UiPath: Examples with Switch (string, integer and boolean)

UiPath: Examples with Switch (string, integer and boolean)

Anders Jensen

4 года назад

5,657 Просмотров

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@mokindbhosle1909 - 12.12.2022 15:41

Hello sir,
I my Output excel sheet have colunn "Days" have integer values like 4, 6, 10, 500 and 55.
I want if the "Days"column value is between 0 to 7 write "00-07" in "Ageing" column of same sheet, if "days" column value is between 8 to 15 days write "08-15" in "Ageing" column. How to achieve this using Switch case.

@relax_music668 - 20.03.2022 02:21

how write switch number range

@anatolek7 - 06.01.2022 04:53

Could we use a Switch for a number guessing game?
