I Visited The Most *Overpowered US Navy Warship

I Visited The Most *Overpowered US Navy Warship

Not What You Think

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@NotWhatYouThink - 07.06.2024 16:14

So ... which camp are you in?

@jackolantern404 - 11.06.2024 12:19


@Echristoffe - 11.06.2024 06:51

I think those ship would be a killer ship for the coast guard …
Fast and agile with a good firepower. And also no need for a big crew.

@kelvinmack2574 - 11.06.2024 04:48

What ever the navy wants,should be scrutinized bcuz they are one the most wasteful branches of the military,good idea,but bad design.the builder should cover all costs for refit.get rid of the big help pad,or do away wit it alltogether.why does it need to go faster then 35 knots?

@Nobel-db3hq - 11.06.2024 04:28


@user-ru3lq2lw3e - 11.06.2024 02:20

do you know how it was built? first they get a shipload of good high quality paper. then they get high quality ink. then they use the old machines that they have to print billions of dollars, voila biy as many ships submarines planes and whatever weapons of war usa wants and wants to give to nations that follows their command like ukraine.

that is the power of printed dollar

@woody1320 - 10.06.2024 23:59

Like a multi purpose tool, these ships try to do everything but do nothing well. It may have looked good on paper but the taxpayer good screwed big time, contractors smiling all the way to the bank. 24 year navy veteran, glad I never had to serve on one of these. Two year old ships being retired and they're building more????? Maybe somewhere this makes sense, not in my world.

@user-bt8vn3dj6o - 10.06.2024 22:08

The littoral combat ship " is a piece of junk!

@aterxter3437 - 10.06.2024 19:22

No ASW on lcs ships ? No wonder, with such a noisy ship, it would get spotted by sonar at extremely long distances,

@iDennis95 - 10.06.2024 19:17

It kind of reminds me of the first boat powered by a steam turbine, it went so fast with a prop that they discovered about cavitation.

It went fast though, almost on plane if I remember correctly

@trikyy7238 - 10.06.2024 18:47

How does this guy always know what I think?

@billwendell6886 - 10.06.2024 18:31

I guess the days of " Good news galley slaves, extra grog tonight. bad news the Capt wants to go waterskiing" are over. At least we can catch a Tarantul II now.

@Wuestenkarsten - 10.06.2024 18:25

Why are today´s Government not learning from the Past? ( F111-F14 Problem, F-35 Problems, F14-F18 Super Hornet Problems etc.)??? Well easy said: They are in the same Bed as the Industrial Military Complex, well advised and warned about already from President Eisenhower.
Everything should be done by ONE System: F35 should Replace the F16, the A10..now, it can´t do both Issues very well, yes it can replache an F16 and it´s better in BVR, but not in the Dogfigt.
And Never ever can it replace an "Grund Saver" like the A-10. But, it was " to big to Fail"......that´s why we got it. Same Issue with the F-104 in the 60´ties....
Same is for the Navy Ships.
Why not make clear Specifications, use the same Money on 2 Designs instead for " One Size fit´s all" Policy?
After finding out, the Tax Payer has to pay "additional" Money for "new Packages", a big Lobbyism Sceme.
That is more Money to the Company, to the Politican who did Lobby at it....and it stop´s to have real Competition!!
1950: How many Defence Aircraft Manufacturers? 2024? Only 2....Lockheed and Boing. They talk to each other, the are Monopolists, and no one can say: Oh, I dont want it, because "the War is just around" to make Business!! Because "War is a Business" as it could be seen here in this Video right now.....

@user-hy7wy8rf2x - 10.06.2024 17:37

Law enforcement team? Somewhat concerning possibly.

@tobyw9573 - 10.06.2024 16:36

The 155mm round (6-inch) is extremely popular in the armies of many countries with a very wide range of configurations. But why no use in the Navy???

@tobyw9573 - 10.06.2024 16:31

Design Engineers who cannot make a gearbox should be disbarred.

@martinschneider7130 - 10.06.2024 16:25

So the Admiral will win the waterski race against the admirals of the other navys

@rarerubber - 10.06.2024 15:54

NICE AWES0ME 🎉✨🎉✨🎭💻🖥⌨🖱🎚🎛🎧🎹🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵

@kiereluurs1243 - 10.06.2024 15:10

No sailing, so no 'sailors' on this ship.

