How To Stop/Turn Off Email Notifications On Twitter For All Mobile & Pc

How To Stop/Turn Off Email Notifications On Twitter For All Mobile & Pc


55 лет назад

39,444 Просмотров

This tutorial is about how to turn off email notifications on twitter.

When i try to open my gmail account or yahoo mail via my pc this ads and twitter tweets won't go away.

Always it indicates sound tone in my phone,and sometime button is not working.So how to fix this error.

If you are using desktop,just watch step 2.But if you enable any message for a specific person just click to turn on this option.

This trick 2022 released works for all android mobile and ios iphone also.


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how to stop receiving twitter notification emails :

1.Long time i have the one doubt,about how can i unsubscribe from twitter email about others.

2.But today i get the answer to cancel all my notifications like that retweets and comments.

3.Just open that app and then complete login or sign up process.

4.In home page section you can press that profile icon - Settings and privacy - Email notifications.

5.Here you can customize some options like that follow request,analytics.

6.But if you don't like anything just click to turn off it.

7.Once you disable this setting all the problem is solved in permanently.

#stoptwitternotificationemails #turnoffnotifications #twitteremailnotifications


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