Alzheimer’s Is Not Normal Aging — And We Can Cure It | Samuel Cohen | TED Talks

Alzheimer’s Is Not Normal Aging — And We Can Cure It | Samuel Cohen | TED Talks


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Pearl Shah
Pearl Shah - 05.10.2023 18:22

Any idea on what the progress on this was ?

yana1955 - 23.09.2023 21:20

Nice idea with a new drug but Big Pharma will make sure no one can afford it.

Ty M
Ty M - 05.09.2023 11:55

7 years ago. Where we at now??

Bastián Fuentes
Bastián Fuentes - 15.08.2023 17:41

this is BS! just thinking these diseases in terms of creating a new drug that will be profitable instead of discovering the primary cause of it and teaching people the way to avoid. BS!

K.L. Hollister
K.L. Hollister - 30.07.2023 07:15

Absolutely not true. Look at the effects of Geo engineering, EMF radiation on the human body and the thousands of scientific research studies. There are also many natural cures that work better than any prescription medication.

a l t
a l t - 17.07.2023 09:22

none if this.


Yung Trips
Yung Trips - 10.07.2023 12:20

I'm here because my biggest fear is having dementia and forgetting who I am and all my life experiences

Paul Thomas
Paul Thomas - 09.06.2023 00:28

Not looking so good. Forty years slamming your heads against the wall, fraud uncovered, still refusing to admit you've got the wrong model. You don't know what AZT is, how to diagnose it, what causes it, or honestly...if it's even a real disease different from dementia. Maybe amyloid plaques are the brain's version of white blood cells.

Benjamin Hartley
Benjamin Hartley - 29.05.2023 20:22

For the elite

δlieř - 18.05.2023 03:09

hes basically talking about drug and nothing about nutrition.. useless video.. its worthless if you take the so called drug and eat junk food.. there is no silver bullet.. your body capable to heal itself, granted you give it proper nutrition that its need.. food thy medicine.. our ancestor barely have this kind of problem.. go figure

Tom Lehr
Tom Lehr - 14.05.2023 23:12

Wish he wouldve talked more on it,some unnecessary info

Saeed - 07.05.2023 04:23

Lol wtf is an alzhiemers worm

Dean Huckins
Dean Huckins - 29.04.2023 20:40

Diet and lifestyle causes Alzheimer’s, we need to change the cause, please see the China study by Colin Campbell. Keep it simple, be on a vegan diet, on our knees we need to seek the Great Physician

Jedi100 - 26.04.2023 08:09

Thank you. Although advocating to find a cure for Alzheimer is essential, but the title does not pertain to that. The title is misleading, as one thinks that the speech is about a cure.

Kennedy Nicole
Kennedy Nicole - 11.04.2023 13:19

My husband first experienced confusion and loss of memory in May of 2012 while undergoing rehab for alcoholism. Being home seemed to help him until 2017 when he gradually began experiencing Alzheimer’s symptoms. He had four to five hours a day where he wanted to get a "greyhound" to "go home." Also, he thinks I am his sister and believes he has rented a car (he hasn't driven in 5 years). His personal hygiene was in the tank, it was necessary for him to change two to three times a day. Without long-term insurance for his care, it was becoming stressful to care for him. This year our family friend "Ken" introduced and started him on BRONGEE HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS for Alzheimers and Dementia, 2 months into treatment he improved dramatically. At the end of the full treatment course, the disease is totally gone. No case of Alzheimer’s, hallucination, forgetfulness, and others, he’s strong again and able to go about daily activities. Contact Dr. Rohan today to Get yours via dr.rohanronjohn@ gmail. com As this may also help you or your loved one get rid of Alzheimer's and Dementia.

M M - 10.04.2023 06:09

Listen, there are only 3 disease mechanisms that cause pathology in humans. Autoimmune, inflammation, and misfolded protein deposits. These are all part of the immunological response to a self-antigen (autoimmune disease), or inflammation from an infection that causes abnormal scarring (HSR type 3), or misfolded protein inside of a cell that dies, bursts open and deposit misfolded protein onto tissue. Now these proteins are attacked by antibodies that causes destruction of the structure that they are attached to (ie. alzheimer's). Here is how you can cure alzheimer's. You have to fix the cell's ubiquitin and proteases to make sure that the misfolded proteins get degraded properly. because if they don't, and they accumulate, when the cells die, they will leak out and these misfolded proteins (called amyloids) will deposit onto healthy tissues, such as brain. We also need to figure out which phagocytic cells are responsible for clearing these proteins (as the proteins are phagocytosed, it will cause inflammation and damage to the tissue). another way to come up with a cure is to develop some type of antibody that will bind up all the misfolded proteins inside of the cell so that when it does burst open and release these amyloids, this amyloids won't be able to bind to any other healthy tissues like brain.

