r/IDontWorkHereLady - Karen Makes Her BABY SISTER ROB A STORE! Wants to SUE WHEN CAUGHT!

r/IDontWorkHereLady - Karen Makes Her BABY SISTER ROB A STORE! Wants to SUE WHEN CAUGHT!


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@OtakuSapien - 02.07.2024 03:20

Lighthearted "I don't work here" story:
My twin sister worked at a large grocery store in our area for several years. After a while, I got used to other employees mistaking me for her while shopping (usually I'd just give them a polite greeting so they didn't think Sis was rude), but she eventually transferred to another store in the same chain and I stopped thinking about it.
One day I happened to be in the area her new store was in, and I decided to go through her line to say hi. While I was at checkout, the man behind me started making small talk. We live in a rural area, so this isn't unusual. I chatted back, but after a minute he started talking about work schedules and dropping names, so I asked, "Do I know you?" He got confused. I told him, "I think you know my twin, [sister's name]," and pointed to the front of the line where Sis was clearly bagging groceries. The look on the man's face was priceless. He did several double takes before apologizing. I told him we were used to it and it was fine. Turns out he was especially confused bc not only did he not know she had a twin, he didn't even know she worked there! They knew each other from another part-time job she did seasonally. He was super nice and we all laughed about it before I bought my groceries and left. Later on, my sister and I laughed about it again when she pointed out none of her coworkers ever notice that "she" has somehow gone from a pixie cut to butt length hair overnight.

@Trijem - 01.07.2024 14:20

Bloop Dorfin coochin be dolomite? Postumate! 😅 Odalé. ?Que?

@areneesouder - 27.06.2024 04:04

The white racists Walmart Karen is obviously a Trumpster. 😊

@timothywilliams2252 - 25.06.2024 19:05

I'm surprised I don't have one of these stories... yet. I'm an electrician, and proficient in many aspects of home improvement & maintenance. Consequently, I'll help out DIY'ers in hardware stores if they look lost & confused--especially in electrical--so they don't waste time & money, or to let them know they're in over their head on a given project and they need to call a pro. I guess I'm just rolling the dice by doing this, and encountering an entitled Karen is in my future

@twiceshy9773 - 25.06.2024 06:26

First story- crazy neighbours are such a fear of mine, I just nod hello/goodbye to my neighbours and keep everything very superficial and polite- I mean, they know where I live!!

@morganelzey - 24.06.2024 20:38

Haha people amaze me..

@sandydunlap414 - 24.06.2024 11:07

One time when my family was going on a trip, we were driving and my Dad (who was driving) needed to find a bathroom asap. Luckily, there was a rest area nearby. My Dad pulls in then runs into the restroom. The next thing we know, some lady is running out of the same restroom screaming that a crazy man had ran in there and she thought he was going to kill her! My mom, brothers and I realized what had happened and busted out laughing! My dad rushes out, hops in the car and we take off! Luckily, this happened in the 70’s before cell phones!

@AlphaGamer1981 - 22.06.2024 22:43

You may all laugh or cringe at entitled Karen's, but your capitalist system is responsible for creating them in the first place. When all your retail stores and restaurants force the agenda that the customer is always right and you must always be polite when being treated like shit, this is what happens

@DavidHamm-fb7nx - 22.06.2024 17:56

Story 2 - Why do customers think they can demand staff open checkouts for them? That is up to their supervisors. Even if they do open up another lane, why should that customer go to the front. The next customer(s) in the existing line(s) should go first and Karen should go to the back.

@DavidHamm-fb7nx - 22.06.2024 17:51

The answer to “Why are you cleaning leaves if you don’t work here?” is the answer to all such questions asked by Karens i.e. “None of your F***ing business”

@mayabailes1653 - 21.06.2024 23:58

Story 1: I wouldhave scooped the leaves into a bag and threw them out, and left a note for my neighbour thanking them for their service, and asking if they'll be cleaning the hallway again next week too.