@kiereluurs1243 - 10.06.2024 15:09

'Heylows': sort of helicopters.
For those that want to sound 'cool'.

@kiereluurs1243 - 10.06.2024 14:58

Interesting topic, but I can't stand the presentation.
Come on man, drop that mannerism.
Unfollowed long ago.

@richardkroll2269 - 10.06.2024 13:57

I have heard that the crew on both classes of LCS ships can't work on the equipment but only the contractors who built it can. The weapons systems seem to be all for protecting the ship. So if it doesn't go out looking for trouble, it won't have to defend itself. So why was it built? Oh, to make some contractor (MIC) rich who took the Admiral that recommended it be built on to the Board of Directors.
Too many of the Littoral class ships seem tied up in San Diego harbor.

@TheKobiDror - 10.06.2024 13:53

I guess Ukraine would gladly accept these ships into their fleet post war.

@chandrachurniyogi8394 - 10.06.2024 13:44

the Independence class of LCS can function as stealthy guided missile corvettes in the high seas . . . the hull of the LCS will need significant design modifications for trans-oceanic capabilities & endurance in higher sea states . . . marginally thicker hull featuring a bulbous bow & horizontal blade extrusion along either side of the lower hull section to counter thrashing waves . . . a conventional rudder & 360°deg rotating Azimuth thrusters in the aft stern section under hull will replace the waterjet propulsion . . . a 3,000 ton surface combatant that can be deployed as part of a carrier strike group anywhere across the world's mightiest of oceans & seas without giving it a second thought . . . the Independence class offensive capabilities will replace the RGM-114 Hellfire anti-armour missiles with RGM-84E Harpoon inertial guided anti-ship cruise missiles & RGM-109M Tomahawk II active radar guided land attack cruise missiles . . . 455 mm triple tubed torpedo launchers & a 30 MM CIWS that'll complement the existing SeaRAM close range surface-to-air missile . . post modifications the Independence class will be officially classified as a guided missile corvette & will no longer venture into shallow waters . . . all Independence class & Freedom class LCS has to be structurally modified for deployments across international waters alongwith naval task forces . . . littoral waters will be a thing of the past . . . re-assigned to operate in carrier strike groups, just like any Arleigh Burke class guided missile destroyers . . . all naval defense in littoral waters should be categorized as a separate dedicated branch of naval warfare under full oversight by the USN . . . this will save the USN millions in terms of operational costs year-on-year . . . surface combatants in littoral waters should be no bigger than a 1,200 ton - 2,603 ton (loaded) guided missile fast combat crafts & midget sized optionally manned/unmanned reconnaissance & attack submarine displacing a maximum of 820 tons (fully loaded) . . . it'll be armed with three 533 MM guided torpedos & 4 anti-ship cruise missiles . . . plus a concealed 82 MM main gun . . .

@generalcalamity - 10.06.2024 13:18

One of these would make an awesome SUPER super yacht... It's designed perfectly for being a toy hauler and to do expedition journeys whilst still having the speed capability.

Plus the US navy has trained all the staff you would ever need since they all do multiple jobs on the ship...

Get a luxury overhaul of the interior and modify for world touring and you have the ultimate ship...

@billrodgers3840 - 10.06.2024 12:26

Another corporate ripoff for the military,who got the kickback?

@wormyboot - 10.06.2024 10:18

I like seeing all the little details like clipping the chairs to the floor in the ward room. That was neat and simple and clever.

@vinyltapelover - 10.06.2024 07:48

Batman: "Does it come in black?"😄😄

@chriswinter2400 - 10.06.2024 07:35

I would be willing to bet it's top speed is probably just south of 80knts probably 76 77 my best guess I don't understand why there is not 3 main guns tho I think all of them should have 3 of the cannons that are put on the front the 57 mm I think they should always have this low cost high fire rate option cause missiles run out and that would always be there as a safety net

@user-qd9mx4od2t - 10.06.2024 07:32

Over powered US naval ships, aircraft carrier, F15, stealt etc.. with all these sufisticated weapons American never fought war against power of its own calibre.. why always invade small state, they are Coward and equipment doesn't fight itself.

