pls do an updated version of this!
ОтветитьI’m my personal opinion if we’re talking about evrima and path of titans I believe path of titans is the better choice as of right now but y’all can form your own opinions
ОтветитьEHHH, i got both lol
Ответитьvery easy pot only for 1 reason actually being worked on everyone who has started from the beginning with isle know what i mean by that they keep rebuilding isle so far never actual got close to anything like a game it was fun the old isle it was simple but fun with friends where today its not fun to play with your friends and its barely a game after so many years but pot they surpassed isle in a shorter time even tho i dont like the dino sounds but the models are amazing
ОтветитьEasy solution: buy both
ОтветитьHere's the list of the isle:you don't last more than 5 seconds when you spawn.path of titans list:its gorgeous you can pickup food as a backup lunch you can see the dinosaurs stats you can get cool skins you can unlock ability as you grow like pokemon and you don't last more than 5 seconds.well i know my answer.😊😊
ОтветитьI dont understand why im watching this because i own both games, but i can tell you guys, the isle is not what they make it look like. Its a time grind, it hardly ever gets updated, and the only peopl that play it anymore are the ones that try to kill adult rexes and utahs by taking advantage of game dissabilitys. If you want a decent game to play, path of titans is the way to go
ОтветитьAre they for ps4?
ОтветитьWhen I realized you had an updated review.
ОтветитьHi when that awesome spinosaurus roar scene was in the start of the video where was that from pls tell me
Ответитьits so hard to navigate around the isle maps
ОтветитьPot is awesome and can play with awesome dinosaurs equally without having to pay $25 a month to play with a cool dinosaur such as the spoon.
ОтветитьI actually prefer having less options as it feels more like an ecosystem and less like a toy box of dinosaur toys chucked in a map.
ОтветитьCan you please help me if you can? :( I bought the game and I’m in the library clicking play now and nothings happening. I’m on mobile. Do you know what to do?
ОтветитьI stopped playing the isle evrima because I just got sick and tired of the cannibal players, it would be nice to think that “oh I’m safe with my fellow gators” but no the amount of cannibalism just ruins the whole fun of the game IMO, idk if path of Titans is any different or if it’s a little more forgiving I was thinking of getting path of Titans while I wait for evrima to develop a bit more.
ОтветитьPath is apple.
Isle is android.
They are two slightly different games focused on slightly different style of gameplay. Having said that, PoT pushes through updates several times faster than Isle ever did, and probably, ever will be. In the Isle, there is this huuuuuuge amount of stuff they would like to do, they started working on, drew concept of, have started testing or - you get the idea - which is yet to be finished and released. But majority of that content has been on the table since 2015-2017. Where is it? So, either Isle dev team is absolutely terrible at actually finishing things they started, or have very unclear and wobbly idea of where the game should go and what the priorities are. Neither is any good. Meanwhile PoT is on the way of having all the features and content of the Isle and way more. So, normally I'd say comparing those two games is apples and bananas, but honestly, the Isle is atrociously mismanaged and slow to update, and it simply won't be able to compete at this rate, unless something seriously changes. Literally anything they are currently releaseing should have been out 3, 4, 5, more years ago. Which sheds some light on what we are to expect in the future - that's right, nothing worth talking about. You get the Isle update, your reaction is "at long fucking last" instead of "oh wow, something cool and new".
ОтветитьThe isle = 5 hours to grow full adult deino finally spots a herbivore after a hour or so proceeds to get slaughter by three or four stego hits spamming shots both die uninstall.
Ответитьjurassic world evo
ОтветитьI liked how PoT seems more invested in having scientifically accurate dinosaurs anatomically. That's a big plus for me.
ОтветитьThe Isle is so not worth it
ОтветитьI like the isle much better than path of titans. The isle have a wayyy better combat system than path of titans. I don't like the quest system and the growth system for PoT.
ОтветитьHaven’t tried Path of Titans yet. And maybe I’m just not enough of a gamer, esp on the multiplayer side of things, but I could not for the life of me figure out how to play the Isle.
I wish I knew all of this ahead if time.
I didn’t have any friends to play with to help guide me through it, but I went into a random server, control instructions popped up for a minute before they disappeared and I didn’t know how to get them back, realized you had to go to another website to download a map to figure out where u were, saw no one around, and the chat basically ignored any of my questions.
So the few times I played chalked up to following the scent of water or plants to eat (always seemed super far away) and would stuck near the water source and hide in a bush because I was too skeptical about venturing too far out and losing where I was before and dying of thirst lol.
So I’d either die of starvation/thirst pretty quickly, or the one player I would find would be hostile and kill me immediately…and I didn’t know how to defend myself. 💀
I sound like such a noob, I know it, but my god—makes me afraid to buy and try another if it ends up being the same experience. Idk how you dino gamers do it lol
I think both of them are good including beast of Bermuda
ОтветитьIn my personal opinion. Path of titans is garbage.
Ответитьthe answer is none of them are worth it
ОтветитьPoT is better it might not have a proper growth system but who Gon play evirma when legacy gets deleted?
