Why Evangelical Christians Are The Only Protestants That Matter

Why Evangelical Christians Are The Only Protestants That Matter

I Miss Christendom

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@teresaosburn8840 - 25.05.2024 15:39

your videos rock! i am a convert from the southern baptist faith, am now Catholic

@trevorsrq6179 - 25.05.2024 16:31

“One Lord, One Baptism, One Faith”. There’s only one Church, one true interpretation of the Bible & one universal doctrine all Christians must conform to. You can’t reform truth. There aren’t any versions of Christianity. There’s only the Catholic Church. There is no private interpretation of Scripture the Bible says, Phillip & the Eunuch back this up & you can’t start your own church or denomination. Catholicism is Christianity. Protestantism is Korah’s Rebellion.

@kainosktisis777 - 25.05.2024 16:49

I personally think the Maronite Rite is beautiful.

I’ve been to Byzantine, Maronite, & Latin Rite masses/liturgies, & the Maronite stands out to me as most beautiful.

@Sebman1113 - 25.05.2024 17:11

The Anglicans, Lutherans, and Reformed and other like minded Protestants are really the only true Protestants though. They’re more common than evangelicals in the northern states and generally better.

@mariekatherine5238 - 25.05.2024 19:10

Huh? They’re all heretics!

@mariamartins5796 - 25.05.2024 21:06

All protestants are the fables of end times.
No thruth. In there.
No salvation is not one time event
That is a serious rong way to interpret the bible.


@therighteousgoat5165 - 25.05.2024 21:31

I’m a Reformed Christian who prefers mainline churches such as Lutherans, Anglicans, and Presbyterians because they are the more historically based ones who sought to do what the Reformation intended, reform the visible church.

@BrockSamson18 - 25.05.2024 22:12

This absolute arrogance and historic anti-intellectualism makes me ill.

@danthemanjkms - 26.05.2024 01:34

I think charismatic pentecostalism is distantly related to to catholicism in that it comes from a branch of methodism, which derives from anglicanism, which derives from catholicism ultimately. Most of the old mainline denominations are cessationists (do not believe in miracles) but the aforementioned do (continuationists). This is part of the reason why charismatic denominations have gained so much ground in traditionally catholic areas.

@TheAlienPunker - 26.05.2024 03:01


@oskarvalance3041 - 26.05.2024 05:26

Figures don't lie but liars can figure.

@jlouis4407 - 26.05.2024 06:14

They are literally imploding and irrelevent

@billwood7413 - 26.05.2024 06:24

So many intelligent comments, mainly coming from others that recognize the true ancient faith of our Fathers, it gives my spirit a rise. Why is it that that most exorcists don't use the worthless new rite and after the failed attempts by other pagan ministers to perform an exorcism, they call in the real soldier for the Kingdom, a Traditional Catholic Exorcist.
Viva Cristo Rey

@dennisharvey5852 - 26.05.2024 14:19

Anyone can start a Protestant church, locate it in a shopping mall and combine it with pizza franchise and sell pizza & church.

@Quantum1008 - 26.05.2024 17:42

Your analysis is solid. And perhaps depressing, considering Mike Winger’s recent expose on Binny Hinn, and how much influence he and his allies have world wide.

But there is the phenomenon of what people are calling “the surge” into Eastern Orthodoxy in the USA and Europe and something similar in the ACNA (Anglican Church in North America). There are many theories about why it is occurring. Probably some combination of reaction against what happened during the pandemic and access to websites and communities promoting these denominations.

But ultimately, your analysis is still right because these are tiny groups in the United States. They could double in size three or four times and still be a tiny fraction of the evangelical/baptist/charismatic coalition.

@ColeBlauberg - 26.05.2024 21:37

The simple problem here is that Baptists and nondenominationals, Pentecostals are all apart of the radical reformation. Meaning a lack of historical roots, and no connection to the physical reformers. In total 4 protestenism groups exist, fitting in to these 4 categories. Lutheran, reformed, Anglican, and Methodist. Luther was far more critical of the ana-baptists , (and same with Calvin) than Rome. Changing the foundation of protestenism to something else is not protestenism. Furthermore these radicals call themselves protestents, if every Muslim called themselves Roman or Eastern Orthodox, would they then be the only true Romans or Orthodox? No, just Mormons aren't considered Christians and yet Google may disagree.

