Ghosts of Neverwinter - The 2022 New Player Experience

Ghosts of Neverwinter - The 2022 New Player Experience


2 года назад

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Ian Haddow
Ian Haddow - 20.09.2023 05:12

The devs are so lazy

Kerian Halcyon
Kerian Halcyon - 06.06.2023 08:17

For me what Neverwinter provided at the time of launch that completely changed the game for me was player-created quests. There was a whole system in place that allowed players to go and make their own instanced quests that helped add some fun to the overall game. It also padded extra content that players could enjoy if they were finished with the end-game (or the grind to end-game) so that they weren't completely bored between expansion/module drops, which is something that a lot of MMOs lack. The fact that you've mentioned it only once at the end of the video is deeply concerning to me, and sounds like a feature that just got magically switched off...which is a shame, since I've always advertised it as the game's best feature.

Kerian Halcyon
Kerian Halcyon - 06.06.2023 08:05

The companion and mount system is actually a new thing to me, they didn't have that back when I stopped playing the game back in the day.

Edit - I will say, having an NPC system that gathered materials for the player rather than going out to get them themselves is actually a plus in the MMO scene for me. The most obnoxious MMO player for me is the max speed, max level item-node farmer that spams their way throughout a zone, kiting every monster in the game, grabbing any resource they find at half the given gathering rate as their gameplay loop. All so they can sell the resources at outrageous player-determined prices that don't have a logical cap to them because "gotta get that maximum profit! Can't afford it? Too friggin bad, play the game git gud scrub!"

pullt - 12.04.2023 11:12

Played for a bit over a year in 2017-2018 through Chult/Omu/Ravenloft. Loved it...Tomb of the Nine Gods, Cradle, Castle Ravenloft. Grinded through old campaigns and religiously gathered all my hunts, idols, baubles, occurrences, statues, X's, Y's and Z's needed to get my item level and character power as high as I could....

Then the crappy Mod 15 hit and huge restructuring with Mod 16 and I realized I was fighting a losing battle to stay on pace. I was able to stomp through the old content just to catch up and the fun and challenge I had would just become old content to be walked over by players 6-8 months later. Any gear I got could just be purchased with the charity tokens before long, just as I used them to buy my "starter" FBI gear.

One day I just gave all of my shit away to guildies and never booted up the game again...

Could whip out the wallet, of course, and just buy campaigns, mounts

Noel Tage
Noel Tage - 06.04.2023 20:05

They need to open p2p server with no cash shop. Or don't. No one plays this "game" otherwise.

kim rasmussen
kim rasmussen - 14.02.2023 09:08

tried this a couple of years ago, and i uninstalled after a week or so. never made it past lvl 3. i am way too casual for this.

ObiWan Stromboli
ObiWan Stromboli - 22.01.2023 03:31

Got bored, confused, and frustrated in the first and only hour I got this game. Never playing mmos again if this how every one of them is.

ryuno2097 - 11.01.2023 18:22

I remember back in 2013, the game had a feature where it let players create their own quests in the game. It was fun seeing other players creating quests and being able to try it out. Sadly when I went back into Neverwinter in 2020, that feature was removed. I know some people abused that feature to level up fast but it's sad to see it go.

RedDevil757 - 05.01.2023 04:54

Had a bad day but this video genuinely made me LOL. Thank you 😁

marceelino - 05.01.2023 01:52

Loved to play the PvP and as well the campaigns were fun. Problem was with so many time locks,

jeff nofs
jeff nofs - 01.12.2022 00:33

I just started 2 weeks ago and am hooked.
I have tried a few times in the past and went with the "newer and shinier games" always wanting to give Neverwinter a go.
I play on XBOX and I used to play WoW, EQ2 and ESO a LOT (among others)

For me, nothing beats the D&D lore and while the systems are clunky (lots of menus and a 100 different currencies) it is the only MMORPG ,that follows D&D lore, available on Xbox.....
I don't want to play games where I have to strategize my AI companions pre battle like Dragon Age Inq. or Baulder's gate etc.
I like the action combat (personally and admittedly - I wish Neverwinter played more like ESO)

From a new player perspective, I am having fun for what the game is. I spent like 10 bucks so I could get more character slots to try them all out. I can easily justify paying roughly $15 a month if I wanted for this game, since in comparison, other online games that are not F2P cost that to subscribe.