Ответитьwhat you need for each game to play nice
The Isle:EPIC PC
Path Of Titans: gaming toaster
ОтветитьPath of Titans is awful boring and I hate the quests/growth system. It'd be fine is quests weren't such a snore fest.
ОтветитьI can't help but wonder and speculate if "path of titans" has copywrited off of "THE ISLE", they're a lot of dinos that are strikingly similiar, like that of the theri they're wanting to release eventually. What is your opinion on this?
ОтветитьPot has a more natural map feeling untouched by man the graphics are more emmersive and the new map brings new potential also im a console player so kinda biased
ОтветитьThe thing that made me delete POT was a lack of a scent system. Its just so fustrating to starve to death after spending hours growing because you cant pinpoint a food source off sight alone in the huge map... The game became unfun because of that.
ОтветитьAs someone who is looking for more of a survival and less or an rpg,the choice is clear
ОтветитьIf your on console you can only get path of titans anyway
ОтветитьI live in Victoria Australia like the game devs how do I speak with them lol.
ОтветитьThe flight system is the worst ive ever played with in pot , the whole game is slow and outdated so that doesnt help and the combat with the whole game is pretty bad. The new flyer in pot has Bad stam, slow, dies in one hit to a rex, bad flight system, you lose stam just gliding, gliding makes you drop super fast, bad aerial combat, bad hit reg on bite, laggy and buggy sometimes so you cant get in the air and youll die. Just a bad game in general. Everything feels low quality and poorly made. The calls sucks on every dino, the mechanics suck in general making the game boring and repetitive, combat is trash, you get kosed at least 3 times a day, mods have no power so people are toxic in game and in chat, the animations are getting worse with the new creatures coming out, roars are getting worse as well. Low quality game that doesnt know what it wants to be and just wants to make a ton of money being the only dino game on mobile. They sacrifice mass amounts of quality as in graphics and animations and gameplay just so they can make more money off of people who can only play on mobile . I have no respect for the devs who would sacrifice making a better dino game just to profit off of making low quality crap so people can play on a phone. Everyone can feel how cheap and poorly mzde this game is. Look at evrima and tell me who is the better game studio. They are building it on the best engine and actually trying to push themselves for the best quality they can make. Path of titans is a shitty great value Evrima that you can play on a phone because the devs wanted to make more money not compete to make an actually good dino game to compete with Evrima. Pot is fun for a week or so but as it has no real merit as a fighting, horror, or survival game I dont even know what to call pot because they dont even know what it is. Its just a dino sim with servers that almost all have no rules and kos whoever isnt a part of the gang. Bad game get evrima and youll see what quality actually is.
ОтветитьI feel like for once there's a fair question in a PoT/Isle comparison. "Which is worth it?" Both can be worth it, but it's such a more fair question compared to "which is better." One game is much cheaper, the other is way more expensive, and they both have very different types of communities/developers. "Is it worth it" is such a better question, since it's not comparing which game is better, it's comparing if a person would find either or both games worth the money and time.
ОтветитьImo the isle is worth it JUST for deinosuchus
ОтветитьWhen you play The Isle evrima you gotta roll the dice of luck everytime you go near The water
They need to add more water like lakes and ponds I'm getting sick and tired on having to drink out of the same river over and over again praying that I don't get chomped by a deinonychus because there is just 1 water source that travels across the map and it's full of gators
as an update, it would seem Path of Titans is the better game.
ОтветитьOn Panjura everyone hangs out at corpse cove, and on Gondwa everyone either goes to Big Quill Lake or Crater Impact Pond, and they all just swarm the place.
ОтветитьAlso you forgot one of the pros of P.o.T is that when you die you don’t loose ALL your progress, only some of it. On the isle you loose everything when you die.
ОтветитьPersonally i prefer The isle. I haven't played it on steam or on some type of gaming pc but i have played it on mobile and I know that path of titans has in-game purchases like on mobile where you can only play as 4 or so dinosaurs without having to buy something in order to play as more dinosaurs of which I am not really a fan of and even though the side-quest add more to the game I ain't a fan of the fact that some of the collecting side-quest have you collect a ton of a specific item that can some times be very difficult to find but it not the worst thing in the world it could be a lot worse. I ain't sating path of titans isn't good I just saying my opinion n stuff though i would still play path of titans if I had to or if I was bored :)
ОтветитьI definetely have a soft spot for The isle ( The game, not the devs. ). I am sure that POT is a good game for many people but recently I have only been finding more reasons to support why I do not want to play the game. Personally I like a more realistic approach, the quest system has therefore really put a sour taste on my tongue. For me it is more of eating to survive just so that I can eat more and survive a little bit longer. The quest system really does need to approve though, not because I would want to play it either way but for the people who actually want to use it. From what i've seen it only allows you drinking/eating quests, location finders, picking up objects and etc. Not only that but the slot system allows you to rage kill a person that has previously killed your other dino ( I do not understand the system but I know that there are slots for your dinos )
The fighting style is a big factor in my enjoyment, which from what i've seen is quite choppy for path of titans. The isle has a more smoother and a more enjoyable playstyle when it comes to fighting. I hear a lot of people discussing whether or not these games take skill when it comes to combat, and to this I say both. The isle has started focusing on a playstyle that makes it more difficult for example utahraptors (or whatever they are called now, I honestly don't really care ) to kill large dinosaurs. It is still possible, however you can't simply ride anyone to death. In path of titans they have sort of a similar playstyle in which it takes a bit of skill. Something I have noticed (mostly an assumption) is that smaller dinos can kill like really big targets. For example the Metri that can drain stamina. Not only that but the sluggish turns allow for much easier ''tail riding'' despite the tail smack being an option. The isle has smooth alt turns that almost allow dinos to turn on the spot, while dinosaurs like the stegosaurus have the natural advantage of having a spiked tail.
