How Carl Jung Knew If Someone Was Living Authentically

How Carl Jung Knew If Someone Was Living Authentically

Whispering ideas

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@Greggy-un6er - 20.12.2024 19:19

Almost like freedom is an earned burden, painful in its process; rich in its consequence. Again: Thank you!

@lraleftvie7785 - 20.12.2024 21:51

Good video thank you

@JH-th9th - 20.12.2024 23:03

Amazing message...Thank you !

@angelus_solus - 21.12.2024 04:09

I look inward and see nothing but a void. There's nothing to look at, no barriers, nothing I'm afraid to face. There is only emptiness.

@eli7527 - 21.12.2024 05:16

Idk what the fck is wrong with me man. Idk what I want or what to do

@eli7527 - 21.12.2024 05:18

What is even a true self

@VestRSU - 21.12.2024 07:49

What is the source for the quote at the end? The internet seems to say its a hodgepodge of things borrowed from Joseph Campbell and Jean-Paul Sartre.

@thecore6901 - 21.12.2024 10:59

Cheers to the one who put this together. Excellent packaging, a perfect formula 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

@adirsab - 21.12.2024 14:51

you have too much bass on your voice. but great video, thanks.

@QuoteFeelings - 21.12.2024 16:46

Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside awakes

@jasonshapiro9469 - 21.12.2024 19:25

If you cant live authentically then at least there's probably some medication you can take..or maybe you just need to find the right religion. Finding their true self may cause some people nothing but problems..may find yourself going from a penthouse to a dirty cave somewhere

@lisskayeff6862 - 22.12.2024 13:00

Wonderful - thank you

@sophia3371 - 22.12.2024 17:59


@hetzijzoal - 23.12.2024 10:01

How do you get to the idea that there is a way to experience the outer world?

@62Movement - 23.12.2024 19:24

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakes.


@Karnegie - 24.12.2024 19:13

Most of my shadow was accepted by me after learning carl jung. I was wrongly judging myself as sinner unworthy and so on . All of those came from religion society and parents. Now i have answers to them and i dont care what they think according to their taboos and mind viruses. They would even shame me for their faults. Such a gas lighting world we were in. Today almost everyone is a narc including my generation and the next two generations as far as i watched them. All i know there is a being above me r humans that knows heart of people. That being wont judge me nor i would judge myself. The stress from matrix world making us not to perform well and blame on ourselves for the faults. Some of the shadows are very silly such as sexual. It made you sinner and shamed by your religions and i broke that shit. You cant judge me because of my relationship wives girlfriends and even if , i dont care. However i used to judge myself on those as same as my religion and culture. Both religious and cultural archetypal wounds are so deep in the system. Thanks again to Jung.

@alshort752 - 25.12.2024 00:26

Yes he was a complete fraud.

@Libroer - 25.12.2024 16:02

Thank you for not using AI voice

@thomasshy7996 - 25.12.2024 17:30

Ditto Now that we know 3 D 🌏 is we’re all Sols go 2 Evolve Now that we all know we’re not our 3 D Egoic Minds or Thoughts or lower vibbrational Energy Thinkers or past Stories! We all Are The watchers that Watch The Watcher The Silent Wittness The observer of All ‘👁️And The Father Are 1 our kingdoms come From within our Devine Queedoms! ❤& Sols ‘

@Tatvam_ - 25.12.2024 18:57

So how do you know if someone is living authentically???? Did I miss that part??

@KsnydaY10 - 26.12.2024 03:13

Just keep learning & loving)))
Feet 👣 feet 👣 feet 👣
We are one*
All going home

@atashakgem - 26.12.2024 06:09

for years and years my father criticized my mother, an artist, very fragile w a delicate soul, iso LOVED the way she was, she always talked about things nobody even knew nor noticed! Full of knowledge, she was an artist, so creative, eating healthy, a very elegant lady w great taste YET my jealous superficial father always thought she is not like all other women, and he always wanted a very typical woman,,, I learned how to be just ME, not a follower, not a copier if others, I never cared about status, never! I learned from beloved mother, however; the authenticity is not appreciated nor valued in such materialistic world, not a tiny bit😢sadly, it doesn’t bring you money either, often times I wish I was not an authentic rather wealthy w stupidity and dumb mind since they are the winners 😢

@decencywarrior9598 - 26.12.2024 21:18

I wish I had this piped. to my ip address sooner. - hey do you think these casts actually help anyone? I wonder how many are loved , but manipulated so much by who loves them , that it might thwart typical senses , creating undesriable results?

@flowerdoyle3749 - 27.12.2024 05:27

The reference to the bonsai tree wasn't the best example. Bonsai trees are manipulated and pruned, both branches and roots to become something of mans imagination. Has nothing to do with growing freely into the living being god intended it.

@justinkarlin - 28.12.2024 03:19

Do you by any chance have a list somewhere of the art you use? Some of them are really beautiful. I particularly love the bonsai tree painting.

@fndngnvrlnd - 28.12.2024 11:48

Everyone on this planet needs Therapy and healing.