I am just so confused that the game is this old and there are now good videos on understanding the game a bit more.
Like I said previously, the amount of game currency seems absurd and why give so many gems to us if all we do is turn them into RP?
Where are all the vendors for the regional equipment?
Why so many damn menus lol

Other than that. Go in with a casual attitude. If you have fun playing it, it is worth it.

Vinnie the Finger
Vinnie the Finger - 27.11.2022 13:13

Another thing, when you grind so agonizingly long to get "that" gear you want, another module drops and more often than not the gear you worked so hard for gets nerfed. Then everything is pretty much tied to astral diamonds which take way too long to acquire as a finished resource. You get rough astral diamonds and can only process 100,000 a day into spendable AD making a lot of gear a real grind costing millions. I dropped a couple bucks in the game but I've hit the old wall where I can't progress without another 1000 hours of grinding the same ol place over and over and, well, you get the picture.

Fluffy Dango
Fluffy Dango - 20.11.2022 13:35

Played Neverwinter Nights 2. That game was great. Only bad thing was that we never got to see the castle we had to build.

joker4050 - 12.11.2022 17:56

I'm not a new player but I haven't played on 2 years and had to delete my old account because it got hacked so I'm restarting so what happened to the ex bar

Candice Pierce
Candice Pierce - 03.11.2022 04:08

The new developers/parent company have been working to remove the pay the win factor. You can get some of the best gear in two months playing weekly.

Too many new players reach mid game and then get upset when they cannot complete end game content. Other people commenting are correct, it will take about 1 to 2 years to truly be end game and money isn't going to so much to help you. Sure you can buy coal motes but you've got to memorize rotations and stack stats and that's something money can't buy. So you end up with a large number of mid game players screaming pay to play when in reality math has defeated them.

JetNet Gaming
JetNet Gaming - 30.10.2022 14:04

I remember Neverwinter 2015-2016 was so addictive

Shaun Hall
Shaun Hall - 18.10.2022 04:06

I was thrown off when this first came out thinking this was a modern version of Neverwinter Nights.

Wayleran - 16.10.2022 09:12

Wow this was a really great video and you're a really good content creator. It was funny and informative. Thank you

maniacal1 - 12.10.2022 00:18

The game's not so much 'difficult' as it is 'misbalanced'. They didn't fix the challenge for the new leveling process, which works with some classes and does NOT with others.
The thing about Neverwinter is that the game as-is right now is NOTHING like it was a few years ago, prior to update 16. Plus the game's somehow even more predatory and pay-to-progress.

AkTemplar907 - 04.10.2022 08:41

Can anyone confirm if remapping a possibility as far a controlls?

jigzyonline - 16.09.2022 02:33

Neverwinter Nights blows this game out of the water.

Eleos Iluvatar
Eleos Iluvatar - 14.09.2022 13:17

I like how you mentioned alternatives like Warframe and SWTOR. I don't like when reviewers say there are better games out there in this category and then fail to give examples.

