The Most Depressing Graph EVER!

The Most Depressing Graph EVER!

Alexander Grace

2 года назад

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@user-mc7ez6lm4x - 03.01.2024 14:19

I know a 220 meter long guy friend and he is 50 years old and single, even though it is true, he easily picks them up and has sex for free, literarly, he is a nordic languages translator, you know what that means in Russia in 2024, he is totally broke!

@apophis9192 - 03.01.2024 06:00

The height thing is always been so funny to me, as I'm 6'3" and never had any luck with women 🤔

@NoferTrunions - 03.01.2024 00:52

Severely biased: Speed Daters. Same study for church singles groups would be interesting.

@NoferTrunions - 03.01.2024 00:46

175cm = 5'9

@danielepp3113 - 03.01.2024 00:27

Women prefer taller men because they think other women prefer taller men.

@shrunkensimon - 02.01.2024 18:00

Just like poverty is the twin of wealth, if every guy was 6ft+ due to collective sexual selection then all that would happen is women would find a new selector to discriminate against (face, wealth, etc).

It's not about you or your height. It's about how they perceive themselves against other women.

@kalabalik4166 - 02.01.2024 09:23

This height thing is female competition thing. By having a tall man they can show other girls how successful they are. That is the major reason. Tall men are not stronger, better looking, or in anyway it indicates they are better men, but it is about appearance. It is same thing than having exotic boyfriend, famous boyfriend etc. they are also allowed to be shorter.

@DeusExMachina50 - 02.01.2024 07:04

The solution is height maxxing with limb lengthening surgery.

@joshuacoleman6245 - 02.01.2024 05:40


@blacklyfe5543 - 31.12.2023 05:49

Modern women are delusional my guy

@pkerit308 - 28.12.2023 19:13

American women want a man that does not exist. Sure there are 6' tall men but not as many as the women who want them. Most of those men are not single so yeah, America women want something that does not exist

@user-wp8mt1gt8u - 27.12.2023 10:26

Luckily you are born as Caucasian..still have good looking...if you're born as Asian especially in southeast asia,its wayy worse..small and short,unactractive face

@Big-bob560 - 26.12.2023 03:44

The 7 centimeters thing is men wanting taller women as well as the average height difference is 17 cm so both men and women want taller partners

@ngayari - 25.12.2023 22:56

Aww. But Tyrion Lannister was the best.

@DaveBoswell-lz3kc - 25.12.2023 22:13

Start holding women accountable for their selfish behavior

@twilightroach4274 - 25.12.2023 06:49

Yep all true, but there’s not enough 6’ + guys to go around. So picky women miss out too!

@renecsicsovszki3923 - 23.12.2023 04:14

No, its not true, that humans became taller over time. It's even the other way around and homo sapiens became smaller since getting sedentary in comparison to the hunter gatherers, where everyone was really tall, because of "modern" malnutrition and lack of adjustment to food and livestyle. But in comparison to the last centuries and middle ages humans became truely taller. Thats why men who are small nowadays can thank for this circumstances to the "bad mating decisions" of their male and female ancestors, because they passed this genes on to their children. Equally human brainsize has become smaller without performance-loss, that seems more energy-efficient and humans have become less aggressiv than "early humans" and more and more "peaceful", similar to dogs that are domesticated wolves. You can anticipate these mentioned things as the approximate overall "ascending" trends of future human evolution. There is one more thing you should know: Male and Female humans lived voluntarily primarily monogamous until sedentary, having only a few children, because it was harder to raise them on their way as nomads. It is also believed by many anthropologists and evolutionary biologists, that especially this fact made the difference to succeed evolutionary in comparison to homo sapiens "direct relatives" the anthropoids, like Chimpanzees and Bonobos, that are primarily polygamous, where male parents don't take care of their offspring, because responsibility makes no sense here biologicaly on them(the father can be any ape etc.).

@mjn3544 - 22.12.2023 07:15

The idea that short women mating with taller men will also result in taller women. So the problem never ends.

@theairevolution2430 - 22.12.2023 03:11

I'm 5'7", divorced 2 times, over 58 (although I look like i'm in my mid 40s). Lucky me.