K D - 06.04.2023 19:12

So what was the drug administered to the worms?

lubomir kubas
lubomir kubas - 14.03.2023 22:29

i dont think i can explain in words how thankful i am for people like these scientists. when i heard that there was a drug that could cure it in early stages, i was so happy. i thought that there was no cure, but now i have hope. (i dont have dementia and nobody i know has it, i'm just really happy that there is a cure)

Shaggy - 14.03.2023 18:29

Didn't get the way to cure it !
Should mention how to cure it aswell

Ashley Ching
Ashley Ching - 24.01.2023 21:38

Alzheimer’s causes as many deaths as cancer

BearMeat4dinner - 23.01.2023 08:22

When a cure is found for Alzheimer's that same cure will be able to be used on Skitzophrenic patients! The brains are similar...

T K - 23.01.2023 03:42

of course we can cure it like everything else. we just dont know how totally. but the cures exist for everything

TG - 22.01.2023 03:45

Diatomaceous earth helps with Alzheimer’s!

kristallo - 20.01.2023 07:38

my grandma suffered from alzheimers and my dad suffers from alzheimers right now. i know my chances are high that i will develope alzheimers one day too but i do hope when that day comes, theres a cure for it. i dont want my loved ones to see me waste away the same way i see my dad waste away right now. its horrible. i wouldnt wish this on my biggest enemy

Nick Anderson
Nick Anderson - 11.01.2023 06:40


Patricia Myers
Patricia Myers - 05.01.2023 21:16

drugs ☹

Cathy Binder
Cathy Binder - 30.12.2022 19:55


Cathy Binder
Cathy Binder - 30.12.2022 19:40

My mother has Alzheimer’s and I have been feeling NUTS for years now as I’ve found , horrifyingly NO ONE UNDERSTANDS THIS DISEASE INCLUDING THE MEDICAL INDUSTRY!!!! These blessed people are SUFFERING and it’s OUR RESPONSIBILITY to get with it and learn EXACTLY HOW TO MEET THESE PEOPLE WHERE THEY ARE!!!! We cannot continue to speak OVER these people, ABOUT these people, ignoring these people!!!! We cannot speak to them like their is something wrong with them!!! These people are living in non-stop fear and chronic stress! I watched my father die early from such a nasty cancer that metastasized to his entire body throughout his bones. It was a living nightmare and I know that so many of us have been through this and know exactly what I mean💜
But THIS ALZHEIMERS makes that entire tragic challenge with daddy seem like a piece of cake! I’m going to create some online courses for this! We are ALL SUBJECT to getting this:::::
By 2050 one out of two of us are currently living in the exact way that welcomes this disease. There are MANY easy free things that we can do to work our brains out (just like a muscle in the gym, it needs to be worked out. I am 64 and taking beginner piano lessons and playing ping pong (all racquet sports are great) and learning math and technology. Doing these types of exercises work across the corpus colosseum and use both sides of our brain which is a great workout for it! Also read or write about something new that you are teaching yourself every single day for 30 minutes and sleep being most important foundation for our physical and mental health, followed by exercising and healthy eating (the brain actually has some favorite foods (dark chocolate,blueberries,walnuts, and a couple more😁), and in my opinion everyone should have a baseline brain scan just as we do our hearts ,etc……. This will be very helpful and can tell us right now whether or not we need to address this seriously in our own lives. Hope some of this is helpful and for now we need to press our government and our pharmaceutical companies to ASSIGN GRANTS TO scientific communities who are studying this awful challenging disease…… and MOST IMPORTANTLY WE NEED TO REMEMBER THAT THE SENIOR PEOPLE IN THE WORLD ARE OUR ELDERS AND THEY HOLD THE WISDOM AND DESERVE OUR COMPLETE RESPECT UNTIL THE DAY THEY PASS ON TO THEIR NEXT PURPOSE!!!!!! THANK THEM! They are here struggling and suffering and scared to death in order to teach us patience, respect,compassion,love, deepening and widening our hearts!!!!! LETS NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST OLDER PEOPLE INSTEAD LETS CELEBRATE THEM and be GRATEFUL TO THEM!!!
Tho my mama can no longer speak properly and mostly just doesn’t because she no longer can……… but I call her every day (we live in separate states and I tvl back and forth constantly and she has live in help but she needs us her children too), she almost ALWAYS ends up putting some words together before we hang up and she will somehow give me the most generous, full of wisdom gift AND I STILL CAN NEVER BELIEVE IT!!!!!! Please please together let’s get super serious about educating ourselves (sooo many books out there) enough to understand what they ARE experiencing and we can LEARN THE appropriate way to address or lie down by or sit next to and rub an arm or leg or scalp….. all of this is exactly what they need!!!!
OH! One more thing I’ve found that she LOVES is for us to watch musicals from when she was younger because they can still remember tunes, even when most else is malfunctioning….. and it makes her happy!!!!! 🫶🫶🫶

