HOW TO GODOT: Low Poly Random Terrain Tutorial

HOW TO GODOT: Low Poly Random Terrain Tutorial


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@BigEraser42 - 03.01.2024 01:13

This tutorial is amazing and I was able to replicate it in godot 4.2.1.
However the one thing that I cannot get is the low poly look. I have every value the exact same as yours but it just won't work. My terrain is just too smooth.

@steve16384 - 15.12.2023 20:42

Really good. It can be hard to read the code (I thought some 0's were 8's), but it "just works".

@mdlsvensson - 10.03.2023 17:36

This does not work in godot 4, they removed ArrayMesh surface_remove method

@samuelhugo3387 - 02.01.2023 15:10

this video was great thanks alot ()if you can bmake a video on how to randomly place prefabs like trees and plants too that would be great

@ProtoMan137 - 06.12.2022 22:57

Me: blinks during the tutorial
Also me: misses 100 actions and 20 lines of code

no, but seriously. Awesome work. I'm not a beginner in programming and 3d (neither opengl, and those memories hurt), but maybe you could go more into detail what each function does.

@justanotherdude_76 - 31.08.2022 08:55

bro how do u add a collider to it

@true.ja3son - 30.08.2022 04:58

Hey, noticed that the material in this method doesn't seem to work at all... Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: (wanted to delete this after figuring it out but it might help someone else who is new so I'll leave it here)

The method he uses in this video is to first create a new spatial material, then to convert it, however this only allows you to save it as a .gdshader or .tres, both of which I have tried loading in the meshinstance.set_surface_material with no luck whatsoever.

BUT! If I copy all the code in the spatial node shader that we made previously, and instead of creating a new spatial shader, you rather use a shader material (the first option) then paste the code from the spatial shader into there, this allows you to save it as a .material like in the video, which then actually works!

"PRO" TIP: (unrelated to discussed)
add the line:
noise.seed = OS.get_system_time_secs()
right before the line
data_tool.set_vertex(i, vertex)

and now your map will be different every single time!
[ note i am not a pro :( ]

@peterfuzz8238 - 24.07.2022 18:35

I am new to coding so I dont know much, but does the script generate the same terrain every time?

@Diamant-vf6qn - 12.07.2022 18:31

How to add Grass on it?

@rjoukecu - 10.07.2022 05:44

Ok, I guess I ask here: The tutorial is great, but for some reason the shader via this method has no effect. Are there any changes due to different versions of Godot?

@bennymaster4439 - 14.11.2021 21:45

Any troubleshooting tips why I cannot get the custom shader to work?

@achillesgaming8569 - 15.06.2021 14:09

can someone send the code in the comments please

@melvomen4078 - 13.06.2021 16:12

Great tutorial but what do you need to do to for exmaple add a third layer of color that's pretty low in the y?

@Aa-jq3yu - 15.03.2021 16:21

great tutorial! watched with magnifying glass

@z3rocool - 16.02.2021 05:26

its not at all random it has the same terrain every time

@Zeekblitz - 19.01.2021 00:55

is it possible to create a surface from a mesh that I have already created? and how would I do that? Like I have created a 3d mesh of grass that I made in MagicaVoxel and I would like to apply that to the terrain mesh.

@codecomedytv1998 - 27.12.2020 07:24

Please come back, this tutorial is better than anything else done recently by bigger channels

@lukeaaron6946 - 12.11.2020 03:47

Up to now all of the tutorials I found for terrain generation were purely from shaders which of course leaves a gap when it comes to collision. This one addresses that really well and I was able to implement rolling hills in no time. Great job and thank you for sharing!

@ricardomilos2674 - 05.11.2020 10:45

how to make it destructible so that i can add mining in the game

@ignacio3460 - 30.09.2020 04:11

Could you show us how to make a QuadTree LOD system for a terrain like this?

@nikondrat3875 - 23.08.2020 20:42

Can we have a scene instead of the material?

@jouhomato1983 - 19.08.2020 08:10

also my code errors here var plane_mesh=
plane_mesh.size = vector2 (400, 400)
plane_mesh.subdivide_depth = 200
plane_mesh.subdivide_width = 200

var surface_tool =
surface_tool.create_from(plane_mesh, 0)
var array_plane = surface_tool.commit()

var data_tool =

var array_plane = surface_tool.commit() <---here

var data_tool =
does anyone know why?

