Exhausted by your cats fighting? Here's how you can stop it.

Exhausted by your cats fighting? Here's how you can stop it.

Lucy Hoile - Cat Behaviourist

6 месяцев назад

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@Retro_oo - 10.07.2024 00:59


@suj2125 - 10.07.2024 19:11

Haha I can’t watch this video!!! No but really Mr Qāt on his own was waaaaay too much wild cat and vocal just on his own. It was like having cc tv 24/7 and he insisted on participating with any project in the most unhelpful way. Lol Mr Qāt wouldn’t eat unless he could see fluffy b eating and she’d nibble then walk off as he’d go eat her food then his.

@rheapitcher712 - 13.08.2024 01:34

How do you navigate when resident cat stays outside now because she doesn't want to come in at all now? Kitten has one end of the house and resident has the other and outside

@rheapitcher712 - 13.08.2024 01:38

Resident cat keeps hissing at me. Its been 4 weeks since new kitten will they ever get on

@pablocenteno1293 - 19.08.2024 18:28

Thank you for the helpful information. We are in a rough situation; we have three cats, one of them is constantly redirecting aggression; the other two usually just try to make themselves look small when they get attacked. This don't usually escalate too much, but we do feel bad because one of the cats receiving the aggression has cancer, and her life is hard as it is. For the most part, the situation is tolerable, but now my wife has rescued an older cat (11 yrs old) from a difficult situation, and we are soo afraid of the integration. The new cat is in a separate room, but even when her smell gets in the air, our little aggressive cat starts redirecting to the other two. Any suggestions? :(

@alexherts7953 - 22.08.2024 19:21

We are currently trying to introduce 2 kittens (7 and 10 months old) to our resident almost 2 years old. We have the resources upstairs and downstairs (3 litter boxes, 4 water bowls) but the 10 months old boy keeps trying to hunt and attack the resident female cat. (All neutered). We try to play with them when doing the introduction to redirect attention and play cat to but he still tries to. He has pretended to want to sniff and give little kiss to her and then smacked her so we are worried. Also the resident cat never hisses at him, she will cower and run away. Any suggestions?

@karenmcdonnell4337 - 26.08.2024 06:55

thank you for this video! this is exactly what I needed I feel like I had tried almost everything and things had gotten slightly better, but one of the things thats the worst is the morning feed as the one nervy cat with hiss and swipe and the other two.

@el0quentpilgrim - 27.08.2024 05:17

i recently had to return our new cat to the shelter after almost 2 months because she was not getting along with our two resident cats. 😢😞 i feel awful about it, but the behavior was negatively affecting the two cats (sisters) we’ve had for 3 years. unfortunately even with a pretty slow introduction, when allowed to share space she would stalk them and charge/swat until we broke it up. She was a very scared kitty before we brought her home, but with increasing confidence i feel she had started to become territorial, and that’s why she would behave aggressively towards them. i feel guilty for returning her, as she was a sweet and kind kitty towards me and my husband but i also felt protective over my resident cats and their wellbeing. i really wish that it would have worked out, and i feel guilty for not continuing to try, but i couldn’t live with that kind of tension in the house. 💔😞

@magdalenab4728 - 27.08.2024 09:01

I’m having a very had time with my newer cat and my two resident cats. The resident cats are not accepting the new cat. The new cat was very sweet when we got him. He didn’t pounce on the resident cats, just wanted to be friends with them. Until they started to pounce on him first. Then he started to fight back. Now the boy resident hisses but they can be some what tolerable around each other. My girl resident cat wants nothing to do with him. The get into very bad altercations and she’s peed herself a couple of times. The new cat has some health problems and would be difficult to find a new home for. And I really don’t want to give him up. But I also don’t want to stress my other cats out anymore. We’ve had this new cat for almost 5 months. Please help 🙏🏼🥺

@lisabingham8332 - 31.08.2024 22:29

im wanting to adopt a stray cat that's been sleeping in my garden for 8 months. problem is I already have an indoor only cat. in the process of trying to get him neutered. I bought a crate for him to sleep in the kitchen, away from my indoor cat. any advice on how to get them used to each other.?

@cindywilliams7950 - 05.09.2024 17:15

What if 1 is a senior and 1 is a kitten and the kitten doesn't know not to be around her and is not getting the hint when cat hisses at her

@ElifBayraktarTellan - 11.09.2024 16:35

I have three 8 yrs old cats (siblings) and a 2,5 yrs old another girl cat. They were OK until a month ago, when my father passed away. Although my father lived in another house, the small cat has been very tense since then. Maybe she feels my grief. She hisses at them most of the time, and occasionally swipes them, especially one of them. I have to isolate her in the bedroom when I am not at home. What should I do?

