WordPress Categories and Tags Tutorial | WP Learning Lab

WordPress Categories and Tags Tutorial | WP Learning Lab

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Play Office
Play Office - 03.09.2023 19:07

Why good indexing the tags?

The natural source of our health
The natural source of our health - 20.03.2023 14:24

Another great vid, thank you!

EXUVIUM isopods
EXUVIUM isopods - 13.03.2023 02:38

It is indeed confusing. I go to other WP webshops and I see categories, but these are directing to hub pages (if a website is selling mugs for example, it may have white mugs; black mugs etc.). So there are two types of categories, and I am interested about that later type, because I am not that interested about blog posts, but for the pages of my WP website. Is there a way to add those?

Terry Chenowith
Terry Chenowith - 22.01.2023 10:46

This question is concerning SEO with one page under multiple categories and how that is bad for SEO. Is it okay to have multiple categories so long as the post is only put into one of the categories?

Anyaes Way
Anyaes Way - 27.11.2022 09:14

Great tutorial but my question is what is the difference between a WordPress course and a WordPress category........

Money Making Mitch
Money Making Mitch - 22.09.2022 18:24

I didn't realise that using the hierarchy will create 2 URLs for each page. For example if I create Adidas and place it under brand I will have


I have only been linking one of these as a 301 redirect when deleting pages. Do you think this is bad for SEO?

Crazy People
Crazy People - 08.05.2022 15:28

There is always a unspoken formula to this mad science

Benjohn Paul Varghese
Benjohn Paul Varghese - 05.03.2022 12:49

Hi, I have a doubt. Can we add an option for adding tags in the theme, where there is no slot for it?

Petar Dzaja
Petar Dzaja - 23.02.2022 14:37

Does it affects SEO if I assign one blog posts to more categories? I do that for topics that fit inside more categories, but recently I read that it may be bad for my SEO, because of "internal duplicate content" - this doesn't make sense to me, but just want to check it.

Fabulous World Holidays
Fabulous World Holidays - 12.11.2021 22:13

Hi thank you for your video
I have 5 main keywords implemented, can I use these as my tags in my posts?

Wqtrwgegsv - 21.06.2021 21:59

omg thank uuu🌸

Md. Ruhen Hossain Bhuiyan
Md. Ruhen Hossain Bhuiyan - 27.05.2021 22:11

Hello. I want to show post by category. But I want to start from post number 4. That means I don't to display the first 3 posts of that category. Sir, how can I do that?

ofgodzeus - 21.04.2021 01:00

thank you!

The Indian Freelancer
The Indian Freelancer - 21.02.2021 17:02

How to choose the right categories and tags?

ALY - 28.12.2020 09:52


Franivelius el mago
Franivelius el mago - 18.10.2020 23:36

How to hardcode categories?

Pablo Valencia Fernández
Pablo Valencia Fernández - 14.10.2020 19:51

Hello!! Thank you for the video, it was so useful to me. I have just a question: how many tags are the optimum to have the best SEO? I think 1 is not enough but 20 is too much.

Mat11Gaming - 22.08.2020 19:14

I have created a few categories to divide topics I write about on my blog. But I cannot edit the look of the category pages the same way I would for a normal page. What can I do? I would like them to have the same header and footer as the home page.

humanvoice - 24.06.2020 14:12

Why is Wordpress so confusing🤷🏼

Mandarin Mania
Mandarin Mania - 09.06.2020 03:08

Thanks for this.

Amonise - 21.05.2020 01:53

Thank you

[[ 見る]]
[[ 見る]] - 19.05.2020 04:47

This is exactly what i was looking for, but i need to do this exact same thing on pages. I cant find the option to add tags o categories on pages, they are there for the blogs but when it comes to pages it doesnt seem to have any options for that. Is there a way to do this on pages or maybe a plugin fot this specific case?

Elviera Naidoo
Elviera Naidoo - 02.04.2020 20:01

Thanks Bjorn. Loved this video but can i ask you to send me a video on how to remove a tag completely?

Bea Damica
Bea Damica - 25.03.2020 22:02

Thank you for this awesome video! I was wondering if you could help me understand tags a little better - to set a featured article, I simply use a tag "featured" then switch it manually myself when needed (I have the Elementor page builder). Does switching tags on a post ruin or affect the site structure negatively? Please let me know, any help would be appreciated. Thank you!!

