Why did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor? (Short Animated Documentary)

Why did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor? (Short Animated Documentary)

History Matters

3 года назад

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@theoneandonlyartyom - 11.01.2024 03:35

"do it for the vine"

@richardyoung871 - 05.01.2024 12:55

In this video the question is why did Japan bomb PEARL HARBOR the major reason was that HIROHITO thought that America and Americans were weak and didn't want war and Japan was expanding anyway but YAMAMOTO was educated in the United States and his famous quote was we just awakened a sleeping giant and my father was a medic during the war and the next day FDR declared war against Germany and Japan and HITLER was mad because if you compare land mass and population there is no match but Japan made a fatal mistake by underestimated the power of the American people and when American factories went into full production it was all over Japan is no match against the UNITED States military and I mean all branches and the Americans were able to crack the JAPANESE code and the Americans were able to use the AMERICAN Indians to use their language which the JAPANESE didn't have a clue
then came the ATOMIC BOMB and now both GERMANY and Japan can only have a standing military but now you have China and Hamas and Russia and they don't want to take on the UNITED States 1 to 1 because they will lose and they know it.

@chimericalical - 04.01.2024 04:02

So, here’s my before watching the video comment.
I wondered why didn’t the IS join the axis powers (which I still wonder but believe this video will answer). Then I though about Pearl Harbor (which I feel was only bombed because the US were being a threat and/or irritation to the axis powers.). So now I’m thinking, why did Japan bomb Pearl Harbor, because I know the US likely entered on the allied side because of Pearl Harbor, but we’re headed in that direction anyway for other reasons which is what antagonized Japan enough to do the Pearl Harbor attack.

I’ll post an edit of my thoughts after watching.

@lilboy3102 - 27.12.2023 21:07

I just keep imagining what would have happened if they went to invade eastern Russia in 1940

And in 1941 the Germans would invade from the other side, then Russia might have lost.

Then they would try to invade the Mongolia and the Indian subcontinent and ask the UK and USA to surrender.

Its actually dangerous to imagine ! 😓😅

@teresacastillo1783 - 24.12.2023 14:49

Haters of soul born american or working class people in the USA

@capital3908 - 24.12.2023 11:40


@ell3655 - 14.12.2023 10:09

I’ll never understand why Japan didn’t go the northern route and team up with Germany. The Axis probably would have survived the war if they teamed up against the Soviets.

@ethanengelking2492 - 08.12.2023 02:49

I’m watching this on Dec 7th of 23 and I am here to remember what happened

@prickly10000 - 02.12.2023 03:32

If only they created Harem Anime early

@gimmethegepgun - 26.11.2023 10:55

Another key factor is that the Axis powers weren't a very cohesive alliance. Germany didn't tell Japan what their plans were regarding the Soviet Union, so they weren't in a position to take advantage of the situation with an invasion of their own. If they had told them sooner, after the signing of the Tripartite Pact in September 1940, or preferably earlier, during negotiations, they could've diverted resources towards the army instead of the navy and perhaps done something.

@antonythomas7574 - 31.10.2023 01:02

Where is the part when Japan only had less than 4 days before the entire nation ran out of oil due to some blockades by heavenly angels??
Anyone paying the content creator 😂

@colindaniels945 - 18.10.2023 19:53

The embargo you mentioned also covered steel

@MoonBurn13 - 15.10.2023 01:23

For a long time, there was tension between the US and Japan in the Pacific. I read a book printed in 1919 warning that the relations between the two were historically precarious. Also my mother recalled having a high school teacher who said (this was the late 30s) that war between the United States and Japan was “inevitable”.

@themole4369 - 26.09.2023 09:56

Know it’s more recent history but I am curious about what Al Qaeda hoped 9/11 was actually going to achieve. Like Pearl Harbour it seems far from crippling America and scaring it off, all it led to was more war that led to hundreds of thousands of people dead.

@hummussapien7.6billion68 - 26.09.2023 04:36

one of the worst mistakes committed by any country: touching america's boats

@UnleashthePhury - 22.09.2023 00:24

It seemed like a good idea at the time

@barney6888 - 12.09.2023 04:34

Note to self;
Avoid a situation where I have to choose between attacking Russia, or the United States of America.
Self: Hub Buuuhhh ... OK.

@snoboater - 23.08.2023 22:02

Something to also consider is the American colony of The Philippines was right in the path of the valuable European colonies that the Japanese wanted.

@aneesaosman3459 - 14.08.2023 21:29

Japan's act to attack pearl harbour was absolutely foolish a small tiny country Tani g plunge with 2 giant countries shows how Japan's section was not only foolish but it invited destruction for its people and geopradised them for years to come .

@TvGunslingeRvT - 09.08.2023 13:42


@McRocket - 05.08.2023 22:24

Because it was there.

@dantdmfangamingrich9802 - 02.08.2023 04:06

Germany: All is going good but the USSR is dangerous but we can wi-
Japan: Hey we bombed Pearl Harbor and we can kill the US

@williamdavis4809 - 28.07.2023 06:17

Simple, whales and dolphins.

@blackhornetf - 25.07.2023 08:49

They underestimated the Americans patriotism and that bombing The American Navy in Hawaii ( A American State ) and Killing American personal was just as bad as bombing the American mainland ( for instance New York) I think Japan thought because Hawaii was a satellite state it wouldn't matter as much ( They obviously didn't understand American people very well )

They bombed the American military on American soil and thought it wouldn't infuriate the Americans and have the opposite effect.......Well we all know how that turned out .....

@Blanco8x8 - 24.07.2023 22:55

Because the Japanese Empire wanted to expand their Pacific territory and hoped that crippling the US Navy in a surprise attack would help them get away with it.

