice is simple. Vue

Kevin Ng
Kevin Ng - 06.12.2021 17:45

The fact you're talking about Angular vs React and React vs Vue makes me decide on React without watching the video. Thanks.

Ahmed Aljabry
Ahmed Aljabry - 24.11.2021 18:13

You can't compare apples and bananas, they are both delicious, and you can't compare the two framwork

Джизас Крайст
Джизас Крайст - 21.11.2021 17:05

The guy looks like a drug addict

Blank Slates
Blank Slates - 13.11.2021 14:53

Soon it will be : What about SVELTEKIT?

Alex - 05.11.2021 17:12

I love Angular :)) is more organized and looks clean for me.

Kresna - 30.10.2021 10:54

Vue is faster to get the job done in my opinion

Rachit Pant
Rachit Pant - 23.10.2021 07:48

i think you haven't worked on both the frameworks and its evident that there is no real substance in the video. At the very least you could have talked about the difference in code writing style , compilation , speed etc. All you have talked about is what other people say , jobs etc.

Alif Doll
Alif Doll - 23.10.2021 05:57

as for a beginner, my advice is to just pick whichever you want, focus on 1 framework or technology rather than learn so many that your cant focus on one thing.

David Mutua
David Mutua - 22.10.2021 23:40

I write both React and Vue, Next and Nuxt too. And I love vue

Cristiano Lacerda
Cristiano Lacerda - 19.10.2021 22:30

What I like the most about vue is that it is just "plain" html, css and js. Much more clear than jsx...

66 Xue
66 Xue - 18.10.2021 06:19

In China, the number of jobs in Vue is 100 times that of React

Zero - 10.10.2021 05:00

I enjoy both, but I enjoy Vue a lot more.

ImDino - 26.09.2021 16:35

you have the same eyes as Fergie lol