Nick Legend
Nick Legend - 02.03.2020 15:26

Excellent information and explanations of things! Thank you =)

Anis Azam
Anis Azam - 24.02.2020 04:01

There are a number of videos talking about the subject but the problem with most of them is complicating the things rather than simply telling straightforward. You explained the thing clearly and to the point. The problem solved quickly. Thank you so much.

electronzapdotcom - 22.12.2019 21:45


Connor - 01.12.2019 02:59

what's the significance of categories and tags though? can I put them in a website page or are they just in the background doing nothing?

Laercio Civali
Laercio Civali - 25.09.2019 17:25

Continue not to know what this serves for. Could u make a video with examples please? Tks.


What is going to happen to my blog SEO if I didn't add tag at all?

Karen Newton
Karen Newton - 12.09.2019 22:38

You skipped right over what a slug is.

L.A. Public Insurance Adjusters
L.A. Public Insurance Adjusters - 23.03.2019 01:19

Is there a plugin where I can have (2) separate Recent Posting, separated by categories? Example: On the left Sidebar "Recent Posting" relating FEMALE SELF-DEFENSE, main page "Video", right Sidebar "Recent Posting" relating MALE SELF-DEFENSE. I separated them by categorizing the female and males separately but when I add a post, it shows up on to the left and right Sidebar. Then I went to the page to see if both Categories was check, but only 1, not both, so I am a little confused. Then I added "Recent Posts Extended" Plugin in the Widget Sidebar, but no love, it can assist, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Superior Strength
Superior Strength - 03.03.2019 08:29

Thanks, information lives on forever. Even though you posted this in 2015 it has helped me gather a better understanding of tag usage and I learned info I wasn't even looking for. very informative thanks again.

Gary Baitson (Tech Review Ireland)
Gary Baitson (Tech Review Ireland) - 18.12.2018 14:51

is there a way to batch edit categories. For instance, I want to upload hundreds of photos to be set into separate categories. Can i click on 50 or 60 photos at a time and add them all a specific category, or do i have to do it one by one

LearningAll - 08.12.2018 00:53

Hello sir i use one tag in post and it’s showing many duplicate tags it’s due to database can you help me?

Abinash Swain
Abinash Swain - 15.11.2018 10:41

Thank you for this helpful tutorial..
I don't have any common post which appears in multiple categories however my home page displays the latest posts which do have their respective categories, will it be OK for SEO?
And does the same principle apply in case of tags. I mean we should use as minimum tags as possible or probably no tag.

Hybrid Artz
Hybrid Artz - 21.09.2018 15:19

Hi, thanks, is there a way to add categories to images so they can be sorted? I.e. I have a portfolio site with lots of images and I'd like to make it easier to categorise them into photography, painting etc? And then show the categories for a visitor to find the genre etc? Cheers

Lubys A
Lubys A - 05.06.2018 18:55

Hello Bjorn, I have 3 pages each wih a simple list of Spare Parts, each List and page mention the brand for those spare parts, Is it OK to use "Tags" for Brands ? that way if a user clicks on certain Brand (in tag) will be redirected to a list for that particular brand.
Thanks for your series of Videos!

William Dallas
William Dallas - 28.05.2018 05:34

hey there, im trying to add different header and footer to different categories, how can i do that?

Harem Cinema-SHOW_OVER
Harem Cinema-SHOW_OVER - 16.02.2018 17:31

Excellent tutorial, as usual. Bravo and thank you.

Chris C
Chris C - 25.11.2017 16:30

Absolutely helpful video. Well done.

Mari D
Mari D - 04.09.2017 21:28

I added categories but they are not shown on my website,why?

omgitzsteg - 12.08.2017 01:31

Great video, exactly what i was looking for!

Kim Fellenz
Kim Fellenz - 24.06.2017 00:07

The problem with your tutorial is that it's just terrible for beginners, and even intermediate users of WordPress. You don't explain at all the significance of categories or tags, even briefly. There's no practical explanation of g
oal or purpose. If that were first provided then there'd be some ideal of where you're going and what the viewer's objectives should be. Terrible.

I Shall Seek Him
I Shall Seek Him - 02.05.2017 07:46

My problem with this is that on my page, the tags butt up against the "leave a comment". This seems to me to be bizarre. These should be separate. So for example I might have Tags: bicycle, riding. leave a comment. How about the Tags being VERY separate from where the leave a comment section is???? I cannot seem to be able to get ANY help with this! Please direct me to somewhere that I can get an answer.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