@richardcogbill6791 - 21.12.2023 23:59

Meet women from the Philippines. They are shorter, educated, feminine and attractive.

@christinehaley8097 - 21.12.2023 06:34

You're out of your mind! Where do you find these shallow empty women who can't see a foot in front in front of their face. This is nonsense! You're recommending Wheat Waffles?! His data is not legitimate or scientific!

@chelsealewis-orme2477 - 20.12.2023 23:35

Look, it's not a cognitive choice that most women are making. It's a biological urge. We don't purposely think 'oh he's just too short'. It's far more primal than that. So, to want women to relax on that desire isn't really logical. We like our men taller, it's that simple.
In our caveman times, taller meant well nourished as a child, likely a skilled hunter and more likely to produce healthy offspring. I think we should always bring these facts back to our primitive mind.
If we look at history as a whole, humans keep getting taller, and I dont doubt a huge part of that is because women continue to choose taller men.

@freeagent6203 - 20.12.2023 22:38

I know the metric system is supposed to be better. But trying to visualize 170 cm or 160 cm. Vs 5 ft or 6 ft tall. Well nuff said. Same with kilometers vs miles.

@tamasgyorffy1 - 20.12.2023 18:02

Alex, Alex, Alex... 52 y olda Hungarian here. You know (you KNOW!!) that manliness is about output/performance/achievement/talent... ANYTHING in the human existence that can be interpreted as a result, or a realistic high potential will cause the importance of physical male attributes to shrink instantly, and in direct proportion with the level of that outstanding element. Wealth is only one, albeit not a small one. You can play guitar, run fast, jump high, be good at chess.... really, females have a DNA code that detects and sticks to outstanding quality that will make the human species better. Guys, find a something and be good at it.

@Trec88 - 20.12.2023 13:27

even the silver lining for short kings is untrue, the tall guys have so many options they don't want to commit to just one woman long term. essentially C-blocking the short ones

@mostlymessingabout - 19.12.2023 21:20

I'm moving to umpalumpaland

@Adreno23421 - 19.12.2023 08:26

I ain't pretty (prob a 5, maybe 6? maybe 4?), but I'm 6'3. I've dated a few 7s and 8s, surely my height (and smarts) make a big difference. This video makes sense.

@jimspear3033 - 18.12.2023 22:59

Back in the day i was in the army. My Sargent said the average height 150 to 160 pound soldiers did the best in the pt tests in basic. He liked training them.

@EditioCastigata - 18.12.2023 22:18

(1) There'll always be men shorter than average. (2) If you want for a woman to divulge an attractiveness-rating about you, ask her how tall she thinkgs you are. Doesn't work of course if she remembers you standing, but else give it a try.

@user-dc7tt2dc8g - 18.12.2023 20:45

Don’t use those dumb apps. But IF you use those apps and you are honest about your height Know that you are weeding out superficial idiotic and unwise women.
I brought this subject up with women that I work with some are mid but several are above average or better looking all arranged from very kind warm and caring to very accomplished. Those who used dating apps I asked what their height requirement was they entered into their search. When they said they put in 6’ I stated honestly that they had very much limited their search. That 6’ was quite above average and then stated truthfully that they would have lost out on three of the best looking , intelligent, and accomplished men on the unit by such a narrow margin that they would not have even noticed. I myself am 5’11’ but who could know by just looking.

@1MuchButteR1 - 18.12.2023 16:18

That feeling when you got the genetics for bad exotic latinas to make moves on you

@kostadinbodurov7703 - 18.12.2023 15:00

its impossible couse shorter women will give birth to many short children including boys... selective breading does not work only one way... must include both parents.

@kostadinbodurov7703 - 18.12.2023 14:57

Feminisms debunked. Tall man symbolizes strength... Bigger man equals stronger man. Tall and strong often is Alpha protective type of personality. So They scream feminism but subconsciously want Alpha top dog.

@angrygopnik2317 - 18.12.2023 07:41

Charles Darwin wasn't wrong with natural selection. We, humans, are no different than other animals in terms of our biological thinking.

@neuromax3766 - 17.12.2023 23:37

It's called evolution.

@michaelbenton2518 - 17.12.2023 20:39

Women are rubbish now but sadly and they know we cant do without them and use us to there advantage.