Rik Michaels
Rik Michaels - 29.12.2022 09:13

We need to stop subsidizing soy wheat and corn. More vegetables, exercise, lions mane mushrooms, Microdosing psychedelic mushrooms, cannabis, rosemary, turmeric, and many other herbal supplements help reverse the condition. Stop looking for a drug it’s not gonna happen

Lauren Noel
Lauren Noel - 29.12.2022 01:43

Two words: Dale Bredesen

Canucks way - The healthy way 🍁
Canucks way - The healthy way 🍁 - 27.12.2022 10:43

5 ways to build an Alzheimer’s-resistant brain ----
- Get enough sleep
- Diet or rather Mediterranean Diet Eat colorful foods
- Exercise such as Brisk walk for 30 mins 5 times a week
-Avoid chronic stress. Constantly high cortisol levels are bad.
- Learning new things => building cognitive reserves which are redundant neural connections which allow dancing around the gunked up connections

the 5 work as well as any pills. Just do them.

laureta derhemi sokoli
laureta derhemi sokoli - 23.12.2022 23:46

"Everyone with a brain is at risk "😫

golden surfer
golden surfer - 19.12.2022 00:17

well you have de plaque the whole body , so branch chain aminos ... chelation ..... edta ......then boost with nac.... nmn ..... resveretrol ..... etc has anyone actually done all the types of purification measures and then boosted with all the known mitochondria boosters !????

Not so Gullible
Not so Gullible - 11.12.2022 02:12

Statins are absolutely garbage ... Destroying you're body and capability for almost zero benefit.

Bilal Furqan
Bilal Furqan - 08.12.2022 06:02

The cure isn’t in a syringe.

Małgorzata K
Małgorzata K - 07.12.2022 09:02

"We can cure it"... But how?
Where is the cure?
It is just a speech without a solution of this problem.

Commies are evil
Commies are evil - 24.11.2022 15:35

When Diabetes Type 2 is reversed with diet and it ear is cure out there Alzheimer's will disappear Alzheimer's disease is diabetes 3 and it has to do with the sugar and the abuse of the liver and how sugar toxicity affects the brain

allison roberts
allison roberts - 04.11.2022 03:06

My grandfather didn’t know who I was at 16, he wasn’t diagnosed for 20 years. Now, I can’t remember things I should. I don’t want to lose my memories.

Tania Seal
Tania Seal - 13.10.2022 20:23

Great speech! "Today there are 40 million patients like Augusta who can't create the changes they need for themselves. Help speak up for them and help demand a cure". - Samuel Cohen.

OGAMBA JACINTA - 03.10.2022 04:02

Dr emuakhe thank you so much for solving my age Old dilemma and concern.Naw just after using your herbal supplements for my Ed I feel better, and go hard and strong when necessary.Thsnk you doc..

dae_san - 28.09.2022 14:30

All the talk about the disease but no word on how to prevent. Study on healthy keto and low carb diet.

I am A smurf
I am A smurf - 25.09.2022 20:28

Worms with alzheimers lol , so many questions about that how they gave them alzheimers or knew they had alzheimers

Pedro Strom
Pedro Strom - 23.09.2022 04:46

its is the most horrible of the deseases, of course all diseases are horrible but this one is just horrible ! also medical community cannot be happy with themselves , this has been the period with LESS progress of all time !! horrible horrible desease and it is my belief that researchers today cannot think as clearly and as diligently and direct as they needed to in order to be more competent at their job , unfortunately , science and specially medical science advances are slowing down and it will remain like this until the human brain n our days society changes deeply.. unfortunately i am losing my faith on mankind at this point , everywhere i look people are worse and right now i cannot see progress in much these days...

KellyPantsNo1 - 13.09.2022 18:01

Alzheimer’s is increasingly looking like a microbially-mediated disease (both systemically and in the gut). Get your gut microbiome fixed, clean your teeth, try a full keto stint or fasting, then improve your omega-3:6 ratio and lots of fiber

vinnie ackerman
vinnie ackerman - 08.09.2022 17:18

he looked like he was in horror while delivering this speech

Samanda - 25.08.2022 16:33

Plaques and tangles have been found in the brains of healthy people. What's being found are small holes in the brain. I understand this is an older video, but it should be updated or have more info added.

Annette P.
Annette P. - 19.08.2022 23:27

I had been not been able to finish sentences about 3 or 4 years old, & my MD put me on Aricept & my life has more quality & I'm able too continue living on my own. Thanks for caring, Sir.

Pat Newson
Pat Newson - 19.08.2022 17:52

Impressive presentation. I am struck, though, that this is solely a drug-based approach. Despite all the money collected & spent on finding a cure for cancer, today 2022, isn’t cancer the 2nd leading cause of death? & it’s still “cut, poison, burn” from the allopathic medical paradigm. There are people out there who have cured themselves of cancer thru diet & lifestyle change. Perhaps such might be a possibility for Alzheimer’s?