MiniMi 007
MiniMi 007 - 14.09.2022 06:52

honest and great review BRAVO

I've got a question ⁉️
I've got a question ⁉️ - 27.08.2022 05:08

i used to love this game so much, im not super informed on everything like i am a few other MMO's but this was so much FUN! we used to have a guild and we would ight the 4-5 different elemental dragons in the area we were in AND RUNNING THE HALL OF ILLUSION. ugh good times

Steven Smith
Steven Smith - 27.08.2022 02:52

You'll have fun until you hit max level. That's where the real game starts and the money trap/pay wall begins. To be strong enough so as to be able to handle the end game content, you're going to need to either grind for 20 hours each day or get the Visa out. If you do play the game then stay well away from the Wizard. It has nothing to do with the Wizard class in D&D and is easily the weakest class in this game. It cannot buff/debuff and can only CC trash mobs that are easily dealt with just by outright damage. It's a dps melee class (yeah i know haha) in this game but it's a weak dps compared to the others. If you want to play a DPS class then anything is better than the Wizard. The best is the lock/HR/TR. The lock is good as it can do goo dps and can be spec'd to heal. Expect to have t spend hours in chat trying to get groups as the player base is wafer thing now.

Josias Acauan
Josias Acauan - 26.08.2022 23:14

My main character was created in day 1 of open beta. I understand all the gripes of older players, but I am leveling a new Wizard right now and having a REAL blast. I can't recommend this game enough. It is not for everyone, but is a lot of fun to me.

Filet Minion
Filet Minion - 14.08.2022 03:18

This video addressed exactly the kind of questions I had about the game! Thank you for the content!

Malakash - 13.08.2022 21:18

this look to me almost same as Lotro, from character creating to gameplay.

Nephicus - 07.08.2022 21:19

Like STO, this was fun with friends. The end-game was severely lacking for my group of friends, this happens to me all the time with MMO's in general. I don't PvP, so there's really no point in grinding for more powerful gear in the end-game; especially if it's logging in for a 15 minute daily quest and waiting until the next day to do it again. Boring!
Removing the lvl 80 cap and XP was a strike against it for my friend group. Instead of exploring and gaining XP via mobs or side quests, we were obligated to do the story quests to gain levels on new characters. I'll say it was nice being able to toggle skills to try different builds. I was a Tiefling Warlock ("Sooooooo original," i know) but I had a blast with my warlock. Companions were tricky, but before the change I had an ability that summoned a phantom spirit which would tank the enemies, so I could bring a healer or DPS companion (Makos is still my favorite; followed by the Zhentarim witch). The update got rid of that phantom skill, though, so now I HAD to bring a tank and buy an absurd amount of healing potions.

What really ended my group's play of Neverwinter was farming for end-game gear. There were three of us, and two of us not only got all of our gear, but duplicates, while one of us never got a piece of end-game gear throughout the grind, which led him to quit.

Jose Ventura
Jose Ventura - 04.08.2022 17:42

Is this game P2W?

Jose Ventura
Jose Ventura - 04.08.2022 17:37

I'm old I'm 40 years old going to 41 on October

Jose Ventura
Jose Ventura - 04.08.2022 17:33

Dude is this game worth investing my time I'm on xbox

Corbomite Meatballs
Corbomite Meatballs - 01.08.2022 07:37

Interesting review that made me A) glad I never played this game and stuck to STO when so many claimed this was better, and B) if you weren't thrilled with Neverwinter, don't spend the time trying to review Champions Online - you will regret it.

Victor Saude
Victor Saude - 27.07.2022 15:54

commentary was gold, thanks for this lol

Wranderous - 27.07.2022 03:29

You're funny af m8

SinPie - 26.07.2022 08:00

I just logged in on my Xbox for the first time in years and I was baffled by all the changes. I was wanting to make a new character to play with my gf and best friend. I’m still gonna play it but idk how I feel about all the changes. This game is ghost town I see like 3 ppl in town

kracked - 25.07.2022 00:35

great video, played NW pvp for about 5 years until pay to win made skills irrelevant, miss it lots but I'm glad I left when I did l agree with your assessment of things went.

robsolf - 23.07.2022 22:52

The gameplay loop is fun and engaging. The leveling experience is pretty fun, as well. But the endgame and monetization kill it, for me. Finishing the endgame campaigns provides you with little in value outside of that campaign's content. The different classes are fun to fiddle around with and get to know to max level and I'd recommend it to someone who's bored and wants to check it out. But once you get to "max", you're best off rolling a new class and starting over.