@dwuagneux - 12.09.2024 04:00

We have to neutered male siblings I have always gotten along famously and affectionately until a few months ago when they would sometimes go between one and three days, needing to be separated because of fighting. It is the smaller of the two brothers that for some reason will become aggressive and chases, larger brother until cornered, and then they will scream and crawl each other.
We are exhausted. Give him that this recent bout has gone on for eight days now. We have a large home that is easily divided. Each cat has its of room, around litter, box, food, and water, fart the preference of each cat is to be with us. So when we are upstairs, the cat that is upstairs is happy, and vice versa. However, the smaller brother, who is the instigator, seems much more lonely for his brother, and stands at the closed doors separating them just being sad (in between getting plenty of affection from us).
We switch their territories once a day so that they can continue to spend time with an each other’s scents, and also have some stimulation from a “new” environment .
Although we play with them, I’m sure that they are not getting as much exercise and stimulation as when they were together running through the house playing with one another. The smaller of the two wants to get back together, the larger of the two is very happy to be away from his brother and flattens his body and hisses anytime, we attempt to bring them together.😢
We are not sleeping well, knowing that one of the two is cut off from us at night, leaving us very stressed, which I’m certain it only makes things worse. What on earth are we going to do now?

@dwuagneux - 12.09.2024 04:00

We have to neutered male siblings I have always gotten along famously and affectionately until a few months ago when they would sometimes go between one and three days, needing to be separated because of fighting. It is the smaller of the two brothers that for some reason will become aggressive and chases, larger brother until cornered, and then they will scream and crawl each other.
We are exhausted. Give him that this recent bout has gone on for eight days now. We have a large home that is easily divided. Each cat has its of room, around litter, box, food, and water, fart the preference of each cat is to be with us. So when we are upstairs, the cat that is upstairs is happy, and vice versa. However, the smaller brother, who is the instigator, seems much more lonely for his brother, and stands at the closed doors separating them just being sad (in between getting plenty of affection from us).
We switch their territories once a day so that they can continue to spend time with an each other’s scents, and also have some stimulation from a “new” environment .
Although we play with them, I’m sure that they are not getting as much exercise and stimulation as when they were together running through the house playing with one another. The smaller of the two wants to get back together, the larger of the two is very happy to be away from his brother and flattens his body and hisses anytime, we attempt to bring them together.😢
We are not sleeping well, knowing that one of the two is cut off from us at night, leaving us very stressed, which I’m certain it only makes things worse. What on earth are we going to do now?

@MaelstromEnergy - 29.09.2024 23:03

What would you recommend for redirected aggression? I have a female resident, a male resident and a new male resident. The males are fairly friendly, e.g. great nose to nose, smell butts, etc.

The female resident has a ton of misdirected aggression to the male resident. New male may get a case of the zoomies in a other part of the room and the female resident will pounce on the sleeping male resident. In one 24 hour period, the female resident attacked our male residenr 3 times, she has never gone after the new male.

We have started cat site swaps where each has their own room. We will let the males get treats together, but our male resident's confidence is shot so no unsupervised time

Female resident's personality is normal when she doesn't see or hear the othet males

@SunshineReader. - 05.10.2024 03:17

Hi! I just adopted a 9 month old female cat and I have 2 resident 11 yr old male cats. I am having a hard time introducing them because when I do get them together, the boy cats will play no problem but my new cat wi ll not do ANYTHING with them. She won't eat treats with them, she won't play with them, she just stares and pounces. When she pounces, she gets hissed at and then she refuses to back off. I have been isolating her in my bedroom for her territory, but I am just unsure of where to take things. She never gives into the distraction. I am just also confused why she is acting this way because when she was at the shelter she was with two other kittens in her holding area. Any advice would be much appreciated!

@DarthTheron - 07.10.2024 05:55

What do you do if they meow constantly and scratch at the door at each other when they're in separate rooms? I thought they wanted to hang out but they just fight as soon as the door opens. The male is the resident and the female is the new cat we've had for a month.

@wasps5 - 22.10.2024 18:15

We have an issue with our British short hairs. Jerry (M) now 5 years old and Lily (F) who is 3 has started to chase and attack her. She had FIP last year which has now been resolved but since then its caused major issues and she is now very nervous about going to the toilet or being around him because he might attack her. Shes blind in one eye too because of FIP and we dont know what to do anymore. We really dont want to rehome her as we rescused her when she was a kitten. Has anyone had similar experinces? Weve used the cat calming sense which does work at times and Ive ordered a pheromone collar for both of them but we really need some help. My partner gets so upset over the situation as we dont want to give up either one.

@Millyx - 24.10.2024 13:27

Your videos are always so helpful. Every time I learn something I can improve or I can focus on. Luckily I found you soon enough to better understand what I have to do with my cats. Thank you ❤

@ruckbarbie - 28.10.2024 16:25

My resident cat was a feral cat from a TNR program. After she was spayed, I decided not to release her...and that was 11 year ago. We've successfully introduced a (now 3 months old) kitten to our family after a month of strict adherence to cat introduction guidelines. My feral cat is the only cat I've ever had and I had no idea how different she was from regular domestic cats. The kitten cannot stop himself from Spider-Man jumping on her back. He will do it repeatedly; and her aggressive response increases each time. It gets to the point where she will hurt him and I'm terrified of not being there to intervene. Even if I move him far away from her and distract him, he will still ninja warrior jump on her when he sees her next. I'm going to focus on the advice in this video sans separate feeding (they now eat together fine and share each other's bowls), but I'm may be in need of paying for a professional consultation.

