The Truth About Ace | The Curse of Fenric | Doctor Who

The Truth About Ace | The Curse of Fenric | Doctor Who

Doctor Who

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RopeDrink - 25.09.2023 11:42

Curse of Fenric is still my No.1 DW story, but I wouldn't recommend it as first-time viewing -- because it works best if you've been following 7+Ace throughout S25+S26. Having said that, it's 100 minutes of creepy Lovecraftian horror, and the backdrop of WW2 is always a favourite of mine. Great performances, excellent one-off monsters, an impressive body count, fantastic side characters, viking curses, code-cracking, and plenty of memorable moments. The final moments of episode 3 are deliciously spine-chilling <3

thesnakeman8006 - 19.08.2023 05:33

Now, although she's NEVER done any nudity or sex scenes throughout her career, I believe that sophie aldred was slowly becoming one of many british sex symbols in that era.

Clever Penguin GAMING
Clever Penguin GAMING - 19.02.2023 13:46

Running through time with my nitro nine

crazy burkey
crazy burkey - 07.01.2023 04:46

An odd rendition of "I am my own Grandpa" 🤔🙁🤣

DNF - DEAD - 24.11.2022 11:37

I really liked Ace as a companion... not a damsel in distress

rich allen
rich allen - 15.11.2022 18:29

6 months ago I met Sophie at Elsecar comic con, she's 60 now but she's still gorgeous.

Balaclava the Slide God
Balaclava the Slide God - 14.11.2022 00:32


Paul Shorney
Paul Shorney - 01.11.2022 15:32

When doctor who was great 👍

Phill Tolkien
Phill Tolkien - 31.10.2022 20:45

I had a crush on Ace. My fav assistant.

Amy Reid
Amy Reid - 30.10.2022 11:19

7 could be almost evil at times. He’s comes across as quiet, unassuming and bumbling but he was dark. Always in total control, cool as a cucumber.

Daniel Williamson
Daniel Williamson - 28.10.2022 09:31

One of Doctor Who's darkest scenes. Powerful and well-acted.

Juice Bird Media
Juice Bird Media - 26.10.2022 04:36

This is so great!

Meta Cinema
Meta Cinema - 14.10.2022 06:28

This reminds me of the scene in The God Complex when the Doctor had to rid Amy of her faith in him by saying he can't save her and convincing her he's responsible for stealing her childhood and leading her to her death.

Matt Horn
Matt Horn - 30.08.2022 01:29

I can't think of a dark moment in New Who that compares to this one. It is literally The Doctor destroying a companion's faith.

jelly babies are cool
jelly babies are cool - 15.06.2022 10:23

This is why 7 is my favourite Doctor

Craig Champagne
Craig Champagne - 10.03.2022 22:38

Sophie Aldred. Ace.

Concreteowl - 05.02.2022 17:41

The score is really awful it ruins a great story.

TheWpiszOpis - 12.11.2021 03:56

Co ten Talar odpierdala to ja nawet nie wiem

Bear376 - 09.08.2021 00:59

I was ever so in love with her when I was little.

Joel Trussler
Joel Trussler - 18.10.2020 00:06

How would people react If the Doctor did this to Their Companion in Nuwho

Baba Chacha
Baba Chacha - 17.10.2020 11:59

I thought they should do a spin off show with ace as a detective solving alien mystery’s. It’ll be good to bring old villains e.g autons, seadevils and maybe a cyber man

Andrew Hsieh
Andrew Hsieh - 04.08.2020 19:23

One of the darkest moments of the Classic era.

Raptorfae. - 02.08.2020 01:48

Even though he doesn't show it to save her,seven was basically the only parental figure ace ever trusted, behind the facade of the fool and despite his many manipulative and sometimes even malevolent plans,seven has a heart of gold.

iAmLouise - 13.07.2020 17:18

Are you able to upload the whole of The Curse of Fenric?