@jouhomato1983 - 19.08.2020 08:09

In what point should I be able to see the terrain?

@davidmurphy563 - 17.07.2020 22:52

I don't get a landscape - same with your procedural one too. No error, no warnings - just a rotating camera.

@nicksweden3277 - 29.06.2020 20:18

is there an easy way to save generated terrain??

@industrialdonut7681 - 12.06.2020 01:43

this is BEAUTIFUL if I can't get my heightmap terrain shit working I am definitely doing this wow!!!

@MirceaKitsune - 27.05.2020 05:09

This was such a helpful tutorial... not sure how I would have figured this all out on my own. Thank you very much for your help!

@takeep3335 - 12.05.2020 02:07

When ever i try loading it i see nothing can you explain what is wrong with my code?

@tolley917 - 28.04.2020 14:31

I've checked the code and i have copied it exactly but when i first run it i see nothing where i should be seeing the generated terrain. any ideas?

@elzearcontelly2651 - 22.04.2020 17:25

Since you used a PlaneMesh, does that mean it can't have overhangs?

@toatrika2443 - 19.03.2020 00:59

Wouldn't it make more sense to use noise.get_noise_2d(vertex.x,vertex.z) instead of noise.get_noise_3d(vertex.x,vertex.y,vertex.z) because we only care about the noise at one y (which means we are talking about noise plane)?

@huahuapro - 16.03.2020 12:35

i want more of this! give me the planet! :)

@toatrika2443 - 12.03.2020 20:10

Awesome tutorial, especially for a first one!

@ClemensTolboom - 17.01.2020 20:08

Thanks for your Godot tuts.

@ItsJustMJ3 - 14.01.2020 16:58

Great little tutorial, i added the player movement script from the godot fps tutorial and can now run over the terrain and kick my rigidbody ball around, bit of fun.
Is there anyway you can do a tutorial on how to add anchored objects (like trees and stuff) to this terrain dynamically?
Oh oh maybe flowing water over the terrain as it fills up the valleys? ;)

@alexritchies - 29.12.2019 07:47

Hi Codat, great tutorial! do you know of any way to generate smooth normals for this?

@jb_1558 - 22.12.2019 00:01

It was just a flat plane for me?

@Xbuster6 - 24.11.2019 13:30


@LorenMJ - 07.11.2019 00:59

Too fast and had to zoom to see what you are clicking on. A quick swirl of the mouse to see what you are about to click on would help, especially if newer versions come out and menus don't look exactly like yours or the resource is under a different menu.

@VintageShark - 18.10.2019 09:01

Thanks for the tutorial it helps a lot! But is there any way for me to see the terrain while still in the editor?

@firexxbeatxx1362 - 18.09.2019 02:59

I can’t see any of the text

@Nugget11578 - 17.09.2019 05:42

would love it if you zoomed in on the text a bit more but other than that amazing video

@doomtucan5093 - 28.08.2019 02:23

would be nice doing this with visual scripting also

@Samsam-kl2lk - 26.07.2019 18:29

Love the tutorial, very simple! Is there a way to modify this to generate overhangs and stuff like that? because unless I'm mistaken, with this way of generating the mesh you can only ever have one vertex for every x,z coordinate so you can't have two vertices above eachother?

@namk2012 - 09.07.2019 08:51

I keep getting this error:

Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get_surface_count' in base 'SurfaceTool'.

@perebraco - 23.06.2019 14:22

Source code?

@oanhtuan1363 - 13.06.2019 17:13

Your videos are great! Please do more tutorial video about low poly

@nmsenterprise4495 - 12.06.2019 06:09

This is seriously the best tutorial I have found for doing this in Godot. Thank you so much for making this.

@slapinid - 10.06.2019 17:16

Any usable foliage tutorial?

@marvinkehl574 - 09.06.2019 17:32

thanks for the great tutorial.
I have one question to the islands in your game. Do you manipulate the edges of the Plane to be flat or did you try random seeds till the islands you want occur?
