Summary of Farmable Plants -- New Player Guides [Oxygen Not Included]

Summary of Farmable Plants -- New Player Guides [Oxygen Not Included]

Gearhead Gaming

5 лет назад

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Kayla Meyer
Kayla Meyer - 03.10.2020 14:18

Hmmm.... if we were watching a year in the future........

king james488
king james488 - 20.07.2020 16:32

farm tiles are crap unless you need to plant something upside down or need the extra vertical space. planter boxes can't flood and farm tiles don't have the tile speed bonus.

Alloniya - 14.05.2020 10:02

omg the entry is way tooo long. I listened 4 minutes straight and guide still doesn't even started

Alloniya - 14.05.2020 09:56

i looooooove oxygen, its pure

Kamizushi Akinari
Kamizushi Akinari - 13.04.2020 23:02

Dasha saltine is mainly useful to get rid of any chlorine you get in your main base. You basically put it in the bottom of your base next to your carbon-skimmer/water-sieve loop early in the game to clean up any chlorine leaks you get while digging. After your initial expension, it will probably stay stifled forever, but might as well leave it there just in case.

Thimble reeds can be seen as an easy way to get rid of excess toilet water. There are better things to do with that water of course, but thimble reeds are the fast and easy solution.

Frai - 31.12.2019 14:09

If meal lice starts up with -1 morale and pickled meal also has -1 morale which is made with the -1 morale meal lice, would that mean pickled meal is -2 morale?

HiddenOcelot - 10.12.2019 20:31

My question is, do drekkos still eat balm lily? Cause it says they eat live meal wood now

Jacob Liu
Jacob Liu - 21.11.2019 06:27

I refine foods less for morale (while it is nice) but more for the "calorie creation" so i like to create food for efficiency.

epiccollision - 21.10.2019 04:55

The game needs a top to bottom rebalance, I could take all the time and energy to make a nosh bean farm, but the resulting food buffs are just not justifiable, this is just an example. There are so many examples of things built into the game that most players ignore because they are just broken, or there’s no benefit. Also we have salt water and a way to make water and salt but no option to make salt!

blaze12day - 18.10.2019 08:00


PyroMancer2k - 15.09.2019 22:33

OMG! quit referring to things like video is meant for pros. You keep saying dirt is easily renewable but never say HOW. I played a couple games in early beta and always ran out of dirt fast because of farming. Now that game has released I've come back but still run out of dirt.

Sossololpipi - 07.09.2019 17:55

tell me why the farm tiles are made out of niobium

Brent - 31.08.2019 19:14

Sooooo long.

SpaceChemSol - 30.08.2019 08:13

No Taste moves you up a tier

The Grouch
The Grouch - 29.08.2019 12:09

Meal Lice needs water when you don't want to eat it raw. Liceloaf needs ~30g/kcal while gristleberry needs roughly 60g/kcal. That's still twice as much but it is also one tier higher.

Thought I'd mention it as you made it sound like water isn't an issue when using Mealwood.

Nathan Lamberth
Nathan Lamberth - 25.08.2019 22:41

HOL UP! people dump molten salt into space to get rid of heat? WHY?!? surely that is the most convoluted way ever thought of to deal with heat

Tenrog - 24.08.2019 19:01

I appreciate your videos, they ate the on thing keeping me dups alive!...Well this batch of dups anyways.

Shannae Darkehart
Shannae Darkehart - 22.08.2019 05:46

I've noticed that you and pretty much everybody else hasn't noticed that the farm station, by doubling the growth rate of pretty much all of these (I think mealwood and wheezeworts are the only exceptions?) effectively cuts the fertilization and irrigation requirements in half in exchange for some fertilizer and dupe labour. Fertilizer can itself be manufactured if you have to, using resources that should be easily available to any midgame colony.

Rocky Reyes
Rocky Reyes - 22.08.2019 05:41

Yo can I get a time card for the wort plant?