Tatu do Mangue
Tatu do Mangue - 15.07.2022 12:14

This game was great back in the day, balanced pvp, even f2p could compete and have fun, the foundry, where you could build dungeons,, it was easy to get crystals, damn i miss dat time, now is just infinite grind with no point

Lenny Fiasco
Lenny Fiasco - 14.07.2022 13:46

I remember playing Neverwinter years ago and one of my favorite parts was a zone in a huge graveyard where a named dragon would spawn every half hour. Players would gather around and prepare for this huge world boss to show up. I played again and was surprised to find that never death was the first main area and disappointed to find the area where I had so often battled the dragon now just feature it’s massive bones and a note saying how strong and scary he was.

Arran NW
Arran NW - 14.07.2022 07:59

Quality video, you deserve more subs! As someone who still logs-in to NW from time to time I think your new player experience is spot on. There's 0 horizontal progression, modules went from being expanssions to reductions as with every new one more and more content gets vaulted (removed), over the last 2 years no new content has been added, instead it has been "reworked" but really 90%+ of it remains the same, just 1 or 2 different mechanics here and there paired with considerable stat boosts to enemies to justify the new enchantments/insignias (player stats). Recently devs decided to screw everyone (particularly casual players) by making their enchantments completely obsolete(actually unusable) and introducing new ones which either take 5+ years to upgrade for a f2p approach or 10 minutes for a p2w one, players had been grinding their old enchamtnets for over 6 years and out of nowhere they had to start over. PvP is completely dead, there's less than 30 players in the entire server who run endgame content (TOMM/MZC/tCoK) and so it's not uncommon for days or weeks to go by where no one runs said content at all; most players only run their daily random queues to meet their daily astral diamonds cap but given the size of the playerbase even that is a struggle.

Bakail Frozen
Bakail Frozen - 08.07.2022 18:03

The launch and early years on Xbox with Neverwinter will always hold a special place in my heart

Enox Oldstar
Enox Oldstar - 07.07.2022 01:46

MMO Should be a grind. You dont have to buy anything. Not being able to get a dungeon isn't true since there are thousands of people in PE hosting for Randoms, 5 minutes max to gather a group of 5 / 10 people. The game is not dead yet. There are those that still love and understand the game. We dont need top tier graphics and flashy effects, slowly working your way toward best gear so you can own in challenging content is great! You dont need Dragonborn or any ZEN purchase to do that. Just log whenever u feel like playing, enjoy the game and learn how to progress in the best way possible, withlut spending billions of hours on all the campaigns :) Cheers

martin burn
martin burn - 06.07.2022 01:14

It's a good game just got to balance your spend to development, good buds to be made in game.

LordSun - 05.07.2022 23:05

I played this game recently and the horse wouldn't work right, like I would click the button to get on horse and it wouldn't work it would take like 5 clicks to get on the horse once, it pissed me off so much I quit. Honestly, I don't know if it was my internet or what but still.

TacDyne - 03.07.2022 22:16

This game lost me the moment I rolled up a cleric and saw it had a magic spear as it's ability. A cleric... with a magic spear. I said out loud, "WTF? This isn't D&D.", and then I realized it was based on that, thing, called 4E. So I was correct. It is not D&D.

Caith Sith
Caith Sith - 03.07.2022 13:48

Is this pay to win?

Yiazzy Gaming
Yiazzy Gaming - 02.07.2022 11:45

I picked it back up again yesterday after they butchered the classes back in the infamous Mod 16 (17?) Update.

Seeing all my hard earned enchantments taken away from me, in exchange for exactly 2 base enchants, and all my companion Runestones no longer able to be exchanged, I'm a little mad tbh. (Fyi, I had 9 characters each with their own set of enchantments)