They knew the risk of awakening a sleeping giant, but they greatly underestimated the American retaliation, ultimately and decisively by the dropping of two atomic bombs.

@montecorbit8280 - 24.07.2023 10:29

List of bad ideas showing at the beginning....

4: the horse outside would look better by the fountain.

I don't get that one, can somebody explain that please??

Thank you in advance

@dabidibup - 24.07.2023 07:50

The amount of people who’ve never heard of a Trojan Horse…

Oh no, that means something dirty now, doesn’t it?

@npc2153 - 24.07.2023 00:06

Nobody ever mentions this but... Emperor Hirahito and his top general had a bet. The general lost and the emperor dared him to attack pearl.

@TheHadesShade - 22.07.2023 18:43

Fun fact: There were huge oil fields in and around Sakhalin island, and before WW2 they already owned half the island. I do wonder how the war would have gotten if Japan had acces to those oil fields.

@_Mr.Tuvok_ - 22.07.2023 18:25

Aww man, that Northern Plan woulda looked real good post-war

@moboutmen - 19.07.2023 00:43

Love the list.

@justanotherguy2824 - 10.07.2023 01:37

I didn´t know about the "Northern Plan" to attack the Soviet Union and annex Siberia and the Russian Far East. If Japan would have decided for this direction WW2 would have been VERY different:

1. The USA would have stayed out of the war for longer or even would have never joined the war.
2. The Soviet Union would have faced a war on two fronts, being attacked from West by the Germans and from the East by Japan. As fighting against the Germans already caused huge losses in lives and ressources, a war on two fronts may well have broken the Red Army. The Soviet Union may have been forced to accept heavy territorial losses or even may have collapsed completely.
3. After a victory against the Soviet Union the Fascist powers would have secured their domination over continental Europe.
4. Most of the colonies of occupied European powers may have come under American control.

So after WW2 the world would have seen an Anglo-Saxon alliance on the one side and a Fascist European continent with a large Japanese empire as an ally on the other. The relation between these blocks would have been again similar to our timeline: a Cold War. Just with Fascism instead of Communism.

@garanceadrosehn9691 - 08.07.2023 18:42

Very interesting.

@bardman6692 - 06.07.2023 10:19

What is the horse next to a fountain talking about?

@jonathanmatthew1263 - 01.07.2023 06:21

What's the story behind "worst idea ever #4" with the horse?

@FrankBlissett - 27.06.2023 15:03

Most outside of Hawaii might assume Pearl Harbor is like most harbors - a deep-water spot on the ocean. Instead, it is actually located a few miles inland, and connected to the ocean by a straight that's 1/4 mile wide. Japan's plan for the attack (which they almost accomplished) was to sink a large ship in the channel, disabling the navel base till it could be removed.

@bonwatcher - 25.06.2023 01:56

I think on the list #3 and #4 were a virtual tie. Thinking that the horse left outside your front gate would look lovely next to the fountain certainly wasn't the best move either. That one even birthed a metaphor we still use today, the Trojan horse.🤣

@kevinmach730 - 24.06.2023 03:12

What a lot of people alive today fail to realize and almost NO ONE mentions in these shorts, is that at time of the attack on Pearl Harbor the US had an army that ranked 19th in the world- smaller than Portugal at that time. We assited in winning WW1, but we weren't exactly a force to be feared at that time, at least as far as raw military might was concerned.

@JaysonElliot - 23.06.2023 16:22

Japan was facing an expansionist West that had already colonized much of Asia, and felt their own hegemony would be preferable to a European and American one. The United States could have stayed out of it, as their only interest in Asia was in preserving "their" territory, believing they had a right to own the Philippines.

The US chose to antagonize Japan by cutting off 90% of their oil and 3/4 of their trade. Japan miscalculated by failing to understand America's sense of pride, and let's be honest, racism. They attacked a legitimate military target, with understandable goals, but in doing so, gave Roosevelt a casus belli that proved to be ultimately catastrophic.

@lothean2099 - 22.06.2023 11:46

The same mentality of thinking back then, still exists today. Look at the countries attacking other countries for resources.

@iranjohn - 22.06.2023 10:07

That was incredibly stupid. It was a cartoonish version of events. It actually started in 90 years before the commodore perry used to show a force to get Japan to open their borders.—— which had been closed for 200 years. Japan was also frightened by the atrocities the US carried out in the Philippines. Japan, assume the attitude you must be imperial to be strong and survive, because they didn’t want to become another colony.

@johnbroadway4196 - 22.06.2023 03:34

Now look at the Crapola we're dealing with ?
China is trying to be what ?
History never ends, as the future just changes reasons to
commit War.

@pegefounder - 21.06.2023 18:40

US had known what will come. The development of the B29 started one year before Pearl Harbor. The B17 was already enough for the European war theater. The B29 was only designed for an upcoming war against Japan.

@gambler143 - 21.06.2023 06:19

There is also the fact that US Navy carriers were not in port during the attack. If the Japanese had managed to sink a few carriers, that would have given them the time they needed.

@peteraustin1481 - 19.06.2023 18:03

Steel they needed war steel. Needed to sink our Navy. But USA had steel in spades.

@PhaxMas - 11.06.2023 15:52

The "Soon" graphics are my favourite part of these videos 😂😂😂

@marscaleb - 11.06.2023 07:07

It's worth pointing out that they came really close to crippling us pretty bad. Their plan was also to take out our aircraft carriers, but they were not there when the battle happened because they were investigating rumors of Japan preparing for an attack.
Had they been lost in the attack as well, it would have taken the US a lot longer to get its Pacific fleet to where it could seriously contend against Japan.

@mvslice - 09.06.2023 21:18

The bombing of Japan started the idea that America is so powerful that we have to proportion our response.