@chasemer6 - 17.12.2023 08:46

Wow. Women would rather date a 7 ft tall freak than a guy 5 ft 6 inches tall. If the most desirable height is 6 ft, the delta down is 6 inches but the delta up is 12!

@Uthael_Kileanea - 17.12.2023 06:06

There's these crabs that have one claw LARGER than the other. And it's so big it's impractical. It's getting in the way, more useless than useful. The female crabs go for the largest. Natural selection is leaving the larger claws in the gene pool.

@ak5659 - 16.12.2023 11:29

It's pretty funny to listen to this. These women are making themselves look stupid.

Most gay men are well aware that a guy's height has no connection with how good he is in bed or good a boyfriend he is.

@tracywilliams7929 - 16.12.2023 03:16

Eugenically this is a dead end. Short women mating with tall men is still dysgenic. Tall X Tall is eugenic. The Laws of Inheritance are inviolable. Another eugenic trend is average women 's rejection of high IQ specimens. This way HIQ X HIQ stays the norm in mating. Indeed, MENSA has been a meeting place for many couples (I personally knew a genius woman who joined to meet super-intelligent men) BTW forget the ignorant stereotypes about "nerds" scientific studies show that HIQ couples have a much, much lower divorce rate than normies. A MENSA survey showed members reported "deep satisfaction" in their sex lives. Lewis Terman proved the Gifted are taller ( informally, Colin Wilson in his essay, "The Outsiders", cited a 6'2" male average) have fewer physical flaws, and females have been measured to have a Coke bottle shape, gynecologically. Gifties have a higher than average income and as a group include the wealthiest men on the planet - literally! The super-intelligent are less likely to marry normies. They are really repulsed on moralistic grounds. So sexual selection by dull witted women fixated on height is likely to lead nowhere but down. As scientists like to say it's a self-limiting problem.😊

@michaelcale272 - 16.12.2023 03:15

I’m married and she is uncomfortable with my average height but she tolerates it.😂

@tracywilliams7929 - 16.12.2023 02:55

Look at another phenom: men not dating women who are taller than they are. Talk about BRUTAL! Men will drop a woman who is taller than they are like a hot 🥔! Immediately dropped. Google <Kiley Langille date> and you will find a Canadian girl who is 6'3" and a model. Men dropped her instantly in all but one case. Even a man 6'4" dropped her Immediately! Apparently a girl taller than they are no matter how beautiful brings out male insecurities no matter how open she is dating a shorter man.

@bmoody9119 - 15.12.2023 05:04

As a 5’5”-5’6” guy, I’ve completely given up on ever finding anyone. Not to mention, being the opposite of attractive makes it even more impossible. It sucks but it is what it is

@kean-leongang1167 - 15.12.2023 02:24

There is one phenomenon that I observed over the years. Tall women (let's say above 5' 8") absolutely hate looking at short women (let's say below 5' 2") dating tall men (let's say above 6'). I have seen those tall women roll their eyes, sneer, cross arm at those couples many times.

@guenzburghdcl7637 - 14.12.2023 16:31

I am 1.74 too but a certain part is 7*8 🎉 so there … now thats a tough choice 😂

@caoimhin7122 - 13.12.2023 07:14

I'm 5'8" and a woman of 5'4" rejected me because I was too short. She said she only dated guys 6' 0" tall! I was just wow! I was 4" taller than she, but she only dated guys 8" taller?! Women are shallow as hell. They will get all bent out shape if a guy says they don't date heavier women, which is a metric that CAN be changed. But they are just fine with themselves rejecting guys that are 'too short', a metric that can NOT be changed. Talking about a double standard! Body weight is an indicator of health, height really isn't.

These women that say that they are a "healthy" fat, are full of crap. They can go on a diet! What are shorter guys supposed to do, spend every night on the rack?!

@seancasey4221 - 13.12.2023 01:25

Im 5’6” and it’s been a sh$t show.

@LennarthAnaya - 12.12.2023 21:08

It's natural selection buddy. I'm 175 cm and short to most standards today, we can live and have hobbies, less responsibilities. Learn to see the bright side of everything.

@oviatb - 11.12.2023 03:02

Don't forget short women pass short genes to their sons!