@truecatholic1 - 26.05.2024 22:00

Protestants aren't Christians. Only Catholics are Christians. A better term is evangelical Protestant.

@Archive2iqqk - 27.05.2024 04:14

for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction..... narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. 1 Billion catholics going straight to Hell. Sola Fide, get saved.

@Immanuel13479 - 27.05.2024 04:23

nah I believe in the 7 ecumenical councils. and the bible. this is a water down version of Christianity. my church Spill Blood and blood. to make sure you had that Bible and evangelize people . IC XC NIKA

@cw-on-yt - 27.05.2024 04:50

There's another reason to disregard Mainline Protestant groups: Their average congregant age is around 50-ish, whereas the average congregant in an evangelical church is 30-ish. The next generation of Christians will come from traditional Catholics (6+ kids per couple) and evangelicals (3+ kids per couple). Show me a mainline congregation that has 200 persons in the pews today, and I'll show you a building that'll be largely empty in 20 years.

@adutchman1403 - 27.05.2024 14:01

If the orthodox church has valid sacraments and is still holding to ancient teachings while the catholic church is constantly failing these days why would someone not just go to the orthodox church?

@nl396 - 27.05.2024 14:41

Evangelicals/born again scan be summed up like this. They're so called conversions are them taking time reflecting on past regrets. This leads to a mental breakdown. After finishing an often violent sobbing fit they scream 'I am saved!' while going through a rush of ecstasy. Afterwards they go around believing they're holier than anyone who hasn't gone through a similar experience.

@basilmakedon - 27.05.2024 16:14

“The Faith was once and for all delivered to the saints, except the plethora of things we decided needed to be changed”

@juangarza5532 - 27.05.2024 19:46

This fellow claims that only the Roman Catholic Church and the Evangelical/Pentecostal Churches are "relevant." Really !?! Well, perhaps from a sociological perspective based mainly upon numbers. However, both of these groups suffer from the infection of false doctrine and heresy. The true apostolic Church, which I believe we can all agree is quite relevant, is found wherever the gospel is preached in all of its truth and purity and the sacraments administered according to Christ's instructions. This true Church appears to be Confessional Lutheranism. Not the "Lutheran" groups that have given way to heresy and become apostate but the smaller (narrow way) bodies that adhere to the Augsburg Confession and Luther's Small Catechism. Solus Christus! Sola Gratia! Sola Fide! Sola Scriptura! Soli Deo Gloria!

@ChuckHae - 27.05.2024 22:38

The fact that the title is written that way, shows you're not of the true God.
Following the Lord is not a competition. The same denominations you're looking down on are doing missionary works in places where people have never heard about our Lord Jesus Christ. I am a witness of that.

@S..527 - 28.05.2024 01:25

I’m reformed and to be honest it’s sad to see the mainline protestant churches dying out.

I don’t know what happend to the mainline protestant churches but I am not planning on leaving the reformed church. I guess that the mainline protestants just became way to liberal and everyone started becoming evangelical.

@MaryMacElveen - 28.05.2024 06:51

Good show and thank you. I am a Roman Catholic and attend the Novus Ordo Mass. ☺🙏💖

@johnsteila6049 - 29.05.2024 11:10

There are no relevant Protestant churches, in regards to Biblical teachings.

@TommyCollins-qv4yi - 01.06.2024 22:59

you are living in confusion because you never speak about the 66 books of the Bible. Are we supposed to believe you know the Bible? What does your speech have to do with anything in the Bible? You've replaced the Bible with the Doctrines of Men

@TommyCollins-qv4yi - 01.06.2024 23:06

99% of all denominations teach false doctrine-the catholic church started the entire false doctrine quagmire we have today. All "Protestant faiths" are also false doctrine. There is on 1 church. The New Testament describes that church. Anyone can start a New Testament church if they follow all of the example's word for word in the N.T.

@Beetlechoose-Mouse - 05.06.2024 17:22

You're a heretic! You think the protestants/charismatic catholics have a chance of making it to heaven? Loaded heresy, youre not catholic. No protestants will make it to heaven! They're heretics.

@Beetlechoose-Mouse - 05.06.2024 17:26

You guys support NFP. You're not real catholics! You're a bunch of heretics!