@sparkyfox7956 - 21.06.2024 15:22

Opposite side of the fence, kind of. So I’m surveillance at a casino, and I have to wear a suit which makes me look a lot more important than I am, and I’m a pretty big dude. A guest was wearing a ‘security’ hoodie but wasn’t an employee, and was playing on a slot machine. It’s important to note that our security staff either wears suits if supervisor or basically a cop uniform with the casino logo on it if regular security. I was going out on my smoke break when I see this old lady start freaking out at the guy, screaming that it was so unprofessional for him to be gambling on the clock. Guy was trying to leave when I step in and ask if I can help where the lady banshee shrieks in my face that ‘my employee’ was gambling on the job. I essentially explain the difference between the uniforms and state that he doesn’t work here and told her that I would be forced to get security if she doesn’t stop bothering our guests. She then proceeds to try to grab my radio. I have very specific instructions for this, it’s an expensive piece of equipment that can access restricted channels so I told her to stop and would be forced to take her to the ground if she continued. She then grabbed my person (specifically, my suit collar) and screamed that she was a Ruby player (really not that impressive) and she’d have my job. Since it’s an old lady I don’t want to tackle her like I’m supposed to in this situation but I do push her back into a chair. She screams that she’s going to sue and whatever else, but security notices and escorts both of us to the main entrance (protocol whenever force is used, and I just so happen to know it happened right by a camera so I’m not worried). Long story short the casino ends up pressing charges, and one of her rings wound up damaging my suit coat so she’s in small claims with me now. We did also speak to the guests to perhaps it was a bit unwise about wearing their work materials at another place that also has security.

@PalmersPhotos - 21.06.2024 11:36

Fun fact related to story 2 - the developers of the original Half Life video game had no way of adding computer "beep" sounds, so they had NPCs make the sounds in the same way OP did. If you look carefully at the faces of security guards around computer terminals you can see their mouths moving whenever the computers beep

@alexshkoditch4593 - 21.06.2024 08:25

I (male) walked into the women's rest room in a Cracker Barrel once because a pole blocked the 'Wo" from the "Womens" sign. As I walked in, a middle-aged black woman walked out of one of the stalls. I immediately said, "Is this the women's room"? to which she replied "yes". I apologized and left, leaving her standing there laughing her butt off. Not much of a story, but these things do happen.

@MajinK - 20.06.2024 21:10

Story 2 - "Yeah go ahead and call my boss, I'm positive he'll get a kick outta that"

@themayhemofmadness7038 - 20.06.2024 06:41

Lady really thought Dollar General has its cashiers not just doing the tiling, but doing the tiling during store hours… 🤦‍♀️

There’s just no hope for some people.

@benlevan5645 - 20.06.2024 02:06

With the little sister being forced to steal, now their parents will get a visit from the police and CPS. This is going to be massively humiliating for them.

@PrincessSunnyoftheSandWings - 19.06.2024 20:08


@junecolohan7306 - 19.06.2024 17:50

Sorry on the first story I would of just put the mess in the dumpster and not worry about it

@violentmuse - 19.06.2024 16:29

Story 1, I had weird neighborhood feud too.
We used to live on a corner house and it started when someone didn't clean up their dogs poo. We had no animals the whole time we were there. Well, someone decided to bag up the mess, dropped the baggy and a note saying to clean up after our pets on our doorstep; the trash can was 20ft away btw. I took pictures. Then, I wrote, "WE DONT HAVE ANIMALS" at the top of the note, threw the baggy away, and stuck the note on the railing. Had trash dumped on the doorstep the next few days. Took pictures. Now the neighbor did have dogs. 1 being a puppy that could squeeze through the fence and had previously, all the neighbors came out to corral her playful self back home. So when a raw steak was left on my mat, I took pics, and called the non-emergency police line to send a cruiser. Again, we were a corner house, so I had them park right on the corner, where everyone could see. Told them I was worried someone was trying to poison pets. There had been other neighborhood complaints too about vandalism and trespassing. Turns out a couple rowdy teen brothers up the street were bored on spring break. Dont think they were the original note leaver, but the neighborhood was peaceful after the public display of investigation. Cop had me send them the photos for nuisance and harassment charges. Nothing came of it either except they stopped. But really, thats all I or anyone wanted.

@isaacbobjork7053 - 19.06.2024 14:01

My father was in the hospital literally dying, the hispital was closed for the night and I still asked politely for someone to help me to his room (where he later died)
I was not rude even in a stressed situation. Because I am not a complete a-hole.

@sandwichqueen - 19.06.2024 11:39

As someone who had my paternal grandmother named Karen tried to kidnap me, some people do live up to thier name.
Though, I know a Karen that definitely wasn't a Karen, but as far as I know she's dead.