The isle definetely looks the best, despite the whacky lighting sometimes being a bother. Right now the map kinda feels a bit boring with not much variety in the different locations but the graphics are by far the best I have seen in dinosaur games. The water is also much better than path of titans water in my opinion, not to mention that even more details will be put into it in the future. There are different ai spawns in the isle and path of titans water sources, however I must say that The isle still takes the cake on that one. Not only do they have fish but they also have frogs and sea turtles, I believe crabs will be added in the future as well. I know that a lot of people will disagree but in my opinion I find the path of titans maps and models to be sort of dull and not very exciting to look at. The map has generic lighting with an added day and night cycle. The foliage is quite bland and the trees seem to go forever. I personally feel like the water needs a bit more work put into it and the foliage especially. Grasslands basically do not exist. The models of the dinosaur are fine, but they look a bit smooth to me. I want to see them wrinkles!
Many people argue that path of titans have more dinosaur than the isle but I do feel like their playstyles blend together way too much. Some creatures even look like they are younger versions of another species! They need a lot more variety in body movements and combat tactics.
In conclusion, the isle is more of a hardcore survival game while I feel like path of titans is more of a relaxing game to hop onto after work. It does not seem like you'd really be afraid of losing your dino, especially since it is so easy to grow them. Not only that but path of titans players seem more forgiving than what the isle players seem to be. I do believe that path of titans has a better community and better devs than the isle does ( Not in skill ). The isle seems to have a bit more ''skilled'' developers in the sense that the graphis look better despite having been run in UE4 while path of titans has been run in UE5 ( The isle evrima is now being run in UE5 as well ) and the models, animations and concept art is just amazing. Both games are good depending on who you are, these are just my thoughts on the games.
Ps: I am aware that The isle devs are somewhat mean and annoying per say, or at least they seem like it to me. I get all itchy whenever I have to hear them complain about something. This however does not spoil my enjoyment of the game. Something can still be enjoyed despite being made by someone you disagree with.
Path of Titans is shit
Yes sure I'll spend 10 hours or more growing a rex and have to constantly do tedious quests to get there over immersive gameplay the isle has.... Oh wait I won't
The only genuine reason I have Path of Titans is due to the isle not being on console and I tell you right now if The Isle had console release Path of titans would vanish
As soon as my PC is back in order I'll be uninstalling Path of Titans from my xbox
The Isle cinematography and trailers also represents the game far more accurately than Path of Titans does with its own cinematography and trailers.
Another thing to mention is that Path of titans has continuously released "Playables" that are not.... "Playable" whereas the Isle adds new mechanics and new ways to immerse yourself
You can tell half the dinosaurs from Path of titans are reskins and shared animations 😂
The Isles Devs are "Toxic" I would be too if I had their playerbase
Path Of Titans devs are no better, equally sarcastic, equally salty and equally not listening to the player base
Path of Titans by far. The Isle keep restarting its design and never advances.
ОтветитьI picked path of titans over the isle for a few reasons. I think the isle is a good game, videos I’ve seen of it make it see, fun and entertaining, however at the time I bought path of titans it was more accessible to me than the isle. I didn’t have a beefy computer at the time so I bought it on my phone, upon console release I bought it on my Xbox. Other than the variety in platforms there are a few other reasons.
I like the community in path of titans, while it is toxic at times the 3 years I’ve been a part of it have been nice. I’ve met many cool people on official servers and had plenty of fun playing with them. Sometimes even just sitting in impact crater on a rock and chilling in global chat is great. I haven’t seen that too much in the isle.
As for the combat system, I feel like path of titans combat system where you unlock certain abilities really allows you to define your play style better. I can choose hides, attacks and abilities that allow me to play in the best way I can play. I like to rely on being agile in combat to make it harder for other players to land heavy hits on me. Even when playing some of the slower dinosaurs, I am able to do so with some of the abilities that can be unlocked.
Those are a few of my reasons for choosing this game over the isle.
I personally preffer Path of Titans 😊
ОтветитьYkw, it's nice to no that, once you waste your money on PoT, that you can't even grow your dino, along with finding out that you need to BUY THE DINOSAURS THAT YOU SHOULD BE GETTING FOR FREE WITH FROM SINCE YOU BOUGHT THE GAME.
PoT devs are just milking andthe players.