@Rome_77 - 05.06.2024 23:22

Good video. Needed to be said and I’ve made the same point several times. I also think highlighting numbers/relevance is useful when comparing the Catholic Church against Eastern Orthodoxy. ~220 million is much smaller than 1.4 billion but when you consider that most of that 220 million is counted in the home countries you begin to see how tiny and isolated Eastern Orthodoxy truly is. The Eastern Orthodox diaspora is a small fraction of that 220 million. Eastern Orthodoxy in America is smaller than Reform Judaism and Hinduism in America. The world population of ROCOR is a little less than the size of the SSPX.

@rickfilmmaker3934 - 06.06.2024 07:37

The Catholic Church is the original Church. The evangelical denominations are all tools of Lucifer.

@rickfilmmaker3934 - 06.06.2024 07:42

Catholic charismatics are quickly fading away, thank God. Catholicism is growing rapidly again. Yes, it is.

@rickfilmmaker3934 - 06.06.2024 07:45

I appreciate your videos, very good stuff, but please don't put down Pope Francis. He did a good job shutting down the 60 minutes interviewer are our key issues, excellent job!

@mathurm100 - 15.06.2024 09:02

these evangelicals also have an organized propaganda of lies promoting hate against Catholicism

@Ivan-td7kb - 20.06.2024 03:47

Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way, for many are called but few are chosen

@holdmycola - 25.06.2024 05:14

I understand why you tend to focus on the evangelical types, and they are undoubtedly the most influential. But the problem is that when you talk about the evangelical protestants you make it sound like they are the only ones that exist. You criticize Protestantism as a whole by directing your attacks at only the evangelical ones. The criticism is not that you focus on the evangelicals, but that you act like evangelical Protestantism is the only Protestantism. When you complain about the evangelicals, it needs to be made more clear that you are only talking about the evangelicals, and not Protestants as a whole.

@Onlyafool172 - 29.06.2024 15:41

Thank God i never liked evangelical worship, when i was one, because i didnt knew better, im a traditional Catholic, we are growing as a movement even tho slowly. WOE to you secularists

@stephenholland3801 - 04.07.2024 20:42

I come from the Church of Christ (not United, not Mormon), but converted to Catholicism after my divorce, and weas confirmed last year. I craved the Eucharist, a real church with real authority, and realized every other denomination simply treated Christianity as a buffet. I wanted the whole meal. The Church of Christ has so much in common, with the Church established by Jesus. It believes communion is important enough to take every week, it does not believe in once saved always saved, or salvation by faith alone, baptism, and more. Like Saint Paul, I believe it would be good to find what we have in common with any denomination as a starting point to bring these Christians into full communion. He approached the Romans by recognizing their idol to the "unknown god," and offered to tell them about the true unknown God. Just a thought, not a criticism in any way. We all have our own mission fields. Even the Apostles did.

@americanhealthcaresurvivor - 07.07.2024 18:48

I was raised Protestant and spent time in Baptist, Methodist, and Non-denominational churches. I've been researching Catholicism for a while now. The more I do, the more illogical Protestantism seems to me. I knew many Prots who did good works and strive to be good people, but they're confused about theology. One example is confusion about marriage and how deeply rooted feminism was in Evangelical churches. There was no sin women could commit that would not be minimized, excused, or ignored. It led to so many bad and broken marriages.

@BethHutch-pg5yi - 24.07.2024 22:49

Those TV "pastors" tend to be blasphemous.! The most important protestant churches are the ones faithful to the bible. whether they are well-known or not.

@makethisgowhoosh - 29.07.2024 06:13

"Why I only argue with Evangelical Christians" LOL But it's an interesting take on online discourse

@pawebany6382 - 03.08.2024 00:29

No Protestants matter. There is no apostolic succession in this 'religion'. They never belong to the One Church. From the very beginning of their existence they have been outside it.

@freakylocz14 - 28.08.2024 00:23

I am an Evangelical and a Catholic at the same time.

@Leonard-td5rn - 28.08.2024 21:13

Jehovah's witnesses Mormons Adventists etc all say they follow the Bible and Catholics don't but they all have different believefs

@BethHutch-pg5yi - 14.09.2024 02:28

too many protestant churches have gone the way of the world and sending the congregation to hell this is why one must be careful to find a truly faithful church that adheres to the bible the bad churches also often blaspheme God oftrb whty

@nicolepettis5533 - 02.10.2024 04:38

I’m a Protestant just recently