Sean - 06.08.2019 07:17

Love the videos. Just a small suggestion about the time. This was way more than beginner. Which is good but... Also maybe edit a hair. Maybe also no need to cover every little thing... just use words like “rest of these high tier foods” (and again some editing of the misspoken words and unneeded stuff) and please don’t stop making videos. We love your videos. Just maybe trim a hair and you’ll be amazing. Don’t stop!!!

12463trf - 01.08.2019 05:58

A Massive thing you missed *(could be because the change happened after)
Is that Balm Lillies are compostable. Dirt is not so rare now.

Ghorda9 - 31.07.2019 09:18

you need hydrogen for dreckos to grow back the thimble reed.

Ghorda9 - 31.07.2019 09:01

nosh beans don't use water.

Ghorda9 - 31.07.2019 08:52

bleachstone is renewable, squeaky puff ranching, the only thing you need is a chlorine vent.
lettuce also has the highest turn over rate per mas, which means more rot piles for pokeshells.

Samuel Lay
Samuel Lay - 30.07.2019 14:25

Chlorine you can get from rust now so not too bad to run salt vines.

Seth Eheart
Seth Eheart - 30.07.2019 09:58

OMG stfu... get to the video. Took 4 minutes just to get to it. Down vote for wasting my time!

Jan Galo
Jan Galo - 29.07.2019 22:03

U can actually produce slime from the puft creatures.. so you only need polluted water so they feed from the polluted oxygen in the air

Ml400 - 29.07.2019 17:53

just use an puft of eat chlorine and make bleach stone i think its the dense puft i think

Nsuidara - 29.07.2019 15:34

some astroid don't have slime :(

Tecro 47
Tecro 47 - 29.07.2019 10:41

bleach stone is renwewable via planet and pufts its still very little tough

Kitsune_Dev - 29.07.2019 07:05

Beans are used to make Spicy Tofu, it is pretty high tier.

Manzana1C - 29.07.2019 06:16

BTW, loving the fact you were down to make entire compendium video of topics since the release is just about to hit. Very useful reference material while playing.

Grimsprice - 29.07.2019 05:28

It is 3 oxyferns to 1 duplicant as of right now. And the oxyfern converts water to oxygen at the same rate that a SPOM does. But doesn't require any power, doesn't generate any heat, and consumes Co2, saving you power and heat from a scrubber/sieve loop.
Oxyferns are AMAZING and should be planted in planter boxes at the base of your colony ASAP. The only issue is using water right off instead of using algae until midgame. In the forest biomes, water can be limited.
Also, you get about 35 watts of power out of a wild Arbor tree. You get the same power out of it if you process it into Ethanol. The only benefit from processing it is Pwater and more Co2 (yes MORE Co2 than wood burners). My recommendation for lumber right now is either pip ranching, or autoload it into steel wood burners under a metal tile heat exchanger, keep them at 150c by running a steam generator off their heat, then have an automated door vent the Co2 to space. Simple, easy, compact spaceport power room.

Sengyizhe - 29.07.2019 00:39

Farm tiles can be built upside down

Ead Taes
Ead Taes - 29.07.2019 00:22

My trick with Thimble Reed for early to mid game until I get dreko farms going smoothly is to irrigate them with the overflow water from my toilets and sink which are running as a closed system. This has the benefit of always having enough water for bathrooms and of not having to deal with the food poisoning contained in the water.

Tim Gebauer
Tim Gebauer - 29.07.2019 00:10

Nice, everything brought on point.
You need more subs.

Orell - 28.07.2019 23:51

Three three hour videos in one day. Wow... This man has too much freetime.

No judgement, good video. Keep it up!

Alvaro Osorio
Alvaro Osorio - 28.07.2019 23:16

Maps have a lot of water right now, so blosoms are the way to go now

Grizzly 2045
Grizzly 2045 - 28.07.2019 22:03

How don’t you have more subs do you have a discord???

Grizzly 2045
Grizzly 2045 - 28.07.2019 22:02

Man how do you have time thank you so much I just finished the last one I’m not real new but it helps to have videos to scrub through is sooooooo help full