@VitaD26 - 30.10.2024 04:14

I need some advice...I'm moving and my daughter has suggested to take one of my two cats. The eldest is 15 (f) and 11 (f). They fight all of the time. Mainly the older cat growls, spits and hisses at the younger one but eventually they will all out brawl.

I've had them since they were 3 months and the behaviour has never improved. More recently it feels like it has escalated. They do have moments that they play but eventually that too results in fighting. I've tried everything.. from Feliway to intervention and attention. They also eat apart.

It has been 11 yrs, should I let my daughter take the younger cat? Will this be healthier for them? Somehow I think it will be negative. They have a love-hate relationship and they might mourn the loss of their relationship. Otherwise they're both happy and healthy. Any help would be appreciated

@Liishaaxx - 31.10.2024 13:01

I have two male cats and when they fight it gets very violent at times, I’ve been separating them a lot from inside and outside but the moment they usually see one another they full on attack. I don’t know what else to really do…

@turtleluna - 02.11.2024 17:37

Lucy, thanks for all this helpful advice. I haven’t watched all your vids yet but my question is what to do when the resource they fight over is ME. There is only one of me, I can’t replicate myself - and all four cats want to be with me, so that’s what often triggers fights. Any tips on that? They all get plenty of time with me but one cat wants to OWN me and he is usually the aggressor. Thanks!

@erikatorresmusic_ - 14.11.2024 19:37

Thank you for this. I've been in the process of introducing 2 new cats to my resident cat for about a month. we had been making a lot of progress and using a screen door so they could see each other but not touch - then last night one accidentally ran into the room where my resident cat was and she attacked her. Nobody is hurt but I'm traumatized 😢 I just hope I can get them to tolerate eachother

@JasonAllenIII - 26.11.2024 19:01

Thanks so much! Your video has been a great source of hope during a pretty tense time in our house! 🎉🎉

@PinefurTAAP - 01.01.2025 00:30

What if u have a very small house or space for ur cats. I have 3 cats, 2 sisters, 1 kitten. but they are not allowed upstaires (becuause of our alligies), or the kitchen (ause they steal our food) So they dont have a lot of space, and we arnt able to set up 2 territories and my cats cantseperate when they want, sicne the space is small.

Also my kitten thinks my cats are for play. and he "playes" with them, he chases them too. His clws a re sheathed, but my cats see it as a threat. SO they hiss and swat.

@robertabanci5119 - 03.01.2025 03:02

hi, thank you for this video, it gives me some new ideas to try. My two were friends, and have been together since babies for almost 3 years, Now they just want to get into it. They can be in the same room together and will go sleep on the same bed but the relationship has taken a bad turn and chasing and jumping on from both parties., along with staring and flat earing and tails a swishing. It is exhausting to go from a happy cat house to this. They are both very sweet cats and used to just love to run and play together. All the info I see online is leaning towards separating them and reintroducing them but I am completely unsure of whether this is a good thing to try. I hate the thought of separating one from the household as they are both very involved in all household activities. Do you have any thoughts on this?

@RozeenMuasher-o7o - 03.01.2025 10:33

I’ve been struggling for over six months to get my two adult male cats, Sukkar and Tutu, to coexist peacefully. They both get along wonderfully with my kittens, but not with each other. Despite countless efforts—scent swapping, gradual introductions, positive reinforcement, and supervised sessions—Sukkar is defensive, and Tutu tends to be more aggressive, leading to frequent tension or fights. It’s been emotionally exhausting trying to help them share the same space, and I’m at a loss for what to do next. They have been living separately since day one, but that's not a long term option.

@NotreilaHas-xm8fq - 10.01.2025 20:13

We have two big male cats who have been fighting each other, they ambushes when they get a chance and attacks vice versa. We are frustrated by their tensions. The other one is overpowering and keeps on attacking all the time day night noon morning. We need help...

@SetASpark - 11.01.2025 16:38

It is so hard. We got a kitten that is now 3 months and he started attacking my cat everytime he sees her who is 7. They've been separate most of the time. We've had him for a month and a bit. Older one has always been an anxious cat and found it hard to accept him at first so she gets scared and annoyed whenever she sees him. If they come face to face, even through the screen, he lunges at her. If theres no screen he'll sometimes touch his nose to hers but she growls at him then he'll sit a few meters away from her, and when she stops growling and looks away he'll jump at her, and then he doesn't stop. He doesn't care that she hisses and swats at him. I don't know what to do. I play with him but he still jumpes at her everytime he sees her.