Kit Brown
Kit Brown - 26.04.2020 00:30

This is so good, one of my favourite doctor who stories of all time, acting and script absolutely on point

Ben Bastiani Art & Music
Ben Bastiani Art & Music - 20.04.2020 22:53

I legit think they should make a film about Sylvester and the end of the classic series like they did with An Adventure in Space and Time

fantom - 17.04.2020 18:48

Classic story!

GussyT17 - 17.04.2020 02:37

Getting some NuWho vibes here

Lewys Cousins
Lewys Cousins - 16.04.2020 13:10

The Doctor Who channel is finally uploading some of the biggest clips 👏

Brum Racing
Brum Racing - 16.04.2020 01:12

"I have faith in you professor"

Well that's going to do you no good ace, try having faith in THE DOCTOR instead

RJ McAllister
RJ McAllister - 15.04.2020 19:19

In the time before CGI, when writing and acting were still paramount.

Serres TV
Serres TV - 15.04.2020 13:16

"Truth? What is the truth?"

Heather Orr
Heather Orr - 15.04.2020 12:58

Ace is the companion who made you feel brave. She’s so stunning in this scene as is the way her faith in the doctor is portrayed

Isaac Whittaker-Dakin
Isaac Whittaker-Dakin - 15.04.2020 10:27

This wibbly wobbly timey wimey would put Steven Moffat to shame!

Soopr - 15.04.2020 08:53

Is this the one with the vampire people and the town gets over run? If so I freakin loved this as a kid

Kali - 15.04.2020 07:06

Seven's nastiest moment, and probably the darkest moment of any of the Doctors. This was a great scene. Really shows what McCoy and Aldred were capable of - another reason why I was so sorry that the original series ended so soon after this.

Joel Gerald Kydd
Joel Gerald Kydd - 15.04.2020 05:43

My first and favorite Companion!

Alice Mayee
Alice Mayee - 15.04.2020 05:13

I hope she dies quickly. It is totally boring the new series with the female version. I loved all parts of Doctor Who, but that was a bust... 😭😭

Jon L
Jon L - 15.04.2020 04:45

One of my favourite moments!

Garfield - 15.04.2020 04:17

I made the 10th doctor as my avatar in roblox my user name is chef_troopa in roblox

David Pearson
David Pearson - 15.04.2020 03:56

Sophie Aldred mentioned in the dvd extras that cast and crew nicknamed this set as the nipple factory 🤣🤣🤣

David Pearson
David Pearson - 15.04.2020 03:21

The Blu Ray Boxset for this story alone is worth every penny spent - even just for the extras. Everything about this story from script, costume and performances is WHO at its best. Not one performance is at fault or outdone. Though I was transfixed by Commander Millington - Alfred Lynch, I wish we saw more from him. JUDSON: The machine can do it, .... This is the first. In the future there'll be many more computing machines, thinking machines.
MILLINGTON: Yes, but whose thoughts will they think?

Caroline Smith
Caroline Smith - 15.04.2020 03:02

Right. Well I had heard of Ace and remembered her from another programme so when this popped up I thought why not that looks interesting.

Out of context. This clips contains multi faceted levels of abusive. With absolutely no warning.

And not everybody who watches these videos has access to the context. Because doctor who has been going on for nearly 60 years.

Not everybody knows every single story line.

So you either need to warn people, explain at the end what actually ended up happening. Or you need to seriously consider the impact that uploading a video like this can have.

Dalek Caan
Dalek Caan - 15.04.2020 02:28

How many comments has Scotty Bee made?

Retard Bingo
Retard Bingo - 15.04.2020 01:45

Ace is still a hottie

Abigail French
Abigail French - 15.04.2020 01:27

What is occurring I haven't watched classic who

RBenjo21 - 14.04.2020 22:31

Reuploaded in HD. I think they’ve done a wonderful job upscaling OB video. Stunning.

Jodi M
Jodi M - 14.04.2020 22:24

What happened to Ace

Allan Veríssimo
Allan Veríssimo - 14.04.2020 21:59

Now THAT is a great plot twist.

And also one of the darkest moments of any Doctor in the series.