@Jasonfallen71 - 19.06.2024 04:26

Wrong bathroom: I had a similar experience. I was at ASU, ~50k students, and I spent a lot of time in the math lab. The men’s room when coming from math lab was on the L. Well one day I was coming from the other direction and had to go bad so I just went in. Weird, there’s a comfy chair in here. Then as I close the stall door to pee I see there’s no urinals around the corner, weird.
Then I hear a woman come in. Oh damn I was feeling like I’d really messed up. I waited for her to leave and then I bolted.
I was so afraid I’d be treated like a perv or a freak of some kind.
Never gone into a bathroom without checking several times that I’m heading to the correct one since then.

@cesarjimenezanimator - 18.06.2024 22:35

You've read story 3 before.

I noticed lately in your videos that you re-read stories that you've already read before. I recognize many details in these stories that I am sure I've heard in some earlier videos of yours.

@catlillith - 18.06.2024 21:31

I work in an emergency room, checking patients in. About two weeks ago, I was checking in on a patient when an old man walked up to my desk and yelled at me to do my job (I was doing my job). Security quickly and tried to calm him down. He wanted to see his wife in the main hospital area, not the ER. The old man yelled at security, the nursing staff, and his son. He kept saying if his wife died, it would be our fault for not letting him see her. 🙄 He was allowed to see her, but security told me the only reason he was allowed was his son calming him down; otherwise, he would have been kicked out of the hospital for his outburst.

@AkiEmmi25 - 18.06.2024 21:18

first story, but it was OP moving in that made the huge mess??? love some neighbor beef drama but if it were me I absolutely would've cleaned that up myself if the movers didn't, wtf

@shartazokhan1043 - 18.06.2024 20:52

As a former rotating shift worker, I once accidentally walked into the woman's washroom after a very long shift. Came face to face with a cop. Luckily she knew that look on my face and pointed to the next washroom.

@housinengi9512 - 18.06.2024 18:48

ngl the karen in story 5. the fact she threaten with a gun there wasnt any charges about owning a gun with out a license

@Aren-Tibbs - 18.06.2024 18:33

Story 4: I think banning the karen from the hospital will actually help her father, rather than having that screaming banshee screaming at him all day and all night. Also, the nurses on the floor don't need an out of control karen screeching at them.

@BROUBoomer - 18.06.2024 17:59

🙂 Have a nice day.

@lawli56 - 18.06.2024 16:43

Story 1: I really don't understand the entitled stupidity of some people. Story 2: How do some people not understand the demarcation between different types of jobs? Obviously if he's replacing the floor tiles he's not a sales assistant. It makes as much sense as a telling the karen to paint the walls of their office at work, because they happen to be in the same building.

@joannebonin5757 - 18.06.2024 16:34

worked in retail for years Oh the stories I could tell you lol

@deborahdicesare9042 - 18.06.2024 16:30


@deborahdicesare9042 - 18.06.2024 16:17

Story 1:
You can bet that there would be some nice big piles of dog crap mixed within the leaves that I was putting in front of her door.

@lourdescollet7225 - 18.06.2024 16:03

Story 5 sounds like a re make of another story… kinda fake…

@christinaf713 - 18.06.2024 16:00

The nerve of a lazy person to call a non lazy person lazy LOL

@bettamom7593 - 18.06.2024 15:56

Target in Albuquerque change their restrooms from men's on the left to men's on the right.. they're usually on the left.. I walked in and saw the urinals. Fortunately, I'm a janitor so walking into a men's bathroom does not unnerve me! But it's still hard to go right instead of left at that one Target

@tommmorton6625 - 18.06.2024 15:50

Going to the supermarket but instead getting charged with Assault, Terroristic threats, Resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer. Don't watch Fox news kids, that nonsense will rot your brains.

@margaretsnewtoylynnparks5336 - 18.06.2024 14:26

I have SEEN grandmothers training the grand daughters to SHOPLIFT! It’s sad! I hope that little girl SURVIVES that family of theives!

@NeoLotex - 18.06.2024 14:25

The last story reminds me a bit of myself when I was a lot younger, like 10-12 years old. I loved swimming back then, but I forgot my goggles that day and got some of the chlorine water in my eyes. I was in the smaller pool meant for children, because it was nice and warm to chill for a few minutes and the showers were directly beside the stairs, so I kinda stumbled my way towards them, got and in then BOOM, massiver honkers. Felt like the weirdest, but also luckiest day in my life at that time, but looking back I really hope the woman was in the boys' shower and I didn't accidentally went in the girls' because I couldn't see anything. Nothing bad happened and I simply cleaned up and went out again, but it's quite a funny memory, because I probably looked like a deer in headlight.

@sheilatagg2699 - 18.06.2024 13:49

Peace officer? Why are they not called police officers now?