@pattrson - 10.06.2024 07:31

Your report was very exciting when I heard about the jet power because I had the idea of taking the Battleships that they want to retire they should refit with nuclear-powered generators to run electric hydro jet engines which fixes the transmission problem because there wouldn't be a transmission they could augment these Battleships with
Mag's watt lasers plus their big guns and the multiple Phalanx weapon system replacing the antiaircraft guns update electronic defense with high energy weapons accompanied by unmanned submersibles with sonar detection for submarine targeting. One of these parked over by over by Tiwain would give cause for thought, of I almost forgot drone Ariel scouts for over-the-horizon detection these ships have really thick hulls I served on an AOE which. At the end of the war, our hull was destined to become a battleship but was repurposed at the end of the war everything I have suggested at a fraction of the cost of laying a new hill plus they will save the money it costs to decommission!!!

@andyjennings15 - 10.06.2024 07:17

As always it was exactly what I thought.

@pattrson - 10.06.2024 07:08

Your report was very exciting when I heard about the jet power because I had the idea of taking the Battleships that they want to retire they should refit with nuclear-powered generators to run electric hydro jet engines which fixes the transmission problem because there wouldn't be a transmission they could augment these Battleships with
Mag's watt lasers plus their big guns and the multiple Phalanx weapon system replacing the antiaircraft guns update electronic defense with high energy weapons accompanied by unmanned submersibles with sonar detection for submarine targeting. One of these parked over by over by Tiwain would give cause for thought, of I almost forgot drone Ariel scouts for over-the-horizon detection these ships have really thick hulls I served on an AOE which. At the end of the war our hull was destined to become a battleship but was repurposed at end of the war everything I have suggested at a fraction of the cost of laying a new hill plus they will save the money it coasts to decommission!!!

@user-xc6yo6bo7d - 10.06.2024 06:36

Ai sux

@Shipspotting_Vietnam - 10.06.2024 06:28

Nice video!!

@CanCobb - 10.06.2024 04:49

It seems like this class of ship is very, very useful. Boarding party leaves in one raft, SEALS in another. Cannon fire cover 40 miles away an hour later. Covers itself from incoming attacks. Idk what their typical operation would look like, but it seems like it could be dispatched on several mission profiles. Obviously the massive carrier groups are useful for projecting power and fighting major foreign adversaries. This seems incredibly useful for dealing with piracy, terrorism, and inserting small numbers of troops in rapid fashion. And....if the Navy doesn't want some of them, why wouldn't the Coast Guard take a couple? This seems INCREDIBLY useful for the variety of missions that would take place near US coasts.

@petedube9367 - 10.06.2024 04:20

Why is Herr OBiden and his corrupt family allowed to continue their corrupt above the law. They are collecting millions from foreign governments with no basis to justify these payments , other than what Herr OBiden can give these these foreign governments ? Why does the US intelligence and law enforcement agencies allow this to to continue ?

@duaneross9271 - 10.06.2024 04:01

Also shallow water capable.

@xmst5 - 10.06.2024 03:59

So the firepower issue is still there. Only 12 VLS cells + the removal of the flight deck space.

@chasehardison5907 - 10.06.2024 03:56

LCS: Little Crappy Ship

@anthonydrake4244 - 10.06.2024 03:24

Seems like a great asset for US Coast Guard.

@iknowthatsrite6009 - 10.06.2024 02:51

No such thing. "More Power" as we learned from Tim the Tool Man Taylor, is always Preferable~!!!!

@williamt.little1972 - 10.06.2024 01:09

Overly complicated, under armed and probably vulnerable to an attack by a row boat w a sniper shooting a .22 rifle. Can't accurately fire the main gun at speed. Breaks down frequently and has corrosion problems. And the "modular concept" has been abandoned as unworkable. As said - it is an overpowered, overly complicated and overpriced jet ski in search of a proper naval mission. A piece of junk.

@roshawn1111 - 09.06.2024 23:49

soo they retiring ships that are 2 years old while still building 2 more? fucking USA throwing money away, why no change them to a rapid response with the MK70

@grahamstrouse1165 - 09.06.2024 23:45

How are you factually wrong on so many levels! The LCS can’t shoot Tomahawks from a strap-on army missile launcher!

@raycuizon8226 - 09.06.2024 23:26

I used to be an instructor at the US NAVY Gas Turbine School in Great Lakes , Il. back in the early 1990's. Concept is nothing new. Its just jet engines pumping water instead of driving a propeller.

@liamhemmings9039 - 09.06.2024 22:36

This is rather sad. The narrator cannot his basic use of English right in particular his plurals. What a joke.

@OneCanisLupus - 09.06.2024 22:22

That girl is built in all the right places. Amazing!
